>tfw went on another coke binge and missed my workout
Tfw went on another coke binge and missed my workout
Other urls found in this thread:
user soda is bad for you and ruins your gainz.
Stop drinking soda ye faggot
Drink zevia tastes exactly like coke but has nothing in it only water, stevia leaf extract and some natural acids. Also zero cals. Costs me 3 bucks for a 6 pack. Great way to act like your cheating but dont.
He said coke as in drugs you faggots. What kind of person misses their workout to go on a binge of delicious and refreshing ice cold Coca Cola™?
I feel like you're not too smart.
just don't eat anything and call it IF
Sure user, sure. And I bet you think diddlies are code for molestation
I feel like you're retarded and can't detect an obvious joke.
Maybe your joke was just bad because it was riding on the backs of other peoples jokes and I figured no one was that unfunny.
>Thinking he's serious
Did you even read the second half of the post?
If you are a fucking drugaddict you have worse things to worry about than missing a workout.
Get good before you get swole, getting a nice paintjob isnt gonna fly when your motor is trash. People on here tend to forget or actively try to bypass the basics and just go full "gym is muh life".
Do you know how fucking stupid you look when you´ve spent all that energy for the gym and you dont have your basic shit in order?
The broke guy spending his rentmoney on drinks at the pub to look cool, thats you.
I thought he was talking about cocaine too.
>TFW former soda addict
Don't do this to me you fucks.
Cheeky second half threw doubt on it all but I stuck too my guns and called the man an idiot. Even if he was joking (which its now clear he was) it was an awful joke and I shouldn't be expected to just automatically assume someone is that inconceivably unfunny. I gave the man a chance by instead assuming he was just an idiot. Atleast idiots can be funny.
>soda addict
Mate it's just called no willpower. Dont fucking call yourself that. Good on you for stopping I guess and I GUESS you can techically say you were adicted because some soda is by it's nature adictive but holy shit man calling yourself a former soda addict is just so god damned cringey.
Do yourself a favoue and just, dont do that ok? Don't.
quit before it does nothing but gives u anxiety
speaking from experience
>He never sucked dick in a walmart parking lot for half a lukewarm flat Pepsi™
Soda addiction is real dude.
You're a funny boy
not if you're bulking. Easy tasty calories
>It's better to be stupid than to make a tongue-in-cheek joke
Dude what
You're not really making a great impression here, buddy
stop backpedaling
It doesn't matter my friend. Board doesn't have ID's I can make as many first impressions as I like.
In what way was I back peddling? What right is it of yours to tell me what I was thinking? How would you have a clue? Don't be so fucking stupid.
I'm outta here now anyway thought this was a real fat hate thread and came to say Boogie seems nice and at least he's getting surgery now because exercise is apparently too painful for his arthritis ridden bones.
>tfw been traveling in Europe and my diets been alllllll fucked
>He thinks this is a whole other thread
Let's hope they're not all shit, eh
The face of autism, ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies drink diet coke you think there are ladies in here? Us men we drink the full flavour full sugar COKE. Like OP.
The amazing taste of an ice cold and refreshing Coca Cola™ does not discriminate, friend-o.
>not using coke as a pre-workout
You could be making it
Umm k he's obviously trolling you guys because he knows that post was a joke. Btw I drink cans of coke while working out fatties look at me seething
>Trying to save face after you "left the thread"
This is sad.
You have autistic
Speech patterns different kek. Other dude was more formal, didnt use k and shit
Something about OP's pic makes me think of Ethan Klein
Papa Bless.
You doing okay over there Ben?