>you have to be fucking stupid to seriously believe that actors and actresses use gea-
is it I that is the retard, or do those traps lie?
>you have to be fucking stupid to seriously believe that actors and actresses use gea-
is it I that is the retard, or do those traps lie?
Actors have managers, who have connections, of course they'll be on gear and such, but not for their entire life
>guy hits natty limit in 8 months
>"l trained so hard dude l did like 5000 situps per day"
I'd get jacked too if you gave me 10s of millions of dollars to do it.
Of course they do, actors are and always have been a simply slightly higher class of prostitute.
>is it I that is the retard, or do those traps lie?
Is the answer A or A?
There's literally nothing wrong with using gear if you are eating and training correctly. Particularly if you are getting paid to have a good body.
Most sensible steroid use will have no long term negative effects aside of in a few unlucky people who respond badly.
I can't believe people still deny Hollywood actors aren't using gear to beef up. Do you really believe Hugh jackman are a bunch of chicken and did some deadlifts to get that body because he was "motivated"?
Daisy doesn't use gear, she has very reasonable body proportions a woman on gear would not have.
there's nothing chicken about deadlifts
There are probably some that do and some that don't.
Think about it: actors getting in shape for a role pre-production are literally getting paid millions to memorize the script and work out. That is their job. For lead roles the studio probably even provides a personal trainer and/or nutritionist so they don't even have to worry about what they eat.
In those circumstances it's not that difficult to get shredded.
her left shoulder blade is lifted up making her trap stick out. 6/10, had to reply.
gear isn't illegal with a prescription
Hugh Jackman has been doing Wolverine shit for almost 2 decades. He never pulled any Christian Bale type drastic weight loss and gain shit, so even taking liberal amounts of time off of lifting, he's had lots of time to get swole
elaborate friend
Not him but I imagine they've got Hollywoods docs that'll gladly prescribe the actors gear with a little financial incentive.
Basically any form of test is legal with a prescription. That's how TRT shit is administered. Some shit like tren is not legal for human usage in many places, but with literally millions of dollars at one's disposal, it's not hard to go places where it can be bought OTC
Hugh Jackman is a genetic dead end and a cuck.
Why are you shilling this shitty character?
He's not that big. He just leans out for movies and dries out for shirtless scenes. DYEL?
her best role was as a corpse
because tiddies
Have you seen Chris Pratt's videos about his diets when he's shooting films?
Literally everything is pre-prepared for him. Its all labelled and planned out. He just needs to open it up and eat it at the alotted time.
I mean we're not saying that it being their job makes it easy. The actual physical effort is still there, and its still mentally taxing.
HOWEVER, it is NOT as mentally or physically taxing as someone with a 9-5 trying to also eat right and gain mass while lifting.
Her best role was in Toast of London.