This chick who lifts at my gym and I made eye contact many times today but I couldn't muster the courage to talk to her because she has this constant bitch face going on. Like she smelled something foul. How do I approach her?
Female Veeky Forumsizen input is also appreciated.
Hudson Price
She's making that face because she doesn't want people to approach her. If she wanted to talk to you she'd smile when you made eye contact or at least not frown.
Aiden Green
How many times did you make eye contact and for how long? This is very important, but it already sounds promising for you.
Grayson Murphy
This is true. You have to talk to someone else, not attractive, first, and have a good conversation with and make them laugh, all while she can hear you. Then, she'll get curious and drop her defenses when you talk to her. Trust me.
Robert Hall
That's what I think but she glanced at me many times too, which confused me.
Elijah Myers
I don't know like 6-7? One time she kept it for like 5 secs while still having that prison ice grill, while I acted like a lil bitch and averted my gaze. This sounds like solid advice. I'll try it next time if she's around. Thanks mate.
Aiden Davis
This guys knows.
Landon Lee
This is what I'd do if I felt inspired to ask a grill out
>wait til she's walking out the door >approach her >"excuse me Miss, I never do this, especially at the gym but I just have to introduce myself to you, I'm user" >"uhh Hi, I'm Stacy" >"So I'm about to leave but can I have your number? I wanna get coffee with you sometime"
Angel Roberts
Go up to her, ask her what diameter ball-gag she prefers in her mouth. It works trust me OP
Xavier Morgan
Sounds too bold to ask for the number in the first 15 seconds of talking to somebody. I doubt I could pull that off.
Ryder Perez
She's definitely playing hard to get. She wants you to court her. Next time she makes eye contact, squat no less than 3 plates for reps. If you can't do that yet, you can't handle her yet and should give up for now. Then, as soon as you finish your set, walk up to her and say "let's go back to my place so you can dry off." This will 100% work. It has never failed me and I have full confidence it will work for you too.
Godspeed user.
Levi Hernandez
I'm a squatlet, how about I deadlift 4 plates for reps instead?
Lucas Edwards
That may very well suffice, but I can't guarantee its success in lieu of squatting. There's just something about heavy squats that gets women all worked up.
Jonathan Howard
Girls like bold m8, it shows confidence and that you take what you want
Logan Diaz
I don't know man, I'm not that alpha...
But I WILL somehow someway talk to her next time I see her. She squats ATG and has huge titties, can't let that one go.
David Wright
Don't approach women at the gym. If they wanted to talk to you they would.
Lincoln Lopez
If everyone thought like that people wouldn't talk to each other at all.
Jace Baker
Nigger, what makes you alpha is not your attitude but your actions. Being alpha is not a cause of what you do or don't do, it is the result of what you do or don't do
Zachary Roberts
If she's making a lot of eye contact with you then just go for it. Think of something to say that's not autistic. Don't live in regret like me
Daniel Harris
Maybe you're the thing that smells foul.
Ayden Peterson
OP, this person is baiting you. Don't follow this advice. As a femanon, I'd be thoroughly disgusted by this approach and would actively avoid this person as much as possible for the rest of my time there. What said is on point (unless she just has a bad case of resting bitch face). What said is a good follow-up to help you out.
Isaiah Diaz
tfw nobody talks to me bc of my rbf. if she doesn't have headphones on then say hi.
David Reyes
>Huge titties Dubs commands you to take the risk. Just know that she will most likely say no, but you have to gamble when huge boobs are involved. She will probably be defensive since she's a girl in the gym and also gets leered at due to the huge boobs.
Ask her casually if she wants to go for coffee/dinner or whatever, then give her your number if things go well, or exchange numbers. You're already putting her on the defensive by talking to her (she's most likely been propositioned before), so don't make it worse for her by asking her to give her your number. Bold can work, but it doesn't sound like she's a good target for it.
Luke Hernandez
OP do not listen to anybody in this thread.
What you have to do is next time she stares at you, not just eye contact, when you feel the stare and tension, just wave at her.
This requires no alphaness, no talking, you don't even have to smile (though you probably will subconsciously). Yet one wave will completely and utterly destroy her ego. It says "I know you're staring at me. Act like an adult and say something instead".
Daniel Collins
Duly noted. Easy enough and could spark a conversation.
Wait, do I just go up to her and say "Hey, do you wanna have some coffee with me?" That sounds pretty awkward even for my standards.
Ian Sullivan
Come on user, obviously you segue into it. Ask her if she's finished on "x" machine or something nonchalant like that. Don't compliment her on her nice yoga pants or sports bra or form, make it something innocuous. Then go for the coffee question. The most important thing is to make it casual. Your odds aren't good based on what you've told us so far, but if you want to motorboat those puppies you gotta roll the dice.
Kayden Perry
Wink and nod in the direction of the dancefloor
Jack Jenkins
meant for
Josiah Brooks
Is that what those platforms are for? The assholes at my gym always deadlift there.
Lucas Evans
I thought about that but she was doing squats with a fixed weight outside of the rack, no way to work in that one. Then she moved to pussy-spread machine and whatnot, I'm not touching that shit mate.
But yeah, if I see her on the cable row or something, I'm definitely going for it.
Landon Walker
Haha, I gathered that much already. However I'd still like to think that being stronger and more muscular than vast majority of men there is attractive.
Aaron Bailey
Saw a cute, ripped manlet who goes to my gym on Grindr. He's a masc4masc type and I'm still a skelly who has no interest in masc shit like watching sports or cars. Should I bother?
Charles Garcia
Terrible advice.
Justin Robinson
nobody wants to be bothered when they working out.
Jeremiah Jackson
Brody Sanders
Probably just flex a 'cep, then again I'm not autistic like you and know what women want.
Kevin Jackson
What a twisted view on reality. Wow.
Juan Gonzalez
meh, an older woman at work has bitch face, but she's actually really nice
Liam Cruz
Do all this, but whatever you do, don't stop staring at those massive mammarys. Talk to the titties, never avert your gaze. It'll help if you stammer, and get a noticeable hard on.
Trust me. Works every time.
Jaxson Lewis
Jack Cooper
>so are you here to workout?
Josiah Harris
She probably gets hit on all the time what makes you think you are anything special. You are probably ugly any way so no use in trying.
Owen Stewart
there are billions of girls out there, just go for it. if it doesn't work out with this one it won't mean anything because you'll just find someone else. it's a trial and error kind of game.
Jackson Johnson
Autistic here with a question
Do you always have to go for a coffee or what? It seems like a bit of a cliche and I don't go to coffee shops in general so its another hurdle for me
Ryder Sanders
>no 'cep flexing >no "are you working out?" 0/10
Cooper Martin
I try to go some place nice to prove I'm not autistic, so a coffee place with a lot of people there seems like a good idea
Ryder Williams
>shitting where you eat why do so many of you even think about asking a girl out in the gym? Either you fail and now it's weird between you, or you go out, and if you don't stay together and break up, it's back to being weird. How is it so hard to hit on the billions of girls outside of the gym?
Kayden Rodriguez
>As a femanon >""""""femanon""""""
Jaxson Thompson
Brandon Stewart
are you autistic? that means shes wondering if you're staring/watching her.
she thinks you're predatory/creepy
Dominic Robinson
Connor Johnson
Everyone who negatively replied to this is a confirmed virgin or close to a virgin. This is good shit. Bitches dig confidence
Tip, if you're ugly this won't work
Jordan Williams
2/8 b8
Hunter Lee
Don't go anywhere you will be trapped for hours like for a meal or something like that because sometimes you will know right away you don't want to hang out with her and if you go for a drink you can finish it quick and leave.
Blake Nguyen
1. Socially acceptable thing to ask 2. Public location - Less worry for both parties 3. Length of duration is just enough to get to know if you want to talk more. 4. Length of time can be limited or extended as necessary
Elijah Price
fpbp I used to be a fat, ugly chick and no one wanted anything to do with me romantically or socially, which I was fine with because I like to keep myself to myself. After losing a huge amount of weight a couple of years ago, everyone wanted to be my friend. I was polite to everyone like I'd always been as a fatty, and some men got the wrong idea, so now I make a concerted effort to look really angry all the time. I'm developing deep wrinkles between my eyebrows as a result, but it is a better alternative to getting fat again.
This Despite the strategy outlined above, I've been avoiding the gym this week because in a moment of weakness I gave my phone number to some guy I speak to that I thought was just a friend* and, it transpires, wants more than friendship, and I haven't replied to any of the texts because fuck off with that shit
It's not fair to impose that on someone. If you really are compelled to approach a girl at the gym, make your intentions clear from the outset and let the chips fall where they may.
*yes I am autistic
William Thomas
anytime a guy talks to a girl at the gym he doesn't want to "just be friends"
James Miller
i am one of those sourpussies, but i do get curious about what other people are doing or even try to look at someone elses form, that doesn't mean i want your d
Lucas Thompson
Just don't, move to men.
Nicholas Fisher
I laugh when girls think guys just want to be friends, and when they are surprised that they want more.
Isn't it obvious by now that most guys will eventually just want to fuck or want a romantic relationship of some kind?
Leo Peterson
A gym really isn't an okay place to approach a woman unless she's giving you serious mires. If I was in the gym to lift and some guy started talking to me, I'd probably do whatever I can to get him to leave me alone so I can finish up. Maybe afterwards, like if you see her leaving at the same time as you. Maybe then you can be like "oh, its raining out blah blah blah" and get your foot in the door so that next time you can actually approach her to ask her out without creeping her out. Like if you make small talk with a girl a few times, and THEN you ask her out, its a lot less creepy because at least you've talked to her before. Otherwise its just sort of like, oh, he likes my ass.
Dominic Morgan
The next time you two make eye contact make the face like pic related.
Either she laughs or she thinks you're a complete creep. Either way this solves your problem.
Oliver Myers
I don't have a life outside the gym.
John Diaz
I haven't masturbated in 2 days and my penis is so hard and I'm at work now.
Wyatt Gonzalez
just go on your break or something.
Henry Rogers
>Hey are you working out?
Works every time.
Colton Nguyen
She's just a gym girl, plenty of them out so be extreme and catch her attention with this face, serious here
Julian Morgan
THIS is exactly what my friend does all the time, and he's a pretty handsome dude, no homo. His success rate is about 5% and it only works on women 30+. I can't help but laugh every fucking time he does this shit but he just doesn't get it. If you do this shit you're more than autistic.
Bentley Jackson
this is not actually a bad idea. Women's fuckholes are directly tied to their laugh brain so getting her to laugh makes her fuckhole engorge with blood if she likes you.
if she doesnt she'd make the same sour look as if you had tried to actually talk to her
Jordan Rivera
Adrian Ross
>The girl is actually a fellow fitizen with no social gains and they will forever stare at each other
William Roberts
I get dates all the time making stupid faces at girls. If you can get them to laugh just once, you can walk up when you're done with your set or whatever and just go about a conversation.
Carter Parker
Lol omg do people actually believe this? Nobody take this troll advice if you don't want to get banned from your gym for creeping people out.
Nicholas Powell
Sorry you're fucking ugly bud, but this shit works for me just fine.
Bentley Moore
Post an example of yourself so that we may emulate
Jaxson Fisher
this is a good post
Dominic Ross
This isn't a thread for me to post selfies or prove shit, OP asked for advice and I gave him my 2 cents that worked for me. You can try it, or don't, that doesn't effect my life in the least. I recommend you give it a shot once.