>hit the dance floor this weekend
>chick is into me
>sees my dance moves
>no longer interested
Does one need to know how to dance in order to pull top quality puss?
>hit the dance floor this weekend
>chick is into me
>sees my dance moves
>no longer interested
Does one need to know how to dance in order to pull top quality puss?
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Does this really matter? I can't understand why she would lose interest because of your dance moves unless you danced in a way that made you look weird or insecure? I can't dance, I just make it up and enjoy myself, I think confidence is more important than moves
If you don't enjoy dancing then don't dance just to please others.
If you do genuinely enjoy dancing then just enjoy it and pay no attention to others (also you might be into men).
i am a 6'4'' lad and i look like a retard when i dance
thats why i usually just dance with my gf, makes you feel more confident
I always tell my friends to just do a simple two step with a little below the shoulder arm sway. Some may think it is lazy, but it gets you out there.
Two words...
It doesn't matter shit senpai. I can't dance for shit and I got twerked on 3 times last Friday by different hoes. You just need to be drunk enough to have the confidence to approach and dance.
It's not about the moves, it's about the display of confidence
>girl is into me
>sees my personality
>no longer interested
you dont even have to do this. just dance at the front of the dance floor acting like youre having the time of your life (dont go full autism though) and women will literally just walk up to you and grind on you
Just have fun you silly bear. Girls like confidence.
post the webm
say no more
No but it will be a requirement for some women. Particularly spic women.
Women look at how you dance as an indicator of how you fuck. If you got moves on the dance floor, then you're more likely to have moves in the bed. If your an autistic spaz on the dance floor then they expect the same in bed.
I figured as much.
Should I try working on my dance moves?
>tfw literally too intelligent to dance
One of the most embarrassingly retarded activities that exists. You're not a real man if you dance for any reason
Learn to muzz loser
Damn it, I looked at my cousin dancing a couple weeks ago and the guy has moves. How is it that my cousin can dance swell but I dance like a loser? My cousin is 6'2 and I'm 5'9...when I dance I look like an autistic child on christmas
Dancing well isn't a positive trait. Just don't ever dance.
at least it was probably better than this
She's dancing on her own. She makes the moves up as she goes. And there's what you don't know.
>making up moves
>just waggling back and forth
I am greek and what I considered " dancing" all my life were traditional group dances. When in bars you just swing your shoulders a bit while holding your drink.
So you can imagine my suprise when I visited america and had a nigress rubbing her buttocks on my penis and watching literal 13 year olds fucking dryhumping each other in public AT A FUCKING WEDDING.
And its not just americans all anglos do this(germanics just get wasted which is equally retarded) . What is wrong with you people? Why do you dryhump each other in public?
I'm not a fedora tipper like this guy but I agree. I can only dance when I'm drunk and I mean drunk not just tipsy.
Taytay and Lorde are autistic, right?
I think he's referring to the spooky skellington behind her
Don't dance just because. I love dancing and feeling the rhythm of the music so that's why I dance. It's about having fun.
Nigger culture made it into the mainstream about 20 years ago. Where have you been?
>always getting invited to go out by this 10/10 girl which is here just this year but sadly she doesnt date friends ex's so I dun goofed
>dont know how to dance
>either spend the whole night being a bodyguard or doing shots and asking intimitate questions like what kind of girls you into, would you do x or y? and shit like that,. which is the fun part and the only reason I go but she just wants to dance 24/7
and this is how I slowly kill my small circle of friends
the other one, which used to be close friends, died due to thewm being stoners and then eventually doing heavier shit
I thought it only happened in music videos. Of course like every retarded american fad greeks are picking it up too.
No, what you are seeing is the normal human inside of them start to have normal feelings and emotions that its trying to express but their MK Ultra training is holding it back. Its a weakness in the matrix.
Blame niggers and their jew dog masters.
watch some Michael Jackson videos on youtube and get inspo
you know how i know you don't have any friends?
Came here to post this.
I'm dyel and pretty ugly but good at dancing and actually been able to get laid because of it
Because hes on Veeky Forums obviously.
dance is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire
>(germanics just get wasted which is equally retarded)
>not drinking until you fall down
I guess only Slavs are our allies.
She don't date but she might smash senpai
Slav reporting in I'm with you brother