How is this fucker so strong while looking like that? He OHP's like 260lbs

How is this fucker so strong while looking like that? He OHP's like 260lbs.

his ohp is why it was removed as olympic lift. it looks like incline bench

If you train under mark rippetoe you will get very strong

range of motion


> How is this fucker so strong while looking like that?
He's a turbo manlet, you cant tell from the angle. Also on roids. Also not that impressive.

But good nonetheless.

old oly form that rippetoe is preaching these days, it drastically increases press numbers but can't be compared to a basic military press. It's an incline press

he's 6ft

How can he be on roids and have that shitty delts? He looks Natty

Hes an 18 or 19 year old football player and hes definitely 6'+

whats better about 'basic military press'

wow didn't know chase had his own internet defence force

That's just good technique. Are we going to remove bench from competitions because people arch their backs so much they turn it into a decline bench? Any way you can get it above your head while standing on 2 legs is valid imo. It requires impressive core strength to do more sway back.

He's just not that lean. Are you seriously asking why someone whos not lean doesn't look ripped?

he's not that big upper body wise

you're not that big penis wise

You really can't tell how big someone is when they aren't lean. It's just near impossible to tell.

Especially when they aren't flexing

His OHP is fucking retarded.

But his squats and Deadlift are pretty decent form.

diddly decent, he loses his back flex when lifting weight up

I've soon worse form on instashit.

i think you mean he loses extension.

Implying you can press nearly as much and therefore have any fucking clue what youre talking about

Hello chase. Your strength is impressive but you lack in size (as with most SS victims). I also suspect you're one of those mongs who posts stuff like
>Tfw Aryan masterrace
When in fact you look like a retard

You think he has good OHP form?

>tfw chase browses Veeky Forums and is spamming this thread RIGHT NOW defending his """"""""form""""""""

I think your judgment on the form of a press is not backed by any knowledge or experience

He looks big as fuck what are you on about

Shut up faggot, I'm not me. I mean I'm not him. I'm someone else. No WAY I'm me. I mean him.

You're a fat shit with bad form chase.

well doing this allows you to lift much heavier weights but is also really risky for your lower back. just look at pic related. this isn't press anymore, it's benching

those bench arches and hilarious ROMs are exactly the type of cheating people did with press and started to do these crazy arches and other shit like bending at knees. so judges had no idea what was correct form anymore so they completely removed it. i'm pretty sure they would do the same with bench if they had another decent lift to replace it.

if you ask me press would be much more exciting to watch than bench anyway.

Damn this chase guy seems like a huge faggot lul

Your OHP is a fucking incline push press AKA a fucking useless meme ego boosting exercise. I'd tell you to go fuck yourself but you're already telling your lumbar to go fuck itself and your inevitable herniated disks will keep you from ever doing this shit show of an exercise again so please continue

Sorry dude, I'm not Chase

at any rate, keep smugly doing your suboptimal 'military press' with 100 pounds if it makes you happy. Those of us who actually want to be strong will do the press 2.0 with the slight leanback it requires

good luck ever pressing 265 lbs over your head ever in your life lol

>Slight lean back

he's got mongoloid strength

Chases press looks nothing like that lol

Post more presses from the 60s where you can see people with half the resources you have are still stronger than you kek

i mean isn't doing that basically just doing an entirely different exercise that defeats the purpose of doing ohp in the first place?

Fuck off chase watch your own videos your arch is massive

so, still a manlet according to Veeky Forums

More shoulder activation.

How in gods name can you press something overhead without using your triceps, delts, forearms etc

Because my criteria for an 'entirely different exercise' would be something that uses completely different muscles

Did you mean 'slightly different exercise'? I would say, no not even slightly. There is slightly greater utilization of the upper pec in a slightly leaned back press but otherwise the bulk of the movement involves juicy triceps

And that is good for someone who wants to be stronger why?

it's a strong lift but he's not big at all, seriously lacking hypertrophy wise. You don't do strength training to get big anyways
lmao this is not true, big people at higher bodyfat will be thicc, this guy is chubbyfat. Strong yes, but certainly not big mass-wise, he looks like his arms aren't bigger than 16" at high bodyfat

leaning back during the vertical press bleeds power you fucking idiot. the bar is supposed to go in a straight line, and a straight line is the path of least resistance. in this friggin movement

This is just sad
Its like you almost get it but then WOOSSH right over your head

stop samefagging dude, a bent press is much easier than a strict press. The guy with his perfected 285 bent press might be around 2 plate for a strict rep, which is still strong nonetheless. Note how he lacks power midway even on 225 and the propulsion into incline position does the rest, it's an impressive skill.

>How is this fucker so strong while looking like that?
He's white.

"""Slight""" """""""leanback"""""""

PUSHING OUTWARDS, aka LEANING BACK is not a strict OHP, period. Anybody can cheat a lift and add a couple pounds on it for doing so.

ok bud, now tell me why your idea of a 'strict OHP' is better

not him but less potential of snapping your shit up for a majority of people. Also, when someone says "I can OHP x lbs" people are assuming a strict military press, just as people assume "I can bench x" means raw and not shirted. The lift in the OP is exceptional but I would rather like to refer it as an "olympic press"

Why dxactly do you think a slightly leanbacked press has more potential for injury?

harder to learn

besides that, as bill starr says, the leanback turns the lift from a pure strength exercise to a dynamic move

Secondarily I think the communication issue is a mootpoint considering no one differentiates between low-bar and high-bar back squats when talking about the amount of weight. And if some people choose to press or squat in a manner which limits the amount of weight they can use that's their decision and doesn't mean either version of the fundamental press/squat movement is not a press/squat.
Calling it an olympic press is really a misnomer since before ideas of 'form' were developed, people lifted in a manner that allowed them to lift as much as they could. This naturally involved leanback in the press.

because of the strain on your lower back.

Id argue that if youre worried about fucking yourself up and too lazy to learn a lift you shouldnt be doing it anyways and would be more likely to snap your shit up trying to hold 'strict' form which means god knows what when you are an inexperienced lifter

There would be excessive low back strain from a leanback like these
But in general no one does it like that anymore