Why do girls who lose weight become sluts?

Why do girls who lose weight become sluts?

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oh do they 'become' sluts?

>Why does somebody who becomes fit and desirable become more sexually active?

Gee, such a mystery.

because they can...?

>why would someone who was considered unattractive and probably has low self esteem enjoy getting lots of attention and confirmation they're attractive.

Golly gosh what a conundrum.

they don't lose weight and then become sluts

they lose wight so they can become sluts

>Women are like zebra, beautiful insecure creatures with nothing to say.
Roastie can't hide from the truth.

Don't fat men do the same thing, though?

Not the autists who post here.

>"fit how can I lose weight so I can bang chicks"
>"fit why do girls who lose weight become sluts??!"
ok pal