>wake up at 1pm >eat some breakfast >digest while watching latest YouTube videos >head to gym at 2pm >train until 4pm >head to store >buy fresh veggies and meat >go home >cook it up >eat lunch at 6pm while browsing Veeky Forums >nap until 8pm >wake up and take dogs for walk >bump into petite qt around the block walking her dogs >hit it off with her and exchange numbers >finish walking dogs >get a msg from qt petite at 9:45pm >wants me to come over to her place just around the block >i head over and fuck her tight pooci >she literally tongues my asshole while jerking me off >lets me finish on her face >go home and eat dinner at 2am >watch some more youtube while browsing Veeky Forums
Neet life is so fucking good.
Dominic Wood
I wake up at 8 am. Go to college at 9:30 and then straight to work. Don't get back till 10pm. Workout then Sleep. Rinse and repeat bby. It's great....
Nicholas Robinson
Daniel Young
I usually go to the gym at 12am or 1am. Take about an hour nap before I go since I'm coming home from work that late. Then go home, sleep and work the afternoon shift.
Evan Robinson
Must not be that great if you feel the need to repost this here
Camden Cook
reality: >wake up at 4pm in a dark and filthy room >haven't brushed teeth in months or showered in over 3 weeks >eat poptarts and leave mess of wrappers all over the floor >open up Veeky Forums on a dimly lit screen >copy and paste thread entry from trolling.txt collection of pastas >smile to self >hear mom arguing with dad about your future >fart and put on headphones to watch anime >wait for family to go to sleep >sneak downstairs and steal garbage to eat from pantry >mindlessly watch youtube videos until bored >7 am, see sun from behind shades >jack off to porn and fall asleep
Dylan Bennett
We've had this exact same post before..
Dominic Powell
>projecting this hard
I put my money on you being a failed NEET and a failed normie.
Owen Hernandez
ITT: Wage cucks bitter that they can't get pussy without going out and earning money in order to get the privilege of having sex.
Grayson Kelly
Who's bankrolling all of this?
Ian Perry
>Having sex before gym
See this is where I know all this is made up bullshit.
William Taylor
I NEET lift now but I have no idea how I'm going to keep lifting when I have a job. It takes me at least two hours to get done. Combine that with the need to sleep at least 8 hours every night, 8 hours of work, about an hour per meal (meal prep and eating), showering and dressing in the morning, I don't think there's enough time in the day for this life style. How do wagies do it? do they not rest between sets and just pump out mediocre weight as fast as possible?
Landon Smith
OP went to the gym at approx 2pm and finished at approx 4pm, he has sex at approx 10pm.
Did you even read it?
Nathaniel Parker
>Only work 2 10 hour days on weekends >Usually wake up at like 2 pm on weekdays >Have 5 days to dedicate to training, taking care of and breeding fish >Sell fish online for profit
If I start making enough I will just sell fish and work out without working a real job at all anymore.
Elijah Jenkins
how do you afford to do this
Joshua Fisher
>How do wagies do it? do they not rest between sets and just pump out mediocre weight as fast as possible?
Pretty much. If they don't do that they're pretty much forced into doing a bro-split so they only need 30-40minutes at he gym per day. A waggie pretty much can't do a proper routine (like a full body) without becoming a gymcel outside of their work hours.
Ian Bennett
>I will have to give up SS+accessories for some lame ass brosplit when I get a job jesus. how do you make gains doing that? I can't imagine doing one main lift and an accessory or two and that's it. I already feel like I don't do enough, and I do about 4-7 different things every other day. staying a NEET seems better and better everyday
Nathaniel Jones
Wew boy, some hardcore justification in this thread. Unless you earn your own living, you will forever be someone's bitch. You are not truly free unless you are financially independent.