CBT: You can always be thinner, look better

5'11 | 185lbs
180cm -> 84kg

>roiding for this

being this new,

thats maybe 5-7 years of lifting, not hard



>You can always be blacker, look darker

>implying am not 145 6'0" pulling lifts no featherweight has business queefing in the same room as
Literally could not be thinner
Don't put that juju on me

Posting in Lotus bread
5'9 160 festival ready

B-but I'm bulking through the summer. Will I have decent legs when I can squat 315 for five reps?

Turn the volume up to 11 if you want legs.

Nice, dude. You're so close to making it

That's 1 or 1.5 at most it's just a nice angle

Another newfriend. Eh at least you aren't going to stay for long

He's an old tripfag. We hav all seen his progress pics and compilations. Fuck back off to where you came from newfriend, you're just making yourself look like an idiot

177cm 79 kg
3weeks of cutting
Will post before pic

I posted this and got called alien by like 8 different annons

Ayylmao greyman
make sure you keep hittin those lats user

My 5x5 strict row is up to 100 kg and I am doing 90 kg pull downs twice a week as well as did dying once a week.
Sewing some results

hi mr nig nog, looking juicy
nice transformation man
i hit 315x2 @ a bw of 143lbs
my legs are alright, will post if ya want
your face...kek


Yeah I am not the best a taking photos I look different in real life I promise.

im the opposite, i look fucked irl, but i look better in photos kek

Weg jij, zandneger

post a picture of yourself then. surely you look better since you've been at it longer than 1.5 years.

buzz your fucking head dude. that hair does not suit you. go number 3 all over.

stop enjoying the attention you get from being a virgin with a sexy body. you're taking pleasure in your own patheticness and it's a very bad place to be in. the longer you keep this pathological mindset the harder it will be to turn around. you've already reached a point where you're posting your fucking face, talking about your fucking dicksize. if you don't make this your rock bottom, increasingly worse things will follow.

Do you bite down on your jaw when you take photos


34" waist REEEEE


Long time no see brother.

nice dubs, but nah thx
idk who alu is m8

1.5 years lifting
I'm gonna start cutting next spring/summer time

How's the gains

My weekly post. Thoughts? Bf estimate? Still cutting atm.

Not hating, but are you really 5'11? Your proportions make you look much smaller in photos. I'd guess that you're 5'8 MAX

Also, when going to dye hair blond again? (:

No homo lotus but I use your pics to catfish on okcupid

Pretty fookin sweet bra.



I usually throw in a few sets of abs daily.
Diet isn't the best but I do make sure I have a good amount of protein in me each day. I live the typical college life. I'm gonna see what I can do this summer and take it more seriously since schools out


When will you learn?

How many years?


80 kg
188 cm

good meme friend
2 years
>how to achieve this in 2 years
>be manlet
simple really.
inb4 all manlet memes, yeah we get it, im short, other people are tall

ill rate you 60averageiq/10


>mark on neck from babby's tiny traps too small to hold bar

>Only /pol/ hates Nigger

mirin hard, do you know what your bf% is?

nou nou



wise words

your shoulders are shit

>t. dyel

Clearly you are a novice if you think that.

Whatever you say man, I highly value your opinion.

If you want nice legs, do 4x10 squats with a little bit lighter weight. You should still be pushing hard as fuck on the last rep.

6' 75kg
183cm 165lbs

Stopped powerlifting two years ago, been doing circuits and practicing muay thai at home for the last year, was training BJJ for a year at an MMA gym before that.
I miss huge squats and deads.

You're really trying your hardest to find a flaw, aren't you?
Come on man, don't be a sad bloke. Brighten up a bit

Man you're the Dutch guy, right? You've been here for years. Have seen you posting on some other forums too, a few years back

I am Dutch yes. Yeah it has been some years since I first visited this board,

Volume it is. Thanks a lot

I recognized you too. You've been posted in some goal body threads over the years. Congrats on making it man

It makes cruising through life so much easier, but I guess that is more related to the mental aspect that comes with it.

Still got shot down when I finally got feelings for a girl again.

5'7" 156 lbs

How much does the gear cost? not even being a sarcastic cunt, genuinely curious if it's worth the investment. looking good mate

Havent been to a gym in a month because of acl surgery.

Mirin hard but don't even pretend to be natty, nigger.

hi lotus


4 years of natural lifting +38lbs from left to right.

Nice job user.

nice work, did you already lift or exercise before first pic ?


looking good m8

5'9" 170lb

you wont make it with that belly button

leave my belly button alone ;_;

daily reminder that is is now too late to start a proper summer diet and it's going to be yet another episode of 'next year I'll have that great beach body'

15-16% i'd say

Is it too late for me?
Still have a stubborn layer of fat over abs that's not going away.


damn manlets playing gainz on ez

its too late to not get a tattoo

>I validate my incompetence of exercise physiology because of how tall I am

Get someone to show you how to actually lift and diet and you'll be surprised with the results

If you're worried about dick size, just learn to love eating pussy. You will keep your girl very happy if you eat the pussy like groceries. Man up

Mirin as always lotus.


>tfw not the only dutch fitizin.

What's wrong with your chest m9. I can't put my finger on it, seems odd. Height weight?

190 cm, 115kg bulking through summer

Man you are one ugly nigger.

honestly just do arms and abs for the rest of the year and you'll be golden. maybe some traps.

fuck off to where u came from shitskin

Chill out faggot. Not everyone is obsessed with black midgets like you. Go suck his dick if you like him so much. Never gonna make it.

Should I bulk or cut for summer?

Ah, the eternally unimpressive lotus


there are a lot of Duchties on here but most seem like they are trolls if you use the kwark threads as a guide.
what are you hoping to gain by bulking with that bf%

routine? I'm at where you started

300kg Squat..

how much are you at now?

91kg 193cm 17% bf. Former fatty trying to combat the wagecuck life.


Well fuck whats your routine mane? Mirin