Fit, do you lift to separate yourself from the masses? If you answered yes then wouldnt it be safe to assume you want as many people to fail in terms of lifting or other aspects of life that you personally value just because it leaves you more of a unique person compared if they made it? What im getting at is this seems to be the general mentality of fit. When someone comes asking for genuine help they are greeted with shitty maymays such as manlet, never gonna make it, ss+gomad, and a plethora of other nonsensical, useless replies. All the people here that find themselves discouraged from this place i suggest you leave and never look back. I know this is supposed to be considered a safe haven for the autistic lifters of the world, but i believe thats only the case because thats what you make it in your mind, so you emulate the actual autismos that want to keep you here just continuing the cycle. Eventually the original autists realize this place is detrimental to their life socially, physically, and mentally, so they leave. But not before theyve infected more people with the same mindset leaving them to suffer the same fate until their either wise up and leave or stay here perpetually never to change their ways and better themselves. Its like a bad case of Stockholm syndrome. Just leave this place my brothers and see what life has to offer outside of a pessimistic lens.
Fit, do you lift to separate yourself from the masses...
You just don't get the memes, fatso
Swoleleft checking in
Someone is making you question the sanctity of your safespace, so you lash out. I expected this, but its ok because i know the seed has been planted and at least you wont be one of the ones that stay here forever. I just want whats best for you my friend. Leave the negativity behind.
You think this is some professional bodybuilding forum? This is Veeky Forums you stupid nigger
Were all here with the same goals in mind, to improve ourselves physically and mentally. Albeit you can achieve happiness here, there will always be better alternatives.
Tbh I seem to be incapable of reading your posts in full
>>Were all here with the same goals in mind, to improve ourselves physically and mentally.
No, we're here to say shit and occasionally improve ourselves physically and mentally. If you had tougher skin, you'd notice. Only an idiot would come here looking for feel-good crap.
Ah, I see, a fellow INTJ. They can't understand our cold, calculating nature. They can't see the truth like you and I can.
>When someone comes asking for genuine help they are greeted with...
It's because people don't know how to read the fucking sticky. If you can't put it the minimum amount of work required for basic research why should I waste my time giving you a serious answer? I mean, if you're too lazy to google shit (OR READ THE FUCKING STICKY) for 10 minutes why would I believe you won't quit in a month?
It's a filtering technique to separate those that are serious from those that will do it for maybe a month, complain it about it being too hard and stop.
So my point stands, you wish to see others fail to make yourself more valuable. Why make an effort to push people away? Why not teach them how to do it right instead of perpetuating this homemade stereotype that lifting is hard and only the most alpha of males can do it when in reality everyone can make it work, they just need the proper tools to help them.
What seems to be the problem?I dont expect "feel good crap", and i doubt anyone coming to Veeky Forums, with its outstanding reputation would either. But helpful information is what i assume most new comers even peak in here for, only to find a shit shot. And when anybody asks any thing that could possibly be notioned in the sticky they are spammed with an infinite "read the sticky" sheep. Even if the sticky was the know all to fitness, which i assure you its not, then whats the point of a fitness board? If everytime some asks an actual fit related question they are berated sent somewhere else you know what that promotes? Useless shit posting. Which if you just want to shit post go to b.
read the sticky and fuck off mongoloid
ss gomad isn't a meme you idiot fuck your entire post is garbage.
Nigga you need to learn how to use the fucking enter key. Reasonable paragraphs based upon the context of your shitpost are essential for making your drivel understandable.
I dont even want to claim to be some kind of mastermind, any goober can see the way you people treat this place is not good for anybody. I fitness board where if anyone asks anything remotely fitness related they get the angry mob on their tail, which is really discouraging to newcomers as well as give you guys the reputation of you have no idea what you're talking about and only regurgitate what other no nothings have said in the past. Its like a religion, a religion that everyone outside of it knows is wrong in ever facet. But those that are in are so diluted and dug into their ways they believe their way is the only way to go about life. Which is a disgusting mindset on its own, which i believe if you can shake that mentality it will promote a learning environment for everybody and people will be much more successful in reaching their goals.
Why are you so angry when someone even notions that theres a life outside of your extremists religion of the sticky? Do you think the sticky is a model of how to get fit and achieve your goals? Its dated and most the stuff there is for the ego lifter who just wants to put themselves above others when in reality you should look at it like an equal opportunity relationship.
This isnt reddit newfriend, im not writing an essay to be peer reviewed. Im sharing my thoughts on how we can improve this place and the people that inhabit it but all im greeted with ad hominems and attacks on my grammar. Lets talk on how to actually improve this place instead of having a cock contest. The intimidation tactics dont work.
I take offense to being called new compadre, I have wasted far too many years of my life on this fucking board to be called new mon ami. I gave you some helpful tips that will generate more (yous) because anons will actually take the time to read what you wrote, and in return you shit in my mouth.
?? SS + accessories is the fucking greatest development as far as beginning routines go for getting buff. At this point I'm going to assume you are autistic and that you don't even lift. Yeah there is a life outside of the sticky, but why take 3 years to achieve your goals of getting muscle on all parts of your body if you can take 1 year or less?
While i appreciate the gesture, and admire someone who has a heart for clean literature, i doubt many here share your tastes. So i will reserve myself in that aspect. Thank you regardless, old timer
Half the links in the sticky no longer work.
Im here because theres something special about acting like a retard 12 year old troll on the internet with people who are actually powerful muscular intelligent men in real life
you fucking faggot
This is constructive, somewhat. While SS is a superb program, what makes it so great is its utilization of progressive overload, which instead of just giving our newfriends a workout without explaining the science behind it is not better than personal trainers who do the same to maintain their clientele. Also SS doesnt include accessories in the sticky, and someone fresh to lifting will have no idea what youre talking about, and out of fear for being labeled a "newfag" will nod and walk away with nothing of value. And its not just Veeky Forums,, r/fitness, and every other online fitness forum i have frequented are all the same. Everyone is so obsessed with their own masculinity and how the portray said masculinity to others. Which typically leads to a public shaming of anybody who appears even slightly novice. This needs to change first, we must be able to help ourselves before we can be expected to help others.
The only thing you need to separate is your tl;dr into smaller paragraphs.
Just saw this, it shouldnt matter whether you believe someone's going to "make it" or not, you should try to help them regardless. Its how we prosper as a people. Also sticky is dated and most stuff there is for ego lifters who want to put themselves on a pedestal in their own minds. While this is not necessarily a bad tactic, as it build confidence, it can also cause you to become naive and believe you don't need to learn anymore because you already have all the answers. Thats a toxic mindset and should be discarded as soon as possible, for your own sake.
Nigga learn how to break your chunks of text in paragraphs. Nobody is reading that shit.
Sorry i can't turn everything i say into witty quips. That seems to be the bulk of fits content. This does not promote healthy dialogue, albeit they may be funny in the moment, its not greater in the grand scheme. I believe something that would benefit fit, is a dedicated nsfw board where all the fit memes and musclefus and various other shitposts can be together and fitness related content somewhere else. Something along the lines of what pol did with bant.
I dont expect a black to read it anyway, their attention spans are like sub 7 seconds if i remember right. i dont see it worth the effort. This is for the betterment of white people mostly, but those willing to learn are more than welcome to partake in the exchange of words thats going on here, or the attempted exchange of words rather.
You sound socially challenged and I imagine people find it awkward to be around you.
People here are abrasive towards newcomers not out of some superiority complex (though some might), but because they have not have made the effort to do research. They also have not lurked long enough to become accustomed to the board culture.
tl;dr lurk moar faggot
Im not this pretentious in person i assure you, but for the betterment of the board it had to be done. And how can someone brand spanking new to lifting be expected to do resesrch when they have 0 idea where to look? These are people who know they need to get fit but lack the knowledge and the funds to hire someone for the knowledge so they say its not worth it. We should seek to help our fellow man, not hinder him.
Why not go to leddit?
>Fit, do you lift to separate yourself from the masses?
No, I don't.
the sticky you farm animal
go jump off a bridge
I agree, this board probably has made multiple people commit suicide, literally nothing good has come of it. If all of Veeky Forums went down, the world would be a better place, including my own life.
nobody wants your worthless gratification you self absorbed retard. that want your advice from your countless wasted hours lurking on this shit hole