Where were you when jason blaho got complety, utterly, and unquestionably blown the fuck out of the known universe forever?
Where were you when jason blaho got complety, utterly...
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Has something new happend to him?
i count 5 pl8s mate, i thought he claimed 6?
>trap bar
Easily adds at least 50 pounds to the lift
that is still not a real deadlift
I think it adds more.
I can Trapbar deadlift 400, but I can barely get 5 reps of 315 on normie deadlift
even if it did he could easily bust out 500 for five reps on conventional based on that set now wouldnt he, Jason?
OP you just btfod yourself
No? And if so why not just do a 500 lb conventional deadlift? Why does there ALWAYS have to be some gimmick with this guy?
>its not a REAL Deadlift™
*tips +5 fedora of weapon smithing*
He wouldnt be able to or else he wouldve posted it already you dummy
>people lift at or near maximal effort sets at all times
Why does every DYEL on Veeky Forums think this
Trap bar typically allows you to do 50-100 pounds more than your conventional deadlift
the challenge was to do a conventional deadlift
a trapbar deadlift is miles easier, if you actually lifted you would know this already but sadly his audiences are all dyels
yes and there is nothing gimmicky about training for one's specific goals, which he does and is visibly extremly successful at. the big three are not the be all and all of weightlifting
>get triggered by facts
>call everyone fedoras etc
good one buddy
he's not doing a challgenge because he's not takign the bait from the fat irrelavant fuck who only wishes he did to bring traffic to his dying channel, he's simply lifting heavy as he alwasy did and in the process accidentally managed to indrecitly shit on blaha and his silly assumptions. and eys, anyone who can hexbar deadlift 515 for 10 reps could easily do500 for 5 with conventional
not an argument
if he could ''easily'' do a 500 for 5 then he should just do it
I really dont get the argument
Jason might be stronger but he looks like absolute shit.
Although a manlet, alpha's body looks 10000 times better, and he is still hella strong.
it's currently uncertain whether or not bloho is acutally wheelchair ridden. When he wasn't, he was 40 years old, near twice alex's age, 20 years of which he was training, at least a decade of which was doing nothing but training seeing as he was a neet leech, and he used anabolics regularly. with all that his only semi respectable lift was deadlift. didnt he finish comp with 340 bench at like 240 bw? lmao
lets see you bench 340 squat 500 and deadlift over 600 when youre 40 years old
your bud with the glue on beard is 20 something and cant even do that
why are you even taking blaha serious after all the lies he spread.
The dude has some major personal issues no doubt but I've never seen a video of his where his training advice is bad
I dont feel like trusting a person like that is a good idea.
Sure it's nice but is he bigger than ryback?
whoa who is that big guy on the left
almost as big as jay cutler
Pretty much nobody thinks that
I like to imagine that this thread is actually just Alex and Jason arguing with eachother.
wow that quote must be real even though you show no evidence of it
You could say the same about manletdestiny and his ridiculous "alpha" fantasies
You obviously never seen his videos
Alex legit has hypermobile elbows he was never able to do conventional deadlifts
that didn't take long jason, from your own mouth
He said in a video that he is completely against warm-up sets. In that same video he says he does 500 lb deadlifts without a warmup. In another video, he says wraps are bad for your knees, using a study of 10 people, the projected max of that group being
>Jason claims he has more muscle mass than Serge
>more muscle than pic related
P-powerlifters muscle is d-denser than that fluff and puff bber muscle. You see I wasn't lying after all
>edited footage
Statement discarded
Which time?
If I were gonna record myself and put it on the internet, much less to prove some stupid point, you bet your ass I'd be maxing out
He had a minor back injury, in his comment he said to expect 600x10 soon.
lmao the footage of him saying that shit is unedited you fucking mong
"hurr durr it's missing context"
sure go ahead make up some context in which he's not making a retarded statement
k e k
One tends to wonder if faggots like you even lift. I'm starting to think you are the equivalent of fat chicks who show up at the gym, waddle a few laps around the computer and call it exercise; as if breathing in my sweat constitutes a participation credit.
What I'm trying to say is:
Fuck off
Not Veeky Forums related
Mods, please do your fucking job
>trained at the farm in Langley
>could reverse grip bench press 500
>could leg press 2500
How anyone still listens to this hack is beyond me. I don't take ManletDestiny's advice either but look who the alternative is
What body type is this?
It's just "the blahino" and deserves its own category
>jasmine rice
>coke zero
>mercenary training routine that's classified and you'll spend the rest of your life in prison if you ask what it is
>deadlift once a month
>dips once (not once a month, just once)
>"""create""" a 5x5 by taking SL, adding curls, calling it your own, and then proceed NOT to follow it
trap bar deadlifts are mechanically exactly like quarter-squats
lmao5plate 1/4 squats
Bloho isn't 5'9, there's no way. I think that guy Shadow Man did a vid on it. He is about the same height as Big J, and Big J is about the same as Marc Lobliner, and he's 5'7 max.
Also if you put him next to his female girlfriend he's almost shorter than she is and she's 5'7
t. second week on SS
one of those people is an elite level powerlifter. can you tell which one?
fuckin A pic m8
What's his best total?
this desu
i dont know but its much bigger in person
are there anymore Achilles and Tortoise images? these are wonderful
I think in that one meet where he won second place, it was ~1300 at 220 bw, juiced
>failing a 360 bench at 220 bw
>roiding for this
>making fun of a broken, crippled man
have you got no shame Veeky Forums
He trained at the farm in langley
he also dined at a farm
100 pounds maybe if you're using high handles and are new to training and thus limited in conventional by your back and form.
50 seems more realistic. Someone who struggles with two plate can't just throw on another plate and 5er and pull it no problem just because it's a hex bar. Using the high handles is obviously more like pulling from blocks.
>dips once (not once a month, just once)
>shirtless in a gym
>made death threats against Layne Norton, his family, and his wife
>made death threats to internet trolls
>made death threats to Jerry Ward
>made death threats to Cassady from TTLGN
>made death threats against... everyone else
>blames his wife for making above death threats
>cheats his taxes by writing off ammo loading as a tax deduction
>encourages waterboarding children and nuking the entire Middle East
>says all politicians and their families should be executed if they can't pass a budget
>faked an illness to get welfare
>admitted in forums he could work but would only work if it meant he could still get benefits
>makes fun of Jason Genova for being mentally challenged
>hinted he would sleep with underage girls in his forum posts
I know this is bait but it had to be said because there are still people who follow his advice
yep. I actually pull less with a trap bar than I do with a normal bar (230kg trap vs 240 normal bar) but with farmer's walk handles I can pick up 275kg. Grip width and starting position are a bitch
I can though
>deadlift 600
Did Jason even do that?
>40 years old
Jason wasn't 40 when he did that, was juiced up, and didn't have a job. Blahino, pls go and stay go
Holy shit
pretty much every religious person on Veeky Forums.
wow, Jason Blaha looks like THIS?
>trap bar deadlift
>5 inch ROM due to being a hyper-manlet
>so insecure he needs to lift shirtless
It amuses me how hard he tries.
>lets see you bench 340 squat 500 and deadlift over 600
My max bench is 395, my max squat is 550, and Idk how much my max DL is because I haven't maxed out in a long time. I'm 26. Blaha is pathetic, he's been doing this for over 20 fucking years and has worse numbers than some random fuck like me, who doesn't even do powerlifting.
That said, the wannabe alpha manlet is just as bad with his gimmicky bullshit and obvious insecurity about his masculinity.
>lol he BTFO Jason Hahahaha
> no he didn't, it's not the lift Jason called him out on
>LOL omg he didn't do it to BTFO Jason, he is just lifting the way he wants, omg!!
Literally retards.
>only person claiming BTFO is OP
>probably bait anyway
>most other replies call both of them egomaniac manlets in their own ways
literally overreacting
Did you read my post?
OP claims he BTFO Jason and upon being told that he litterally didn't because he did not take the challenge and didn't post the lift the challenge was about, he repeats that he "didn't even try".
Completely fucking retarded. Do the challenge and BTFO him properly or shut the fuck up and stop making assumptions how much percentage of x lift carries over to how many reps of y lift.
Just do the lift or don't act like you BTFO anyone.
Hey fuck off i like jasmine rice
Alex is my hero and he is a wholesome identity young people should aspire to be like and not the fake natties everywhere else online.
Not even jk
yes you braindead moron, i have read your post and for the thirtd time i am repeating the same thing so your stupid ass can understand a simple fucking messege: he blown blaha the fuck out by casually accomplishing a lift that easily translates to what bloho challenged him to do, even moreso that blaha was specifically questioning his grip strength seeing as he has the tendency to use straps at every opportunity. at the same time he didnt take the bait and create a video dedicated to jason calling him out, foiling his cunning plan to use other youtubers as a crutch to save his channel. he blown him the fuck out twofold. now kindly remove yourself from the gene pool you utter imbecile
Alex didn't even say he BTFO anyone. He wrote one comment about Blahino and is now avoiding him so he doesn't give him any clickbait views. Jason will probably stop since Alex already brought up Exposed TV, Shadow Man, fitmisc, etc. and Jason doesn't want anybody watching those videos obviously
The farm isnt even in Langley
Let's try it one last time, it's okay, read it multiple times little buddy:
If you want to claim that he BTFO Jason, then ask him to post a recording of the lift that Jason challenged him to.
Because you know what? No one gives a shit about your hypertherotical statement about how much percentage of a certain lift carries over to another.
Did destiny perform and complete the challenge Jason called him out for? No.
So did he BTFO Jason? No.
Is that so hard to understand?
that's the entire fucking point im trying to get through the thick skull of yours you mouthbreating american, had he done le epic jason blaha challenge he'd have done exactly what the fatman wanted him to do - make people aware of his miserable existence and drive traffic to his channel. those aware of the beef now have a proof that he's more than capable of doing what jason challenged him to and jason has another month of cat food and ramen to look forward to. why are you still alive anyway?
he's not doing a challgenge because he's not takign the bait from the fat irrelavant fuck who only wishes he did to bring traffic to his dying channel, he's simply lifting heavy as he alwasy did and in the process accidentally managed to indrecitly shit on blaha and his silly assumptions. and eys, anyone who can hexbar deadlift 515 for 10 reps could easily do500 for 5 with conventional
and you are dumb like shit.
>have proof
They literally do not have proof you fucking imbecile.
They had proof had he posted the actual lift.
He did not.
Everything else is just baseless speculation.
Fucking kill yourself before you actually spread your genes you moron.
Ryback dipshit
Even if you repeat your retarded assumptions about carry over from one lift to another 100 times more it still doesn't make it proven nor right.
it is a testament of him having met the standard of strength that blaha had implied he couldnt reach, which is obvious to anyone who has been near a barbell in his or her life can understand but the main point is how skilfully he outmaneuvered blaha by refusing to play his game also im not nobody agrees with you you mongoloid
>Nooke agrees with you
Besides multiple people in here disagreeing with your assumption of carryover.
Do you read your own thread?
If you're not competing in powerlifting events, there is no need besides your own ego to not deadlift with a trap bar
In essence, the trap bar deadlift works your back and hip extensors almost as hard as the conventional deadlift does at worst, and just as hard in all likelihood, with the added benefit of also providing a little extra stimulus for your quads (though not nearly as much as squatting does). What’s not to love?
>easier to learn
>no hyperextension at lock out
>no need for mixed grip
>high handles for people with insufficient ROM
>less chance of getting pulled forward/spinal flexion.
>it can still be just as hip-dominant as a barbell deadlift
>higher transfer to other sports
>it allows for more flexibility in the movement
>allows for higher velocity and higher power output (all other things being equal),
>is safer for a lot of people
>not used in competition
>the handles may be too wide for smaller people
>no sumo deadlifts
>balancing your grip
>Less challenge at terminal hip extension
>stupid commentators on social media
>which is obvious to anyone who has been near a barbell in his or her life
mustve missed that part chump
1375 @218. He's not even that good by recreational standards.
Oh cool, another statement, so true.
Nah; obvious to anyone that ever lifted a barbell is that the conversion is unknown and cannot be assumed.
Hey, cool argumentation we have going here now, let's just keep claiming that the opposing opinion can only be held by people that are losers!
You argue like a 10 year old child, typical neckbeard Veeky Forums style of arguing.
I just looked up 'deadlift' on Blaha's channel and the latest workout he has he's doing a tripple 500lbs while he's so visibly obese he must be like 250 lbs himself. That's just embarassing.
Lol are you defending bloho?
i actually really like alpha destiny, he may be a manlet, and although i am 6'1, i can identify with his insecurities and admire his tenacity
>memes layered upon memes
The deadlift is literally the easiest lift to learn by a long shot, poses no danger when done correctly, there's almost nobody with insufficient ROM to do it, power output and velocity don't matter in deadlifts and if anything fuck them up, nobody who's been taught to deadlift correctly will hyperextend, 'more flexibility in the movement' means literally nothing, you only get pulled forward by deadlifting incorrectly and a decent coach can correct that in 30 seconds.
Trap bar deadlifts are an excuse for imbeciles who can't teach a perfectly simple lift to not teach a perfectly simple lift.
pretty much me