How did Veeky Forums get off the ganja?

>How did Veeky Forums get off the ganja?

never got on it since I'm no nigger


>there are people out there who get addicted to weed

i still love a puff if theres some going, but was a fucking chronic bonghead since i was about 16-25

heres how you quit, if you actually want to
>stop being a weak little bitch
>just dont smoke weed

user, go pin some fucking heroin or eat oxys for a week or two, feel what addiction actually feels like, then come back and tell me you're 'on the ganja'

>fucking pmsl

Having the knowledge that doing it more than once in a while will fuck me over in the long run. That and caffeine. Work drugs are the best

but what do you do if most of your friends smoke often

Here's my advice if you wanna stop smoking weed:

Stop smoking weed

do you think your use has effected you long-term?

New friends, cut out the cancer, dont live next to it

Realize smoking is a disease caused by a poison which makes you mentally ill.

Visualize coming off it for good.

>start lifting getting fit
>notice weed kills my motivation and sociability
>improve dieting
>weed gives munchies and hunger pangs

I think I'm just growing out of it. When I look objectively at friends that smoke alot they are weak effeminate and unsuccessful. I don't want that for myself so I'm quitting. I will occasionally vape but that's like .01grams so the cost smell and neg effects are minimal.

Replacing it with

- Lifting
- Meditation
- Clean eating

worked for me

Just don't buy any
Delete your dealers number if you have to

By having multiple existential breakdowns that made me realize the value of a rational, healthy and productive mind.

Could you elaborate more?
>existential breakdowns?
>rational, healthy, productive mind etc.

Not that easy when there is a store every other block selling it. It's so easy to pick up a pair of joints for 5-10 bucks

Ur picking up joints for that much

Kill urself senpai desu

Wow I don't even. Literally they are laffin at u right after u leave the 'store'

Why get off? Smoke once a week or two if you're really that concerned about overuse


People still use this word in 2017? I had to do a little research. This is the 14th post (13th post actually because one was reposted) in 2017 when someone uses the word "ganja" on Veeky Forums. Previous occurence of this word was posted on May 6th in a deleted thread with some user's Chad-fiction. Today we have May 12 which is the 132nd day of the year, which means that anons use the word "ganja" 0.0985 times a day on average.

Meanwhile the word 'weed' has been posted 2889 times and the word "marijuana" 174 times in this year alone.

So, try to keep up with the lingo, grandpa

I've been struggling with depression my entire life. I found that weed helped me feel better in the short term but regular use made me worse off the older I got. It's like without weed I'm depressed but it only goes so far, but when I smoke it makes the depth of my depression much deeper. It also supercharged my anxiety problems which weren't crippling but definitely became so when I was smoking. I've come to appreciate a clear, sober mind much more as I've gotten older

I had to quite because of the possibility of getting tested while I'm looking for a new job. It's easy to quite when some outside element forces you to quite.
Couldn't quite to save my life before that though had smoked everyday for 3 years


are you able to speak today or are u still quite ? pls respond

I used to 420 blaze it weed lmao for a many years.

I just got tired of it - it's literally a waster of time. Not only that but at some point it didn't feel good anymore, I only got "bad trips" e.g feeling paranoid and anxious.

Grow a fucking backbone. It's that simple

After 5 years or so it started to make me unbearably anxious, so it was pretty easy to stop using it altogether

i dunno, im a marine biologist and a marine mechanic so.. i dont think it impinged on my intelligence significantly.

ex-partners have always lamented at my 'lack of short term memory', but i can remember scientific facts etc. with accuracy. I dont think I'm any worse off for it.

>basically just had a real good time, did a shitload of drugs, drank way too much, ate some delicious food
got bored of it eventually and decided to do something constructive

>aint hating on the weed
i still like to have a session if i've got nothing important on and have some downtime for a weekend. watch some funny shit. also, feels fucking amazing after lifting heavy, and then chowing down on some good protons.

OP is a fucking absolute faggot. pick yourself up, you little bitch.

I'm not sure I understand the question

Same here, but got that after a year or so

I used to smoke with friends ,but the group I was in decided to go for harder substance like coke or molly etc. I pretty much ended my friendship with them because I didn't want to go that road. After some time I started to smoke by myself. At first it was casual ,but then it become an everyday thing. I got high for 3 months straight without missing a day. Decided to quit and have not smoked since.

Thought about what I wanted to do with my life

Realized that weed wouldn't be able to coexist with that life

Threw away all my gear and weed

Pretty simple desu

You threw away your roids too?

gear is speed, user


weed is for hippies