What's does Veeky Forumss shoulders look like?
What's does Veeky Forumss shoulders look like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post butthole.
Post boipucci
Whoa, hey guys! Welcome to EB games.
9/10 would slam
>pics plz
Routine and diet?
pls post another pic with the camera a little lower
Nice tits girl! Timestamp now.
I want to suck your femenine dick
satan trips tooks like batfleck
Why eb games?
WOW that's so hot
55 inches all the way around.
But I'll always be a manlet, so that won't change anythinh
is it possible, with enough lifting, to make shoulders like those look buff?
[spoiler]i kinda have similar shoulders[/spoiler]
Like this
Nice, would look better without the fat (pecs)
>calling others dyel and not posting pic of body
post your chocolate crater boy
post your mother's
I thought you said you were straight.
ass is ass. it feels the same regardless of the gender it is attached to
t. bifag
When u bulk 2 hard
calling this guy
lol 2/10
eww wtf
mans assholes feel rougher and give you more stimulation.
>thin frame
>big head, only making it look thinner
life is suffering
Get the fuck off this site right now
You are now shadowbanned. No one can see your posts.
Like this.
>smug anime face response
I never isolate shoulders
Hotel mode
They look weird as fuck in this pose though.
Wow, you look like you would have an insanely attractive face.
Post dick?
Don't know about that
You look like a retarded cobra
Yeah, you're super hot.
You like traps?
not great
looks like you've trained your ears too much
Your face is literally mere centimeters of moving stuff around to become the ultimate chad. Still pretty attractive.
Keeping my delts capped and rounded at what is approaching 25% bodyfat is a serious struggle, at some point I'm going to have to cut but if I can hit a 120kg strict press by the end of this year I will officially be the strongest presser in my gym
The fuck is wrong with your right hand? Where the fuck are your digits?
I do
post boipucci
Nigga get back to Castle Wolfenstein. Or my bed.
>girl leggings
Why tho?
Just started lifting about 2 months ago.
A-am I gonna make it guys?
You need to wear a SS uniform
that's the mode I was going for
I guess I've made it lads, I've completed gym
All bad
post dickhead pls[/spoiler]
Mirin futa cock
Nice jaw line senpai
Thanks. :3
Your turn!
Hey mom, look I have broken wrists!
thanks, that's what I was aiming for!
out of curiosity, where's your pic?
Looks more anglo than continental german.
Natty ?
Isn't it night time in Straya right now? Go to bed, emufucker.
How tall are you?
Fucking kek.
What did he post?
What's the point of taking a pic in that position? Looks stupid to me.
You guys should fuck.
And film it, then post it.
Not even gay, but I like to roleplay here. Its weird as fuck, I know, but I have this feeling most guys on here do this.
Thought it looked funny, and thanks.
You need to clean your grout
>jews want to destroy THIS
Which shoulder exercises you doin? Trying to get wider.
Generally I focus on behind-neck pressing, wide-grip upright rows, and lateral raises. I think width is more in the back than the shoulders, though, and I do a whole lot of rowing and pull-ups.
I used to OHP as my main upper movement but I switched to the BTN press when I realised I had the mobility to do it without pain and was told that it was the most effective shoulder builder. I believe that that is true, but you should work from the very bottom and build up the strength and mobility to do it properly. I was strict pressing 90kg from the front when I switched to BTN and dropped down to 40kg, now I can hit 80kg for a strict triple at my best. I have a video but I have yet to upload it as I really wanted to wait until I could get a 100kg single before I posted a BTN press video.
THanks, I actually swapped OHP for BTH recently too, and starting doing upright rows again. I have problems feeling lateral raises in my lateral delts because I think my posture is a little fucky. What does your routine look like? Do you use any mental cues to feel your delts or lats when you work em?
First picture of myself posted on this but fuuq it.
I thought people on this board lifted kek
I actually have the same issue with lateral raises, I find they're just not worth the hassle so I only chuck them in as a finisher. I don't worry about feeling them, I just do them and forget about them (I think they're a bit shit and not a lot of fun).
I do have mental cues but not for the delts, actually. My biggest cue on the BTN that I explain to everyone who asks is to pack your upper body, particularly your traps. Pull your shoulders back, get under the bar, push up hard and keep yourself tight by imagining you're going to squat. Don't let your legs move, but prepare for the whole thing the same way you would a squat.
I switched to the Juggernaut Method recently so I can't really give a critique of what I'm doing at the moment, but I used to train using the Hepburn Power and Pump Method with added back work and accessory work. Look it up, it's a simple and reliable way to program your progression while also getting in good volume.
M. Peters?
He lift, he just need to bulk
looks ready for a summer cut
90% of them go for the twink look
Remain beautiful, A. G-A ;)
Im coming from complete skele mode. Nice to see your attitude towards other lifters, that will get you far.
Nah, iam straight
Thank you man
I just need a scar then i could cosplay as Blazkowicz
Iam german and a military fag
Give me your Kik and lets talk there
What are those spots next to your abdomen
Ur dads name D. Peters?
When I was like 15, I was blowing up cans of deodorant over a fire with friends and one rocketed at me and blew up as it hit me.
4 years later it's still there.
How old are you, child?
Good work, I wish I started lifting at your age.
Nope, last name isn't Peters
ew creep don't talk to him
Have I lost the genetic lottery or should I work on shoulders?