How to get invited to parties?

Veeky Forums how do I get invited to parties? I've started to make friends with a couple guys that go to them but I don't want to just invite myself? I'm tired of being a loser. Please help thanks

Throw your own
Or at least invite your new friends somewhere so they get used to you

i don't know how to throw one... but the second idea's good

Ask them to hang out on the night that you know they'll be at a party. Hopefully they invite you. Works every time.

you may want to try talking to people first
no, seriously. go out and act like a 5 year old. Ask people what their name is and what they do and what they like and shit.

>Had a little true friends
>decides to throw a party
>many people came, you are so cool dude etc.
>after party greet someone ,,Who the fuck are you?"
>thats it I am done with making friends

me but
>house absolutely trashed
plus after that I was still as lonely as I was before the party.

you don't your crash them

I fucking hate 5 years olds for being little annoying cunts

Bantz back to them. Don't let them alpha you.
>"who the fuck are you?"
>do you have a learning disability? you were at my house last week ya fuckin' idiot
Even if you don't know the dude. Better to come off abrasive than beta.

>"i don't think we've met before"
>yeah actually we've met a bunch of times, have you been concussed recently?

>"i feel like i recognize you from somewhere"
>you wouldn't, i've never seen you before in my life

If you get invited to a party, send the guy that brought you along a message the next day. "Good party last night, thanks for the invite." Leave it at that. People appreciate it.

Throw a small get together yourself. Not a party mind you, just put together some booze and snacks. Invite these new friends and make sure they have a good time. Be a fun dude. They'll probably start inviting you if they think you're a guy that can have a goood time and make others have one too. Good luck user!

Dress and carry yourself well.
Don't be a weirdo.

If you're good looking they will come to you.

This is setting yourself up for embarrassment when 2 people show up and the rest go to chads kickback instead

Yea guys don't be weird or uggo;-;

>not getting wasted with a small number of friends
If anything it's more intimate and you can talk about deep shit, and it makes the possibility of developing a meaningful friendship more real.

I mean I guess

>meaningful friendship
they're a meme. they don't exist.

Have friends who get invited to parties + make friends or acquaintances with many people, they'll eventually invite you for sure.

This works for me as I have friends who are pretty popular in other cities and we go to parties together pretty often. Additionally we like to crash parties we are not invited to, works like 8/10 times to be allowed to stay without any bothering. You might think it's a cunt or loser move but once you start to not care about certain people you don't care how they view you, also there's not much they can do as most are betas.

But also you lose respect for people when you hear about a dudes party in his newly dug out basement which looks like a construction place where he also demands 7 bucks (seriously) for them to be allowed inside to "party". We simply crashed that party because we have no respect for either of those people.

Normies are the fucking worst

Jesus christ this thread is so full of autism


If you wanna go to a party with some newly made friends you don't have to blurt out like an autist "PLEASE HANG OUT WITH ME"

Start texting them
get their snapchat, whatever they use
tag them in le funny memes on instagram or whatever, whatever you need to do to text or talk to them a couple times a week

then ask them what they're doing this weekend, if they wanna go see a movie with you or get drunk at your place or go to a titty bar. Whatever. The point is to make it less of a jump from meeting them to going to a party by casually talking with them on social media and shit first

>new friends