Whats the point of getting fit if you have small hands?

whats the point of getting fit if you have small hands?

You fags get hung up on the weirdest shit.

Great, another thing that Veeky Forums can obsess over...

>tfw I have average hands

>big hands

my hand isn't even halfway there

Handlets, when will they learn?

fuck you maybe I have long forearms

This image is a load of shit.

I'm 6'1", my hand is 8" (thumb to middle finger as in image), but my forearm is 10" (wrist to crook).

I could palm a basketball if I had another half inch or so

>had barely reaches a quarter of the way

long forearms???

you wish



pen for reference

its all about proportion to your body

if it doesn't go over your forearm you have tiny tiny little baby hands for your size


I wouldn't be too worried

is this board made of potatoes or something??

>Can't palm basketball

Sure thing, buddy

You're supposed to use your middle finger you fucking retarded faggot.

your a inch below average sweety ,;)

>writes post about board being full of 'tards
>only after using OP pic related to test, and including a picture to prove to the rest of the anonomous users, that he is in fact of normal hand girth
>'lol you guys ar retarded lol'
ahahahaha fuck

Off to the Handlet pit you go

pinky finger is shorter, so its harder ;)
how? if i used my index finger it would have been a perfect fit (not that i care)
when i said potato i ment potato body, you seen them?

Wait who took this pic!?

>skelly hands, maybe slightly short fingers
>can reach across forearm with thumb and index due to flexibility
Suck it jointlets

Huh, so my penis is almost as long as my forearm? Human proportions are always pretty interesting.

>short stubby fingers
>huge muscular palms
>fist the size of 4 normie fists
I'm okay with this
can't use hook grip though

>tfw hands the size of my gf who is 5'4"
>size 7 feet
>We can wear each others shoes

I'm 6'1" with 6.5" dick. Why did god leave me unfinished?

Oh god

It only reaches 3/4's but my forearm is 14inches.

am i still a handlet or just disproportionate?

to have the deadlift bar slip out of your hands over and over because it doesnt count if you use straps

>tfw "small hands"

I think I just have long forearm m8

just retried if I actually stretch for it i'm like less than an inch away so I guess I have medium hands

i dont care about how big my hands are, but whenever i see a girls hands i always compare...