Rear Delt Advice

My rear delts are lagging hard, I started incorporating upright rows on top of the direct rear delt work I was already doing but I only feel a good contraction in (pic related) at the very top of the concentric portion, am I going to get good ROI if I continue doing progressive overload on the upright row? I'm looking to catch up to the other delt heads over the course of a year. Any advice would be appreciated.

ive heard upright rows cause impingement

stop wasting your time with meme rear delt exercises that don't even work unless you have good mind-muscle connection and try this idiot proof exercise instead
best rear delt pump of your life guaranteed on the first try using a 10lb dumbbell

HOly shit thank you for this. never seen this before and it looks awesome!


high volume facepulls will shread your rear delts in a vert satisfying way

facepulls are very easy to do and very effective

also stop doing upright rows

We did those in my MMA training. Fucking brutal

Facepulls as a few others said. Besides they are fucking great for improving your posture

Mfw I still do seated "reverse" chest machine flies for rear delts....

I hit my rear delts 4x a week with about 16 sets of direct work and they are starting to get pretty juicy. Im on a ppl slpit so I do 4x12 rear delt flies on my push days and 4x15 facepulls on my pull days.

How much weight should you use before you start getting some good results from lat raises and rear delt flies? I feel like a bitch with these babyweights.

behind the shoulder presses

What's the name of dat book?

lat raises are useless

the medial head gets really activated from the shoulder up.

Stop watching a bunch of dudes on steroids doing them, they dont work for natties

I have never heard of this, what the fuck. Thanks.

face. pulls.


thanks user ill try that

should be either "Strength Training Anatomy"
or more likely

"The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding: The Bible of Bodybuilding"

GOAT Tier upper back exercises:
Reverse Flys
Inverted Rows

ALWAYS pinch your shoulder blades together at the end of the exercise