give me one (1) fucking reason not to start pressing 3x per week.
Give me one (1) fucking reason not to start pressing 3x per week
do it faggot
Do it 4x a week with two being clean and jerks
>do oly lifts
>press 4 times a week
>squat 4 times a week
>deadlift 4 time a week
thought it was normal
there is none. People squat 3x a week when quads are among the largest muscles we have. Doing a smaller muscle 3x a week is nowhere near as intensive in regards to recovery. It's just autistic meme shit. If you want strong arms, train arms a lot. If you want big shoulders, train shoulders a lot. People on this board just want to be different from the "chad" that they see at the gym who bullied them and looks better than them, so they obsess over "strength" and "squats"
how should i program it?
Volume day, Recovery Day, Intensity day
Pretty simple stuff. Maybe try to stick to Prilepin's Chart if you don't want to overreach.
yeah senpai, my program has me doing all my heavy compounds 3x (cept diddlys)
You're supposed to vary the number of times you do an exercise every week to confuse your muscles
i like the look of bill starr's method for the press. can i do that 3x per week?
you can. in SS you press every other workout because you alternate between press and bench press and there's a huge overlap between them. you can't expect to both bench and press heavy 3 times a week, though.
I haven't read the program so I can't say anything about it. Would you mind sharing what it would look like?
do it
What's pressing? Bench press?
start with 3x3 and add a set each session until you get to 6x3. then add 5 lbs and repeat.
i guess it would be too heavy to do 3x a week?
it's when you press a barbell over your hard, sometimes called overhead press.
4-6x per week is better
I don't think doing that 3 times a week would be too hard if you dial back a little on the bench press.
A piece of advice if you don't have long arms: Do triceps isolations, cause they will become your limiting factor eventually.
your bench will suffer greatly if you aren't a novice or early intermediate. you will also stall pretty quickly with it. press increases the slowest. it's a great routine but you need more volume and accessories. i believe it says you should be doing dips until you can do 3x20 and then start loading them. heavy dips + heavy press each workout will be killer for your chest so you'll probably have to chose between press and bench progression.
Ok, thanks.
i've already decided to drop the bench press from now on, and just doing weighted dips for chest.
how's this? not sure how many sets/reps to do for dips and pull-ups
press 3-6x3
press starts 3x3
press 3-6x3
I press and bench every workout.
Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Intermission with dinner or a protein shake
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5 (3x5 if I failed the last workout and deloaded)
Weighted Chinups 3x5
Arm movements microloaded by 2 lbs per workout.
If I fail to get 5 reps I'll try to cluster set it to force the 15 reps in.
If I continue failing, I'll deload and do 5x5.
Why not replace the press starts with some good old fashioned bench press?
pic related is for both press and dips from
dips program is fucking brutal
ignore the typo in first press notes under w4 where it says 6x6. it should be 6x3
thanks. i did consider using his dips program. guess i'll do that.
what about pull-ups? also, is it even worth alternating between pull-ups and chin-ups or should i just pick one?
can you share the spread sheet pretty please?
i just do chinups (alt between neutral and supine grip on warming up with supine for heaviest sets) for as heavy as i can with prilepin table in mind and do any type of rows for volume work (tbar/yates/cable/...). if you want extra lat work just do lat pulldowns.
ok... i think i'm done
press 3-6x3
press start 3x3
chin-up 3x5
deadlift 1x5
hyperextension 3x10
rollout 3x10
press 3-6x3
dip 5-6x
chin-up 5x3
squat 3x5
power clean 5x3
rollout 3x10
you're gonna stall so hard you'll start hating it
tm = training max
1rm = estimated or tested
3rm is auto calculated
i've added 531 1rm calculation formula to it so you can estimate your 1rm. just note that it's not very accurate for anything over 10 reps.
sick man, thanks
read the program because it has some assistance work in which is crucial for press
i have. it's just dips, press starts and push presses, right?
i'm gonna start with this and add push presses if/when i start finding it difficult to lock out.