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Health #415
Thoughts on this?
How to approach a gym cutie
Is being a wristlet curable?
No music thread? ITT: Post the best songs to push out that last rep to
Is reduced carbs a meme or what ?
Why lift when its all about the face
ITT: Veeky Forums in 500 years
Any PTs here? How do you find clients? How much do you charge for hour? Do you like what are you doing?
Why do whites dominate all strength based sports, are they naturally better?
Veeky Forums humor thread - fuck /pol/s in our board edition
Do you follow the golden one?
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
What does fit have for breakfast
Give me one (1) fucking reason not to start pressing 3x per week
Alcohol increases testosterone
Is this possible natty?
Is this board beyond saving?
Veeky Forums feels and confessions
Day 5 of NoFap
How do I stop the cravings?!?
Veeky Forums careers
Why do you manlets even bother with lifting?
What makes you feel good?
Tfw Crohn's Disease
Ctrl-f mirin
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
Do what ever the fuck you wanna do
#NoFap - Anti-Masturbation
Any tips for maintaining gains during Ramadan?
When the bruises from yesterday's power cleans make a smiley face
Wow why does anyone even listen to this guy he looks like shit
Cheat Meal
What are you eating this sunday Veeky Forums?
*blocks your path*
It's my boyfriends birthday in two months...
Anybody taking Zinc ?
Pietro Boselli
"what do u lift for?"(and then it's always some average girl or a chinese teenager or a picture of hitler)
Tfw my cum is more of a yellow-tinged mucus than a white, sticky liquid
Is this guy still Veeky Forums approved?
Does /fit hate raw food veganism...
He still spends 2 hours in the gym doing 5x5 lifts with loads of extra accessory lifts
How do you motivate yourself not to skip leg days?
Pathetic little fat man
Can he do it lads? Can the good guys win?
What the fuck niggers I just ate pic related and I'm nearly throwing up on the floor...
What is the most important, redpilled thing you HAVE to know about training?
/fat/ general
How autistic would be to approach a fitgirl at my gym?
Sexual Health General
*Blocks you and your girlfriends path*
HOW has getting Veeky Forums changed your personality?
Body fat check bois
Pray For Gains
Just ate half a stack of pancakes. Kill me
CBT - Current Back Thread (Weekend Edition)
What's does Veeky Forumss shoulders look like?
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
Goal body thread
Is this guy right about everything?
Yo guys what's bad about bread?
Let's get a Ripped Statue thread going
What are your thoughts on bone broth?
Has your preference in women changed since making significant gains?
Manlet thread
Hows my form guys?
Give me one good reason not to kill myself
Any calflets here? Is training calves a meme...
Had to deload over head press to 55lbs
A few hours of these has done more for me than 3 years of lifting
Saturday Night Veeky Forums Feels
What exactly makes an alpha female by Veeky Forums standards?
Does anyone else get noticeably fluffier hair after lifting?
Is love real?
Is banemode achievable without steroids?
Would you eat a plate of boogies shit if it guaranteed you to have your ideal body for the rest of your life as well as...
Click on sticky
What does Veeky Forums think of PPL routines?
Time under tension or amount of weight?
Any advice on speeding up recovery...
*walks menacingly towards you*
Who /MuscularChristianity/ here?
How often do you drink Veeky Forums?
How fasting is going with you Veeky Forums?
What makes Veeky Forums miss a workout?
Why do 99% of """fit"""" people use steroids? and why are they ashamed to admit it?
What have you done Veeky Forums
A-am I gonna make it, fit?
Tfw just got out of prison
Trap bar
/social gains while training/ thread
/fat/ - fatfuck general
How far would you go to have hair, Veeky Forums?
Greetings Veeky Forums, I'm a robot from /r9k/
Faces of Veeky Forums
Lately I've been getting into yoga and I absolutely love it. The stretching, the breathing, the relaxing, the challenge...
Thoughts on thicc blonde baes?
How many calories per day to people like this eat?
There is a weight loss competition at my work and the pot for the winner is substantial...
What is your religion, Veeky Forums?
/plg/ powerlifting general
How do we stop fellow gym goers from turning into right-wingers?
What is the most and least masculine color combination of hair/eye/skin?
What brand of cigarettes does Veeky Forums smoke, and what's your favorite smoke of the day?
Veeky Forums experiences with drugs
I was thinking about getting one of these. Not really sure which one to get though or why
Post your go-to snack
1976 - 2017
Routine Thread
>tfw puffy nipples
This is what Rippletits actually believes
Heading to the beach for the first time this summer on Monday, Veeky Forums...
/plg/ powerlifting general
Be me
Hey user, do you want a bite?
Why didn't you get prepared for summer, user?
Women who lift
/fraud/ - abusing steroids to make up for our feelings of inadequacy
Good Feels Thread
Why boys are failing
That first sip of the day
Day 5 of 500mg DNP
Alan Thrall says to use the valsalva maneuver but Scooby says I'll go blind... this is the power....of bodyweight
ITT: I teach you to be attractive af
Milk general
Is this the best album for working out ?
Tfw went on another coke binge and missed my workout
Current Routine Thread
You need to be working on yourself everyday if you want to make it
Eddie Hall won't win WSM this year
What the fuck is wrong with this board nowadays?
Thoughts on The Golden One vs Varg conflict?
Be a nigger
I read that corn and beans together provide a complete protein. Would it be possible to eat them and get big?
Push Up Thread
Tfw eating at a 750cal deficit
Walk into the gym
Why are carbohydrates necessary for lifting? Is it so you have enough energy to actually do the lifting...
How do I get a huge hairless bearmode bf?
Penis gains?
This dude wants to wrestle, how would you do?
ITT: small things you're insecure about
Ramadan/Fasting Thread
Eating healthy is easy!
ITT: Stupidest shit you've read on Veeky Forums
You may not agree with me but this is what peak aesthetics looks like
Rlly makes u think
How do you achieve this body type?
Why are latinas so awesome?
I want to add that Tinder and the way dating is working right now is going to lead to some serious backlash from men...
Progressively overloading on leg curl machine
Growth Stories
Who here /always tired/ ?
Let's get a fat poeple hate thread going
Good morning user! Did you apply for your summer classes at the community college yet?
/fat/ - fatfuck general
What exactly do they need to learn?
Is this gyno or am I fat?
Does recomp work on keto? Like...
Is it even possible to approach strong girls at the gym without making a fool out of yourself?
Who here /neet lifting/
What's a routine I could do at the gym that would help me attain femboy mode without making me look like a faggot?
I have tried to do waterfast, but I keep failing about 6 days in. I want to do 30 straight days of it...
Best exercises to become a trap?
I have a question, Veeky Forums
Why do people on this board shit on Male Models?
This board is really unhealthily for beginners; really warps your perception of reality and makes you delusional...
Veeky Forums careers
No Veeky Forums meetup thread?
Why are they attacking us, Veeky Forumsbros?
What type of people frequent this board?
Puh-lease tell me this isn't true
Why are you not getting gains in the one place that actually matters to women?
How do I reconnect with a ladyfriend from elementary school Veeky Forums...
Improving sexual stamina
Most hated gym song
Redpill me on bodybuilding/fitness (((supplements))), fit...
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
Girl i´ve been seeing
What's wrong with Crossfit
Why am I so scared of human interaction...
That girl who wears yoga pants to the gym
Do big forearms just come by working on biceps, or do I really have to work on them alone?
Can I smoke casually on breaks and on weekends and still be Veeky Forums...
What do you put on chicken to make it less dry or taste better?
Like, can we stop the trolling and the memes for just a second?
Like it or not this is the pinnacle of the male form
How do you know if you're attractive? Do women throw themselves at you...
Beta Destiny
Chicken breast $4/lb
Is this achievable natty?
Have you ever looked at yourself from behind and say "yeah, I'd fuck myself" and get slightly aroused?
Hey guys I'm a giant fat fuck and I want to switch to a vegan diet and get fit like this guy...
Veiny dick-arm thread
I bike 14 miles in 33 min, so why is it so hard to run 2?
/fat/ " Greek yogurt every meal" edition
Am I about to die? lol
Now I might be asking for bait but does bathmate really work? I mean this all sounds too good to be true...
Talk to girl
What exactly is wrong with soda? It's just sugar and 2-3 cans a day is an easy way to get calories
Why do people push the idea of lifting when it does nothing for an ugly face?
Anyone seen this fat pricks documentary
Lying leg curl
How many monster shilling threads do we need a day before mods starts banning this faggot
What's the best shoulder exercise to get boulder shoulders as a natty Veeky Forums?
5PL8 didly lmao
Check fridge
Have y'all ever reported someone at the gym?
Another Friday night alone?!?!?
I'm thinking about getting picrelated tattooed on my left arm
Dear manlets
Have any of you guys ever turned a fat girl into a fit girl?
Ketosis and Stronglifts 5x5
Day 3 of NOFAP
You will never be this aesthetic
Reminder if your breakfast is under 500 calories you are never going to make it
There are people who think that Eddie Hall will win World's Strongest Man this weekend
I can currently do about 35 pushups. Is it possible to up this number to 75 by this time next year?
That first sip of the day
How to not lose all my GAINS during Ramadan?
My gf has low libido
If I can lift 3x12, 21kg
Name a better bulking meal
Who exactly is The Golden One?
How would you get as strong as Goku? What does his routine look like?
Why aren't you getting gains in the one area that actually matters?
How relevant are they these days?
What REALLY costs more, Healthy food or Junk Food?
Eat big thread general
/plg/ - power lifting general
People who play video games can't get swo-
I got 30 minutes of sun today is this enough to prevent me looking like a reclusive neet?
Is semen a good pre-workout? I'm asking for a friend... who is also a girl I might add
1pl8 OHP 5 times
You see Stacy cheating on chad with slayer like in pic related
Fuck fat people. Are they really this delusional?
Fasting + lifting how?
Post your photo, phenotype and facial length(from menton to trichion)
Used to work as cashier
How do i achieve this mode?
$20 a week for food?
Straight back in deadlifts is a meme, bend as long as the lumbar is straight you wont get injured
What's the hottest bodypart in a fit female and why is it hamstrings?
Lifting while high
Veeky Forums feels/confessions
FACT: If you can't bench at least 275 pounds, you're a weak beta manlet that will never make it
Diet drinks
Is touchin muh chest necessary?
Who else /genetic god/ here?
Daily reminder that the skin is one of the most important features for your overall attractiveness
Anything wrong with cottage cheese? found pretty amazing one at local store
What is the manlet cutoff?
Not wearing weights 24/7
1. Get a gym membership
/fat/ "one day at a time" edition
Post workout sip and hots
Paying for crowded lifeless public gym
Post high test women god damn Im so bored at work
Why do people do yoga and pretend like it's exercise?
Am I the only one who thinks bench press is a meme?
Skin Health/Skin Care
Mine is Chris Evans
Is there any food that i can eat all day to stay feeling full but not get fat
/supplements thread/
How do you commit to a cut?
You will never be jacked 7'2 guy feeling like a god among humans
This is what girls want
Has lifting and gaining muscle changed your personality?
TFW still a neet
Do any famous people use your gym?
Name two brothers more aesthetic then Zyzz and Zeez
Benching in the smith machine
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Fitness motivation thread, what motivates you to lift?
Why is a tan so important for aesthetics?
Be 6 foot nothing
What does Veeky Forums think of dudes wearing these compression pants, or leggings, or whatever, to the gym?
Why didnt I do something with myself and become a doctor or something bros?
Cbt - bulk or cut
User time for din dins!
Has anyone here been or is planning to go to Bradley Martyn's gym?
Kicked out of gym for deadlifting
Any tips for a beginner?
What makeup does Veeky Forums use?
Veeky Forums Confessions
Is it normal to not have an appetite while fasting? I mean I do want to listen to my body while I'm doing this...
Is joining the military a good idea to fix my beta male social autism?
The only good fitlit server
Anyone tried this Pre Workout?
Doing shots
Tfw you'll never be a tatooed douchebag chad from miami
Gyno? and losing chest fat
Name one (1) muscle
Mom is talking about kicking me out again
That guy who does overhead press in the curl rack
While you're in the gym 6 days a week, horse is out pickin up chicks
How does one get rid of skinnyfat? Ive been working for 5 months and I still have love handles and soft pecs...
Pale = female
If I drink soy milk/eat tofu and massage my boobs with flaxseed oil (high phytoestrogens) will I keep my breasts while...
What preworkout does Veeky Forums use?
So I've made it, I finally got a gf. Felt pretty fucking good. Yesterday she broke up with me and now I'm shattered...
Male Model
Im bulking and im about to eat 14 eggs. will this be good for me or bad for me?
If you
Do masculine asians exist?
Work too hard in diet and gym
Fitness Cringe
I swim without a tampon when I'm on my period. I find the blood stays in because of water pressure...
Can you get a body like this natty?
Whats a good beginner program that is not too squat centric. Is Greyskull Phraks Variant any good?
Are woks Veeky Forums's best friend?
Why the fuck is nofap 100x harder than noflick? Grills have no problem not flicking, in fact, most never have the urge
Fit, do you lift to separate yourself from the masses...
User, have you cleaned your room yet ?
/fat/ "no abs this summer" edition
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Is being addicted to coffee bad for you
Do men age better than women?
When to use rainbow weights vs. black weights?
Haven't spoken to a female in 8 (eight) days
Words that trigger Veeky Forums
How do you become more //macho// fit? Is the man's, man's trend (beard, joe rogan podcast, bacon) just a meme?
/thinspo/ male
Fitness waifu R8 thead
Why are ugly people always jealous of attractive people?
Veeky Forumsness ideals thread. post and rate others
Why even bother lifting if you are manlet
How to achieve casey neistat mode?
Funny Gym webm thread. Fucking love these
Be me
Why am I not pooping?
Tfw my entire life...
Are dumbell lateral raises the best exercise for big wide shoulders Veeky Forums?
Hello, Veeky Forums
You are so fucking mad
I have a couple ingrown hairs in my asscrack after going backpacking...
CTRL F - No Humour threads
This is how i imagine most of Veeky Forums
What is Veeky Forums eating goddamnit?!
This is my dad. How do I save him?
Anyone interested in Fearless?
This is what a real mans legs look like Veeky Forums, never trained them once either, jealous?
God Tier Milk
You guys mirin? Does it suck to know you tattoo-less little girls will never be on my level?
How many calories per day do you eat?
Be honest, how long did it take you to reach 1/2/3/4?
Gym hound chewed up the bench again
"Hey user whatcha cooking over there?"
"lanklets can't get any gain-"
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Despite knowing tan men are viewed as more attractive, succesful, socially connected, and competent...
If you could give a person one piece of advice on their social anxiety what would it be?
R-rich are you okay?
TFW can't fucking afford to eat 160g+ protein a day
Vegan General
Tfw gyno
Christian Bale went from this to Batman in a year. How?
Is this book good or is Gary Taubes full of shit?
Not playing Bop-It between sets
Push up thread
Estrogen, xenoestrogens in the water supply and their effects on male and female development
Is my form right?
People who have been casually going to the gym 2-3 times a week for YEARS and have nothing to show for it
The Great Debate
Fitness Cringe
Is Skooma a good pre-workout?
Post everything you ate today
How's my form ?
/fat/ "cardio bunnies will never be yours" edition
Is it all over or is there a way to fix this?
Fictional goal bodies thread
I thought the "um ur not 6ft sweetie :)" meme was a fucking joke
God damn it Veeky Forums, I'm always hungry, always. I'm not overweight, I'm closer to under weight...
Who would win in a street fight?
tfw successfully quit vidya, porn, and alcohol
By what age should men move out of their parents house?
Getting mired
Tfw 3'3''
Is this what making it looks like?
Cute, small butts>>>nigger tier donks
Quick Helpings (Date in 30 minutes)
Veeky Forums hobbies
Learn to cook
Local skeleton picks things up and puts them down
I'm really shitty at pull ups
Post Veeky Forums approved animes
Chin ups or pull ups? Which one is better for you and why?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Lol girls are so easy when you're fit
Ramadan starting soon bros, what are you guys doing to prepare mentally, any tips?
Hey, Veeky Forums. I'm a 23 yo female and I want to start lifting
Stealing plates from the gym
Tell me your motivational stories about how NoFap changed your fucking life
Manlet feels thread
What are the advantages of weighing yourself everyday?
Pale = female
Core strength
Post your first rep face
TFW mom is fat with saggy tits
Am i losing out on gains if i stop doing flat bench press and instead do incline bench press...
Is there anyone here who successfully recovered from being morbidly obese ? I'm wondering if it's even possible
Is it unhealthy to make an alter-ego with all the characteristics you want?
What's this black wart thing in my glute, Veeky Forums?
This is what 14yr old girls look like now. how do we (men) compete?
What is the nickname that you insist your wrecking crew call you by?
WTFFFFF Veeky Forums
The water fasting meme
Redpill me on skull crushers. Are they worth adding? Are they relatively safe?
Ok, Veeky Forums. What are these from and where do I find the whole set...
Veeky Forums careers
Helping Out
Red meat & cancer
Who /MuscularChristianity/ here?
Stuck at 25 sit ups
Jocko Podcast - Discipline and Leadership
That first pouch of the day
Be at a healthy weight
What does Veeky Forums put with their oats?
Be hugless, kissless, gymcel virgin
Which of these is better for a clean bulk?
Would you guys rather own a restaurant or a gym?
Is there anything worse than cutting?
I've been on linear progression for 7 months and Ive hit the following numbers:
What are the ultimate back and chest exercises? Need to work both quick. Abs, Legs and arms are alredy good enough...
Rate my progress Veeky Forums
Is david laid natty?
NSFW: Do I have parasites in my shit?
Whats the point of hiring a personal trainer for an extended period of time, like half a year or something...
Tinder general
What's the ultimate cardio?
What music are you listening to during training?
So how's that beach body coming along? I hope you started your cut... right?
Will lifting help someone become Übermensch?
When would a girl know if she's getting 'mired?
Are keto dieters (FOR HEALTH) the most deluded orthorexics?
/Fat/ General "Dirty Bulk Gone Wrong" Edition
Im 20 and still get acne, even tho I stopped consuming dairy products.. doc said I have a wheat allergion
How's that nofap going boys? I'm like one day in and dying. I think I'm have an addiction
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
Hey guys, i have shitty insurance. I make enough money that I get no money from the government...
Always think spinning is "feelgood" exercise for women who want to pretend they're doing something
Veeky Forums food
Day 3 of "clean eating"
Tell myself I'm just gonna eat my 3 meals a day and that's it, no snacks
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
See Chad in gym every week or so
How heavy and how many lunges do I have to do to achieve this?
Skinnyfat feels
Why do you keep coming back to Veeky Forums?
CBT - King of Veeky Forums Reporting in
The gym gains goblin ran off with my squatting skateboard
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Do you guys think he'll be able to lose the weight after he gets the surgery on his stomach?
How do I pick up girls from the gym? What is a universal method (that's context sensitive) to get their phone number...
Can some amerifats explain this shit?
Estimate my BF%. I'm guessing ~25%?
Be me, not you
What is a good 4 day U/L split?
The Best Damn Workout Plan For Natural Lifters
How does Veeky Forums feel about Diet Sodas?
Who here /neet lifting/
Mode thread
So i just entered Snap City
Had gf
I feel the sticky doesn't adequately cover how to get motivated to work out
Confront the Gym Alpha about his camera
Daily Zyzz thread/ sick cunt general
Ground meat burgers
How much dementia and strokes are we all gonna get from sips...
Where were you when jason blaho got complety, utterly...
My boyfriend is kinda weak and can't do anything
WSM 2017
Remember to eat
Going to the gym 6/7 times a week, 1 h workout, eating like a pig
You have to be fucking stupid to seriously believe that actors and actresses use gea-
How many ways can Veeky Forums serve broccoli? Bonus points for not cooking it
Thoughts on this? natty?
/run/ - Running General
Finished second week of SL 5x5 and I'm seriously struggling with Overhead press
Why do you lift?
Veeky Forums recipe thread
I am so fucking tired of drinking my whey with water. It's fucking disgusting
TFW you realise there's no point of lifting to look good if you don't eventually roid
Why are underweight women so attractive when being underweight reduces fertility?
Boogie is going to prove all of you wrong
Home Gym Thread
What the hell is this black wart thing growing on my glutes, Veeky Forums?
I fucking hate oats but apparently if I'm ever going to make it oats in my diet is a good start
How do I build a wide neck?
Ribs are visible
Currently 23y/o male, 5'9, 67kg, SS
What is Veeky Forums drinking to stay hydrated during the day/workouts? I mostly only drink tapwater. Is it bad?
Whats your go to bulking food and how do you make it?
What does Veeky Forums do for a living? To keep it fitness related what is the most aesthetic muscle
Cured from chinletism
What flavor of sippi's is the best?
The Texas Method thread
How do I be like him?
/sexual fitness/ thread
Rock Climbing
TFW small girls at my gym lift more than me
Help medfags my dick hurts!
What do I do if I have REALLY wide hips?
If Veeky Forums always says "people in the gym only care about themselves...
How do you show off your gains in public without having it being too obvious...
Am I alone in thinking it's really rude an degenerate to show lots of skin at the gym?
/Fat/ General "Scooby keeps making fun of me" Edition
What are machoke's lifts
You know what to do
Mom is refusing to buy me food after I explained to her that I needed to eat more protein
/feels/ thread
God I'm so fucking sick of being fat. How do I even start?
Broke wrist yesterday
post your last rep face
Veeky Forums approved anime?
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Thoughts? I don't like eating regular food, already substitute some meals with protein shakes. Should I get this...
User saved my fatass client
Best advice for getting girls in high school?
Tfw you realize you're not getting fit, you're becoming the gym trap
Dumbbell flies vs cable flies?
When does vascularity stop being attractive and turn into a turn off. I've always kept myself super low body fat etc...
Cologne is the best supplement you can use. Redpill me, Veeky Forums...
Can I join the navy if I am basically in jahans-mode?
Who here lifts for communism?
Current Body Thread
Need your opinion
Some of us are never going to make it, will we?
The Texas Method
I play rugby since some time ago, i really like it, i do well except for the tackling part...
Shat age did Veeky Forums lose their virginity?
I've got my college interview soon. There's a fitness test...
Single Mother Stories
Hello guys. I've come to the terrible realization im just a loser. And I don't know how to fix myself
/gog/ GAINS OVER GIRLS thread
Pain in knees
Is he e-statting? He has to be
I woke up this morning and my ass was sore right at the top of the crack
I'm not trolling or trying to be mean
Products that help survive cutting
I was going to start SS but it looks like it requires gym membership
Let's settle this once and for all
Order escort
Am I ok to drop flat bench for incline/flat dumbell bench if my goal is purely hypertrophy?
Reracking weights is for pussies
Sup user what are you working on today?
King of bodybuilders
What the fuck Veeky Forums? I thought I'd be jacked when I got to 1/2/3/4
Try the ab wheel yesterday
Walk into gym
If i do this everyday and eat clean what will i look like?
/fasting/ general - autofaggy edition
Why do we love him so much? Is he what we would all be like if we were freak lifters? Ie he's shy...
EC/ECA Stack
Terror attack prep
/fat/ General "It's just some yogurt" Edition
How to boost testo levels guys?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on girls?
How do I stop smoking meme drug and go back to Veeky Forums ?
Skinny calves general
Rippetoe Red Pill
Become involved with high quality good girl
After working out I just want to eat pussy
/plg/ strength lifting general
Day 1 of /noweed/
(((Flu shots)))
Am i chad?
Traps are the ugliest muscles
Veeky Forums humor thread - next summer, r-right babe? edition
That guy who ragdolls after his squats
Vegan General
Bacon+butter for caloric surplus
Can someone explain the difference between a "Chad" and a "slayer"?
DNA test results came through
Why only 1x5 deadlift?
Wide hip problem
Stop being a NEET
Why aren't you using your gains to spread the message of Allah?
Femanon here. Can you rate her workout for me?
So this big guy in the gym keeps taunting me. Need advice
Hit the dance floor this weekend
Why aren't you tan?
What mode is he on?
Your God is a False God
Does getting buff help with confidence in terms of speaking to women without sperging the fuck out?
1/2/3/4 is a terrible metric
Excited when working out
This is why you shouldnt fap (all the time) LEGIT GET IN HERE
So what does Veeky Forums do for abs accessory work...
Veeky Forums ideals / personality chart thread
Why are girl routines so much easier? I saw this in a thread
/fat/ General "Are you gonna eat that?" Edition
How to improve your body beyond muscles (reflexes, learning abilities, mental strength...) without drugs?
Should I even bother lifting if I'm only 5'10?
Im a girl. im dating a guy, fit saw his old pics. fat like really fat. I cant deny how I see him changed...
How do I look more like this? I can't take steroids because I'm joining MENSA and they will detect it in bodily tests
Fit I need help. I read the sticky, I've even had a personal trainer for over a year...
Red pill me on swimming guys
Weak thread
*starts working out directly in front of you*
My squat is completely stalled
Just started intelligent fasting from today - 18/6
What do you put on your chicken or rice so it gives it flavor? For example teriyaki sauce or something else?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
How do I get a gf?
What are your go to seasonings for chicken?
Your lifting music
So ive been on a 5 day split for almost a year now and wanted something new...
Im on the following roids rn:
Broke nofap again
Back thread
Losing grip while deadlifting
How were ancient Greeks so ripped and aesthetic? These statues weren't depiction of Gods...
Is Prison the best Gym?
Real Talk
Facial Aesthetics General
Is keto worth it?
OK fags, I'm going to try this thing called "water fasting 5/2" that I saw over at /pol/...
Go to doc about general anxiety
Natty? If not, what's their cycle?
Daily reminder there is no advantage to not getting stronger, also fuck the ghetto
Is self improvement a meme?
Hi Veeky Forums just a quick question about kinda conflicting information
Would an elliptical machine be acceptable for cardio...
What haircut does a Chad have?
What is reviewbrah's routine?
For argument's sake, we'll all agree that squatting with a bar is best
About to have sex with a girl in a few hours
Some of us were never meant to make it, were we Veeky Forums?
/cgl/ here, serious question
I really don't know what to think of myself
When we make it, it is inevitable that babies will be made so let's post the names of what we would name our children...
Minimalist running shoes
Has anyone here ever had a Sacroiliac Joint issue?
I used to go on r/fitness before I graduated to Veeky Forums now looking back at r/fitness they're just a bunch of...
Grape Juice Thread
Which sleeping-position does /fit use?
Just hit 3pl8 deadlift
Why when buzzfeed does a "people try xxxx diet" they never bring that fat chick into it?
Do you have stretchmarks? Where?
I am human and i need to be LOVEEEED
How to deal with a gym bully?
Veeky Forums, can you explain why muscular bald men are intimidating?
Dindin bread???
Lo-Test Thread
Is Almond Milk a meme? Can I go back to drinking good ol' Semi Skimmed Cow milk?
Punching bags
Try this machine out because fuck it why not
In the U.S. population, about 14.5 percent of all men are six feet or over
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
/fat/ general -Suicide cut edition-
Anyone got the reddit story of a girl who's boyfriend got beat up by a guy (who's name I think started with J?)
Be me
Lifting shoes
The agony
*takes a selfie in the squat rack*
Sexual health thread
/thicc/ mode
Are calisthenics a meme anons ?
I want to try making breakfast shakes, any particular model I should get or is it all the same?
What are your favorite ab excersises Veeky Forums?
/fasting/ general - summer cut edition
Why haven't you started rock climbing?
Is this natty achievable?
Puregym - UK brahs
How much could Michael bench?
Can I make gains if I only have between 20 and 30 dollars left each week for food? I live in ontario canada
Pull up World Record
1m followers on instagram
This place is a waste of time
Post workout food
Something irks me about Glenn. He has above average sized muscles and his BF is low enough to show some abs...
Who do you lift for?
Ramadan is here
He wears noise cancelling headphones in the gym
/QTDDTOT/ - question that don't deserve their own thread
See guy with skinny arms
Should powerlifting be classed as a mental illness?
Anyone know how much these guys get for "sponsorships"...
Is there Estrogen in the food and water?
Those of you who have a Cheat Day or Cheat Meal. Do you eat a bunch of worthless junk like Donuts/Candy, etc...
Wanna get fuarkin huge brah? Join our Veeky Forums discord server (srs)
What is wrong with his pecs ?
Who here /alwaystired/ ?
CBT - Still DYEL Edition
What hobbies does Veeky Forums have besides working out?
How do we fix fat people?
How do I show that I'm fit on a tinder profile without being a try hard? I feel like a faggot every time I take selfies...
What would I need to make my own pre-workout?
Russian Bear program
/plg/ - powerlifting general
You can't bulk and gain muscle on keto
Learn to cook
This guy asks you to spot him while he benches and calls you cute
How do you keep your eating under control Veeky Forums?
I love beer
*blocks your path*
Going to the Finnish army this July. Can any fellow spurdos tell me how this will affect my gains...
Janoy's first sip of the day
So, Veeky Forums my wife died almost six months ago, since then...
She's literally posing in front of the camera she saw me put down to record my max
How does Veeky Forums get motivated to workout? Music? etc
Hey Elliot
I just started new diet to drop 20 pounds and it turns out I don't like oats
How's progress, Veeky Forums?
Anyone else here plays rugby?
How to /maori mode/, lads?
How bad is drugs for gains?
Elliot Hulse
Is it true that you shouldn't use 45lb plates on a pendlay row because of the decreased range of motion?
What drugs that make you lose weight
Dad Won't Stop Buying McDonald's Edition
Hey guys I got fit this last year and bagged a really hot gf. Say something nice about her!
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Why do girls who lose weight become sluts?
My lower back has been hurting particularly on the right side lately
Tfw 21 and still living at my parents house
Dad found the trenbolone
Were all gonna get gfs this year bruhs
Answer these questions Veeky Forums
How do I stop balding
Run thread
What are some helpful tips to maximize facial aesthetics?
How do you get your eating under control?
American football fullbacks/halfbacks are the ideal male athletes
Body Positive
How much longer can The Rock keep up his physique before the years of steroids and other junk catches up to him...
ITT: visits from (you)s
Doing 5 k push ups every other day
Not sure if this is a Veeky Forums question or a Veeky Forums question
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games