>That guy who ragdolls after his squats
That guy who ragdolls after his squats
>That guy who noclips into women's shower
>guy despawns after failed bench pr
>respawns inside of a barbell
>That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
this is me. because i give everything to my squats and diddlies
yes this, how do i lift my feet after squats
Whats rag dolling?
>the guy who offers to duplicate my gym bag but takes it and disconnects from the gym
>That guy who offers to trim my plates for free but then disconnects with them
tfw I didn't have enough coins to rent more from the pl8 dispenser
>That guy that uses a 32-bit routine and gets an integer overflow on his gains
>That guy who uses impulse 101 to get more pl8s
>that guy who catches fire on stairmaster
>Gym admin sets gravity to -1
>Skellys now acting like chads benching 600kg
>basketball shorts to the gym
Also, why would you give a fuck about what other people wear?
Pls leave this website. I'm asking nicely.
>That guy who turns on god mode
Would that be the same except everything is upside down and on the ceiling and if you leave the gym you fall into space?
>the guy that deadlifts himself
>can't control direction and flys off into space
This is why you always add at least a 5lbs weight to the bar, and never do just the bar. Seen too many good men have to suffer from all the Venusian women that want their cock.
>that guy who spawns piles of cheese and sweet rolls and leaves them everywhere
Pick up after your gains, asshole
>Pls leave this website. I'm asking nicely.
I will, but! Please elaborate on the basketball shorts fetish you have.
>That guy who changed the vending machine product models to pizzas
>That guy having S I P S between sets
>that guy who used god mode before lifting
>that guy who no clipped out of the manlet pit
>that guy who starts quote with capital letter
Guess it's summer already
Whats wrong with this?
>he paces around the barbell during resting periods
wot a n00b m8
>basketball shorts
>while not playing basketball
Might as well come to gym in a tuxedo
>that guy who didn't bring his lifting tuxedo
>that guy who stares into nothingness in between sets
What the fuck do you wear?! Gym pants?!
You don't fucking wear a tux?! Holy fuck, I beat you just look at your phone while lifting and wear headphones.
>he doesn't practice his piano skills between sets
Never gonna fucking back it, user.
>that guy with 99 strength that has a barbell with lmao2pl8 fall out of the sky, then proceeds to snatch it
>some fag in gym shorts walks into the gym
>laugh at him as he sets up his squat rack
>he fucking one-shots me with his obsidian maul
Fucking SS fags not even once
>that guy who puts a bucket on my head and then steals my protein shakes
Two shy too do anything about it :(
it's never worth it, last guy got nailed to some wood
>lost connection mid set
>that guy who wears his power wrist to lift
>queue up for lift
>get auto-filled to support
>spend 1.5hrs spotting everyone in the gym
>DYEL goes to snapcity and flames me for it
>TFW he was warming up with 225
>that girl who is a total vapid roastie whore
>guy benching 3pl but with IDDQD
>tfw in the middle of 1 rep squat max and Connection Lost: 28.6 seconds until Auto disconnect...
>lifting new PR
>gains goblin DDOS gym server
>Attempt to reload cache
>end up crashing
>Hackers exploit firewall breach
>Outdated software allows hackers to exploit a security flaw
>now I have to pay 50£ to get my gains back
Should I switch to an apple gym or should I start a home linux gym? Can't keep up with this windows bullshit
>Go for squat 1rm PR
>WTF so easy, do it 5 times
>Realize I'm DC
>Reconnect, all 5 squats hit me at once
>Crowned Emperor of SnapCity
Bit chilly for the start of summer
>that guy who goes to the toilet in the middle of his workout
Use a VPN faggot, then use a proxy and hack THEIR gains.
>missed double xp weekend.
>gym rivals all curl more than me now.
Try-hards I swear.
>got permabanned for the 3rd time today
gotta find a new gym again
No you cotton headed retard. Benching 600kg at -1 newtons would be like rowing 60kgs at normal gravity. Normal gravity is at 9.8 newtons now go back to the brainlet course at your gym
>should I start a home linux gym
i think you mean GAINS/Linux
>That guy who fails to load textures as soon as he enters the gym
Athletic shorts are not the same as basketball shorts
>that guy who breathes between every rep
>go to gym
>kicked out immediately after I step inside
>gym owner updated the squat racks without telling me
>have to go download the update before I can go inside
>gym is already full by the time I get back
>that guy who rubberbands during his deadlifts and does 15 reps by mistake
>that guy who does 10 hours of cardio a day for a year straight just to use a shortcut that saves him 5 minutes of walking
>that girl who is streaming her workout on twitch
Underrated kek
>that guy who caps his OHP max at 1 plate and only trains bench so he can 1 shot well rounded lifters with the same total
What is F=ma? When will the brainlets learn force is not the same as acceleration?
>that guy who stops leveling at 19 but has his higher level gym buddies give him better barbells and pl8s so he can dominate shitty lifters in the Warsong Gym
>tfw managed to hide a drone in the women's shower
>tfw gymadmin sets friction to 0
>tfw can't grip the bar
>tfw I pull out my back and accelerate into the ceiling creating a black hole
>that guy who deadlifts 400kg but fumbles around the bar for 5 minutes before he can grasp it
Fucking pures man
>mfw lifting tuxedo is at the tailors on chest day
>not mastering Mozart between DL sets
Confirmed Skelly DYEL
>We get it
>You're in IT
>And he's going to make IT
[spoiler]we all are[/spoiler]
>go to locker room to change from squat shorts to ohp shorts
>accidentally brought my wrist curl shorts instead
>tfw making good noob gains but all the high totaling lifters are waiting in the gym parking lot so all the new lifters have to make a mad dash to their vehicles and hope they aren't the unlucky ones to get their gains ganked
What kind of exercises do I have to do to get a face like this?
>get banned from gym for ninjalooting gains from my manlet party members
>have to lift on my shitty alt with 1pl8 PR deadlifts
should I just boost back up to where I was?
>tfw that woman is your friends mum
>Lifting partner boots me from party just as I was before I finish last rep
>Can't loot any gains
>finally reach 1/2/3/4
>get hacked and my password is changed
>spend a month grinding to 3 pl8 diddly
>some dipshit buys a 4 pl8 diddly from a Chinese lift farmer for $4.99
>calls me a noob in the locker room
>want to squat
>pl8s still updating
>type give item_trenvial
>type sv_infinite_aux_power 1
>get banned cause gym server is vac secured
>mfw trying to farm squats exp on a quiet server and noobs start connecting and curl in the squat racks
whats wrong with you people
>that guy who gets /votekicked
it's your own fault, that's the kind of thing an idiot would put on his luggage
Batou has seen better days
>homegym master race
>just bought a power rack
>no longer need to call my wife's son for help
>mfw it's online only
should I just buy a gym membership?
It's just a meme bro
>get bored and set life to legendary mode
>respawn as autistic manlet
>Shitty connection, packets drop
>Bar clips through hands and smashes face
>finally was the last one to top off the sweat can
>that guy who pulled off the squat rack glitch and skipped straight from skelly to swole
>that one dude who was in the middle of a set of power cleans and is now in LEO