Punching bags

My gym recently hung up a couple of these fucking things. Lets hear your punching bag routines. How long do you have to punch this fucker to make that cardio worth it?

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I do this on Tuesday's and Thursday's as conditioning. I basically just searched up like learn boxing online and followed the website's information on how to move and punch. I punch the shit for 15 seconds and then 30-45 second break and do this like 12 to 15 times with some ab work.

stop it. youre just ingraining incorrect motor patterns

1min punching, 30 sec rest, 6 times


Don't be 'that guy'

does punching a punching bag make your forearms and wrists bigger over time? Assuming you do it correctly of course.

Thank (you)

I use it as a warmup to get my heart rate up and loosen up my shoulders. I do circuits of 30-30-30's. They break down as such:

-30 seconds 75% effort focusing on proper form and combo progression
-30 seconds "ride the bike", i.e., high knees while you quickly tap the bag, speed is the focus
-30 seconds of max effort punches, focus on power.

then I transition to planks and to 30 seconds each of regular then both sides. rest for 90 seconds then repeat.

video for drill breakdown: youtube.com/watch?v=r_sdocwSpQw

As someone who's done a lot of punching/kicking. 8 years as opposed to 1 year working out, you get this nice boxer's physique if you punch alot. As in big shoulders and upper back, and striations, but my arms look pin af.

3min round 30sec rest atleast 6rounds don't buy everlast use handwraps

>As in big shoulders and upper back, and striations, but my arms look pin af.
not really, boxing alone doesn't really give you much of a physique, there are a lot of good skinny-fat boxers

I mean lifting alone doesn't give you a physique either. It depends on the volume ofc, and that pic related would fit my description if he lost the fat.

>lifting alone doesn't give you a physique either


if you're doing anything other than multiple 5 minute rounds you're just joking yourself
hitting the bag for under 30 seconds is a joke
you're neither giving yourself a proper conditioning workout using the bag nor learning how to properly work the bag

what are you a pussy? go fight something that can hit you back

>those normies that hit the bag without an ounce of technique



recall, too, the harder part of the heavy bag is at the bottom.... all of the filling ends up compressed there because of dudes striking the center of the bag.

check out some George Foreman YTs of him smashing in the lower part of the heavy bag.


how so?

100 jabs Southpaw and Orthodox
50 straights S&O
25 1/2's S&O
25 body hooks
Don't to upper cuts on the heavy unless they're body uppers and you're clinching the bag
That's just my routine you can probably just fuck around while moving if you're just doing cardio.

This go to a boxing gym for 6 months.

You know jackshit.

15 seconds of work and 45 seconds of rest?

Never going to make it.

I broke my 90 pound bag and I ordered a 6 foot banana bag purely because of those Foreman vids.

Going to fill it to 150-200 and hope I don't look like a bitch hitting it.

It is a skill and a art form to knock someone the fuck out, well not being knocked out your self.

You can't see your body.
You don't even know what to look for if you can.
You will end up breaking somthing
You don't know technique.
You ingrain bad habits, making you easier to kill.

Cardio and lifting requires little skill. Just movitvation to go harder.