It's been 3 days since I took a shit. I don't feel constipated, I've been eating right, slept etc.
The only reason I realize it is that for the past 3 days I've been working 12 hour days in a situation where pooping would take effort. Me not pooping at work led me to realize I haven't at home either.
Why could it be? Despite working long days I've been eating clean, 200g of oats a day, chicken and rice, cottage cheese, about 1kg of fresh vegetables each day. Should have plenty of fiber, no? No candy or soda or other shit either.
Hudson Harris
You are absorbing gains at breakneck pace
You are becoming the shit
Carter Gutierrez
>1kg of vegetables wat
Noah Jackson
isnt this what happen when girls get pregant ??
Isaac Peterson
go away burger
Michael Butler
Could be a problem with your colon bro.....if a week passes and you don't shit go to the doctor.
In the meantime drink a litre of prune juice.
Owen Hill
This is the best explanation, OP. Nothing to worry about.
Joshua Myers
your bulking a shit
Carson Hughes
op confirmed preggo
Dominic Hernandez
what could the problem be? shit leaking into my body? it has to go somewhere.
I guess I should also mention I've been drinking around 5-10 liters of water and taken all the necessary micronutrient supplements but I've been doing both for years
James Ortiz
drink more water, a lot more. oats+rice + veggies is a lot of fiber and you need some more liquid to help push it all through
Samuel Ward
it's a lot is wat I'm saying 200g is the minimum
Jaxson Rivera
also I have been farting as usual
Tyler Thomas
I literally always carry a water bottle (1.5L) that I fill up over 5 times a day. I drink water constantly just out of habit. I eat vegetables because they taste good and because they're a low calorie filler on meals while cutting, not to meet a quota burger.
Also the recommendation is 500g
Gavin Miller
Could be anything. I don't want to alarm you but it could be literally anything from absolutely nothing to cancer.
Most likely you're fine. Just stop stressing. Do what I told you. And try not to think about it.
Justin Ortiz
your body is operating at 100% efficiency, mirin
Michael Reed
hmm I guess stress could do it. like I said I've been working 12 hour days this week
Ryder Sanchez
Bowel movements can be taught. A drugfree constipation method is to literally go to the toilet, at say, 8am every day and try to shit. It teaches the bowel to work at that time. You have done the exact opposite by delaying shitting while at work. If you delay it willingly too much and too often, it results in constipation.
tldr go take a shit instead of holding.
Jonathan Butler
you guys are retards OP is sleep-pooping /thread
Brandon Robinson
after 5 or 6 days is when you have to start worrying
Chase Lopez
He does not need a butthole
Xavier Parker
I haven't consciously been holding it in. But that is a good tip I guess I could try teaching myself a regular poop schedule. I haven't really ever pooped at work or school in 26 years.
Jacob Green
Oh well there you have it. You should have mentioned that bro. Whenever I stress or my routine gets disrupted my shits get fucked. You'll be fine.
Tyler Campbell
A handful of spinach mixed with tomatoes and cucumber comes out to around 400-500 grams, having that twice a day is very easy.
Luis Fisher
Been there, done that buddy. You are going to have some severe stomach pain before shitting out the most compacted turd in your lifetime, it will look like a cement block.
Henry Ortiz
Cucumber and bell peppers chopped up and mixed with cottage cheese makes a great side dish or "salad" with OPTIMAL MACRONUTRIENTS. I have that with chicken and green beans and it's almost 1kg of veggies in a meal.
Oliver Watson
Don't stop, OP! You are ascending to the next stage. Every second you spend shitting is a second that's not spent in the gym, and in fact is COSTING you gains. Your body will fight this, soon you will feel a shit like you've never shit before, but hold it in. Soon your gut biome will convert the shit into proteins and thus give you extra gains.