Ive been looking at these two programs but I'm not sure which to get

Ive been looking at these two programs but I'm not sure which to get.

Whats your guys 2 cents?

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My friend got kinda skinny on insanity, and did the program twice with proper diet, but then he got fat again. Sucks for him and the gf he got yall he was skinny.

Both of them are shit if you actually want to look good.
If you're going to spend money on fitness, get a gym membership.

>Both of them are shit if you actually want to look good.


OP if you can get a pullup bar and dumbbells I would use p90x. It gives you a decent base for a body if you want to pursue fitness or just general weightlifting. These internet nerds who probably don't even lift do not value muscle endurance and get gassed out walking up stairs. Not everything is SS+GOMAD. Both programs are a step up from doing nothing. You can transition easier off P90x to compounds eventually if you choose to go that path.

They both can kind of work, but honestly it makes no sense buying either one. You would get better results doing calisthenics at home for free.

Both are a shitty program that is designed to make you tired so it makes you feel like youre training properly

Unfortunately besides burning some calories those 'programs' will get you nowhere


they're not worthless. you'll probably: lose weight, improve your core, improve your cardiovascular fitness and work capacity a little, and increase your strength a little

a strength training routine at a gym and a proper cardio routine will exceed the benefits in every dimension (except for flexibility, but i've never seen evidence that flexibility matters for the general population, except insofar as a lack of it inhibits your ability to do a specific act, like front squat; it's possible that such evidence exists)

But whats the difference really? If anything these programs will show me lifting techniques that I would know fuck all about if I joined a gym.

All Beach Body programs are just massive amounts of disguised cardio and a caloric restricted diet.

You will lose body weight on them and you might even find the exercises fun. The sustainability of them is very suspect.

Actually fixing your diet and a sustainable exercise program will be better for less.

Insanity is designed as prep work for cardio-based sports, like running. You will not build muscle doing it, but you can get lean.

I did P90X and, while I wouldn't do it now, it prepared me for the gym. The idea behind it was to provide a gym-like routine for people who don't have access to the gym. What that means is that it's sub-optimal in a lot of ways, but is pretty good at introducing you to resistance training (weights), yoga, and HIIT. If you are completely untrained, you can build some muscle doing P90X, but since it's a brosplit and since you will not have access to heavy weights working from home, your muscle gains will be minimal.

So, given the two options, I'd go with P90X. It's fun, you can gain some strength and muscle, and if you move into a real gym, it makes the transition to proper training easier.

That said, it really is worth your time to go to a gym and use a proper program, rather than a home program based on a DVD series.

if you're looking to start working out and you have minimal muscle development, i would recommend scooby's workout routine, its free and much better than this trendy shit.


good luck son, you can make it.

Both are better than nothing, but you'll get a whole lot more out of a gym membership and a half decent routine.

Is Endurance what theyre geared towards? The thing is I have muscle but its buried under fat.

Don't listen to the fatasses in this thread. If you're not used to working out at a breakneck pace and going to failure pretty much every set p90x will fucking kick your ass. I don't care how good shape you think you're in, you will not be able to complete one of the insanity intro workouts without taking a break.

Both programs aren't gonna do much to build muscle but both of these programs will have you losing weight and improving your cardio like a motherfucker.

I do insanity a few days a week in the morning in order to stay lean, and lift in the afternoon. Seems to work well for me

yes, doing burpees to failure will kick your ass. nobody disputes that. one thing that's in dispute is whether it's the best way to (amongst other things) improve your cardiovascular fitness. i don't think anyone seriously thinks that it's a better choice than any of: swimming, cycling, running, rowing

muscle endurance doesn't exist

you can do sets of 5 heavy and just do cardio and you'll have "muscle endurance"

there's more to it than that, but not much: one ought to distinguish between relative muscular endurance (i.e., being a specialist at higher rep ranges) and absolute muscular endurance (gregnuckols.com/2012/09/14/training-and-some-thoughts-on-muscular-endurance/)

Depends on whether you're talking about aerobic or anaerobic fitness. Will insanity help you do a triathlon? Of course not. Will it develop your anaerobic conditioning to very high levels? It did for me.

even if someone is trying to improve their anaerobic fitness, structured swimming/cycling/running/rowing should be better than doing burpees ad infinitum (plus: there'll be other carryover benefits). that's not to say that P90X is useless for this purpose; it's a question of optimality

i'll also (pre-emptively) cede that most people who swim/cycle/run/row are idiots who don't bother with programming, and that following P90X might, for that reason, be better for a person than copying what the average person who swims/cycles/runs/rows does

I agree 100% with this.

I torrented P90X and did it in my bedroom. I went from a skinnyfat dadbod to a skinny leaner version. It really challenged me and got me addicted to fitness.

For once, I looked okay with a shirt off.
I learned how to push myself, and the set schedule made it easy to stick to. I didn't really follow the diet. Just oxy elite pro (meme fat burner from years ago), chicken+brownrice+veggies, and huge deficit.

It's really not too bad, especially for fat people.

But for a DYEL, I'd never recommend it.

Pic related, my P90X physique from a few years ago.

These programs only fuck with dumb bell shit anyone could look up on YouTube for free.

You look exactly the same.

i started my "fitness journey" on insanity when i was 14 years old in my attic bro

i didn't know shit about dieting or anything so I ended up just like limiting my caloric intake. I did it over one summer and my main drive for that summer was to get thin as i was the fat kid

pic related my starting point

Yeah, they're both from 2012. They're the only pics I have from my P90X days.

Here is what I looked like before.

and end point over the ~two months I did it

i don't know how much weight i lost or anything and i just ended up restricting food because "lmao what's a calorie?" So normally I'd have two burgers I started eating only one and then eventually just half, if I didn't go to bed to hungry I didn't do a good job.

all-in-all what said tbqh

i liked insanity because no equipment as i was autistic and didn't want anyone to know, i wanted to be like a butterfly and I'd go into my summertime attic sweaty gross cocoon and i'd emerge the next year at school as a beautiful chad thundercock

I likedon't P90x but never finished it. I did do Insanity though and lost weight. Weeks 1-5 are about 35min a workout and the last 4 weeks are about 45min.

I'm doing Max 30 now and would recommend it as well but you might wanna do the original first.

I got a look at both of these a few years back when a friend tried them, I fucked around with following along a bit, but honestly a more resistance training oriented workout is better in most ways. If you really don't want to bother with a gym, push ups, chin ups, some version of a squat (these will get easy quickly, but you can move on to something like Bulgarian split squats, even light weights make a big difference here) are almost certainly going to be better in terms of physique and strength development.

The upper body can be stimulated pretty well with chin ups (adding weight, even small amounts from household items if you don't have real weights, like books in a backpack, is a great option, you will not exhaust their training potential easily) as well as push ups (if these are too easy, move on to diamonds, archers, or any of the other more difficult variations), also mix in some overhead pressing variations like a pike push up, or a feet elevated pike push up to stimulate the shoulders more, handstands will probably be too difficult (if you can find some platform to put your hands on that will allow your head to drop below your hands, you can really turn this into a good exercise).

Legs and hinging exercises are a bit tougher to do, but I've found both Bulgarian split squats and the "natural" glute ham raise/Nordic or Russian leg curl to be great at home training options. A thick loop style resistance band is also a great, low cost, convenient home work out item that takes up zero space and can really help with rows and DL type exercises. I use a 175 lb rated one for bent over rows, DLs, Romanian DLs, good mornings, etc. It's hard to compare to a barbell and the rated weights are probably not perfectly accurate (it also depends how you secure the band, how you wrap it around a bar, how you position your feet, etc.) but it's definitely stimulating enough for a solid at home workout, and I have noticed some good cross over benefits to barbell lifting.

Are those even work to torrent?

yes, I used to do insanity sometimes and it was all cardio

The pull up shit in p90x is legit. Of course, you could just buy a pull up bar, watch a few YouTube videos, and do it yourself.

I personally would consider, alternate routes to obtaining either of those workouts, as opposed to buying them.

Side note, I do wonder about Athlean X and that guys dedication to eccentric exercise.

I remember doing p90x back in the day when i thought the only way to get a six pack was to do a shit ton of crunches


This might help, idk fuck you.

they're the same shit by the same people.

If you're going for aesthetics do SS + GOMAD.

T. not mark