
/plg/ general smug edition

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All of seans characters got banned. Feel free to talk lifting.

lifting fucking SUCKS



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> High/Low – Low/High Texas Method Split
The overview for this program appears in the 3rd Edition of PPST and begins around page 184 of the PDF version and is described as one of the most difficult methods.

Monday: Bench "Intensity", Press 5x5, Skullcrushers 3x10-12
Tuesday: Squat "Intensity", Power Clean 5x2, Chins 3xFailure
Thursday: Press "Intensity", Bench 5x5, Dips 3xFailure
Friday: Deadlift "Intensity", Squat 5x5, Barbell Row 3x10

Rotate the “Intensity” lifts through a 3-week schedule as follows: Squat and Bench rotate 2x3, 3x2, and 5x1. Press rotates 5x1, 2x3, and 3x2. Deadlift rotates 1x1, 1x3, and 1x2. This is so they're not all on the most fatiguing of the progressions in the same week.

If the Dips and Chins can easily be done for 10+ reps, add weight on alternating sessions so that they become 3x5-7.

isley, isley, isley Ye never leern man, ye never leern. Like someone's geeting sceerd cause dey gonna git outtoteled; like whaddaya gonna do whin it hippins isley? Whaddaya gonna do - it's iniveetible. It's just iniveetible. Like. Y'know. I got ya squat...een the bag. Like. I'm cumming up on ye diddlyift I'm not evin like less then twenny keelo awey from your bist diddlyift men an' don' eevin git me sterted on binch. Whad ees it like your bist binch is like a hunna twenny five keelo; whas dat like two anna helf plate an some chenge....like. I cin rip dat shit like twenny times now an trow it troo a roof it's almost like a wahm up fer me I conseeder two plate a wahm up. An'! Whahappens when I binch like..three anna..three anna quater binch, three anna three quater plate whad ees it one hunna sevenny keelo?! Thin wha? Thas like...whad ees it..forty five keelo dif'rence mate. The bar is set too low man. Like yer ginna lose man.