I'm 161cm and I was so fucking close to getting a girl about a month ago, height doesn't matter
Noah Davis
Austin Flores
This is a great idea for exchanging gym wisdom/broscience and everybody might learn a thing or two
Wyatt Thomas
Form > weight
Seriously, drop the weight and concentrate on form. Stretch at the bottom of the rep, squeeze at the top. It'll hurt like a muthafucka but you'll realise that you've been lifting wrong this whole time.
That one must, MUST, read the Starting Strength book.
Hunter Fisher
Nathaniel Cox
Steroids aren't bad m'kay
Jeremiah Powell
No frequency is king
Mason Foster
Always follow a program. Whatever you come up with is probably fucking retarded.
Aiden Myers
This. Volume (also known as time under tension) is what matters for growth.
The key factor here being that doing 12 reps in 20 seconds will NOT give you as good results as doing 12 reps with the same weight over 40 seconds.
This is the literal entire reason that 8-12 reps was ever suggested as the "mass building range" because it was based on a tempo that gave sets lasting for 40-50 seconds.
I think a lot of people assume that doing 12 reps vs 5 reps doesn't make too much difference in size gains is because people tend to spend as much time doing 5 reps as they do doing 12.
Slow your sets down and you will notice a lot better results from doing "training for mass"
Owen Price
Also, more volume is king because more volume = more practicing form = better execution = gainz
Form is the basis of everything.
Also, eating is easier than not eating. Yes, even as a skelly. t. former skelly
PS >pic related
Nicholas Ward
Routines don't matter that much
Logan Collins
deadlift is a meme. a fun meme, but a meme nevertheless
Brandon Jones
That's BS. If you artificially slow down your concentric phase you lower the amount of fast twitch fiber you recruit.
Doing reps slow is a meme. Paused reps are legit though.
Nathan Thomas
Lifting is useless
William Baker
fast twitch fiber comes from bodyweight stuff
Brayden Peterson
You completely misunderstand what "fast" and "slow" twitch muscle fibers are.
Owen Ramirez
This it's amazing how retarded people are. If you want more TUT just do more reps/sets at the same speed. Don't artificially slow your reps.
Henry Miller
>I think a lot of people assume that doing 12 reps vs 5 reps doesn't make too much difference in size gains is because people tend to spend as much time doing 5 reps as they do doing 12. You are neither experienced nor well informed
Luke Gutierrez
In the end, it's the face that matters
Caleb Lewis
Samuel Hall
What we train when we do heavy resistance training is our ability to move weight in a certain ROM as fast as possible. That's is what fast twitch fiber is designed for.
Yes, reps don't actually have to be "fast" but you have to try to move it as fast as you can. When you artificially restrict yourself and do the rep slow instead then you simply hit your muscle inefficiently when your goal is to build its size.
Jayden Rogers
What do you mean? A set of 5 reps can take 20 seconds, and doing 12 reps in that same time won't give the big difference in size gains that people think higher reps gives.
Are you trying to say thats wrong?
Jayden Long
Eat vegetables. Get enough sleep. Enough ROM. You're doing it wrong if it hurts whatsoever. If your weight stagnates, start measuring your body dimensions. You're probably still losing fat. Don't trust calculated TDEE too much. (Stagnated forever following a calculator's suggestion to the T, weight finally moved after going significantly lower than suggested. No strength loss)
Brandon Price
>161cm >I was so fucking close to getting a girl about a month ago >close to getting
John Cox
Slow reps still use fast twitch fibers. >When you artificially restrict yourself and do the rep slow instead then you simply hit your muscle inefficiently when your goal is to build its size.
You are wrong. Volume is what matters. You could do 6 sets of 20 seconds and it be the same as 3 sets of 40 seconds. The effect would be basically the same. Doing the slower reps in this case is by definition more efficient. The goal in building size is volume, and volume comes from the time your muscles are under tension, not some arbitrary number of reps or sets.
Daniel Carter
>you still hit Yeah, but less. It's less efficient, simple.
1. (of a system or machine) achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
>spending more time for the same results is more efficient. OK.
btw I guarantee I look better and lift more than you.
Eli Davis
mindset and intensity is literally everything no matter what garbage program you are following
Im following Eric advice for a while now and strength gains are out of this world
Grayson Young
>not experienced How can you POSSIBLY believe that the average set of 5 takes as long as the average set of 12? >not well informed It's not just volume = time under tension, otherwise an isometric quarter squat for x sec would be equal to a normal set. Volume = reps x sets x weight
Eli Kelly
Steroids are a must if you want to look impressive and not train over 5 years for it (steroids still more impressive even then). But I know you're a nooblifter so train well for at least a year or even 2.
t. nattus
Camden Edwards
Stats? 240/160/260 here
Doesn't make you right btw.
Gavin Martin
I didn't say the AVERAGE set. I said that people blast out 12 reps as fast as possible which can take less than 20 seconds. A set of 5 heavy squats can take longer than that, and if you disagree then you probably don't squat more than 3 plate. Same with deadlifts, bench and press to a lesser extent though thats just the nature of those exercises having less total intensity.
Time under tension, for the purposes of this arguments, is the same thing as volume. We aren't talking about isometrics or half reps, so stop shifting the goal posts.
Ryan Allen
frequency is not king, you will not progress long term by distributing the amount of volume you are doing currently over more workouts without actually increasing that volume
your total workload, number of sets, must increase for continued progress over your training career
frequency also matters of course but lifters have been successful with many training frequencies, you've got Sheiko with moderate frequency, Dietmar with very high frequency, and then you've got ed coan and other American PL programming like cube where you just smash one lift with retard volume but low frequency - the one common thread is that all elite lifters do a lot of volume
Colton Russell
except high frequency allows you to do more volume weekly you imbecile
everyone knows you need to progress with weights no one stated otherwise
David Thompson
>what is neuromuscular efficiency?
Justin Flores
for 5? 75kg OHP 170kg squat, 115kg bench, 220kg deadlift
at 85kg bw.
Vid is (kinda) proof. Though its only for 3.. I got 5 last week.
Ian Price
What do you do when you have an asymmetrical face? Nothing extreme...
Andrew Clark
No they are singles from last mock meet - I weigh a lot more than you though.
Aiden King
>I didn't say the AVERAGE set >people tend to spend as much time doing 5 reps as they do doing 12 sry must have been a misunderstanding
Ethan Roberts
Do you even do any size specific training? Or is it all strength and strength assistance training?
Charles Moore
I do BB for back basically every day - I have DB incline presses in all of my chest days, which was thought to build size.
Kevin Flores
Girls are either distractions or motivation, I picked motivation and I call her my oneitis.
Luke Hernandez
right, so higher frequency allows you to get more volume, which is the main driver of adaptation in strength training as supported by every single study ever done on lifting weights and as understood by sports science for decades
you fucking imbecile
something that is improved with more working sets (volume) as well as frequency
Austin Baker
You always have to adjust volume (again, wich is NOT time under tension) for progressive overload so it doesn't automatically mean high volume = high gains Frequency as a variable why brosplits, ppl, 531, cube method fucking suck and can be increased to 12 times per week obviously not always going full retard every session and motivation plays a role aswell
John Collins
Man that pic just reminds me of how much I masturbate out of boredom
Carter Hall
there's no reason to train large bodyparts more than twice a week.
there are good reasons not to train them more than twice a week.
Gabriel Cooper
>You are smarter than olympic weightlifters who squat everyday
>the basic 3 day full body is only for novice and early intermediate
>light days are completely useless
Jayden Nelson
none of those apply to what i said.
Ethan Walker
Be careful who you choose to compare yourself with.
Tyler Bailey
>there's no reason to train large bodyparts more than twice a week. Yes there is. Keeping/gaining neuromuscular efficiency and improving form a bit with light days
>there are good reasons not to train them more than twice a week. Such as? Can't think of anything other than motivation
Blake Kelly
eating clean actually greatly benefits gains
Jack Powell
This. Lift in normie gym and you don't have the motivation you'd have in a powerlifting gym or a gym mostly filled with professional bodybuilders
Adam Butler
Any good bench program has 3 volume days a week
Hudson Gray
clearly the context implies training heavy, so a light day wouldn't affect it.
recovery of passive structures generally require a few rest days. moving moderate to heavy weights more than twice a week can easily lead to injuries for normal people.
yeah, chest/triceps/front delts is just on the edge of benefits/injury prevention trade off. if you can get away with benching 3 times a week without injury, it can be good. difference in gains with twice a week is still minimal though.
Thomas Ramirez
>clearly the context implies Kek just won my first internet argument. High five guys!
Lucas Reyes
Jonathan Thompson
>I read this in a bb.com email
Hudson Thompson
t. Jeff Cavalier
Nathaniel Gomez
>What is the most important, redpilled thing you HAVE to know about training? Getting shredded by itself won't make you happy, get you a gf, etc. Don't use fitness as a way to avoid confronting your personal and mental problems.
Chase Morris
Robert Campbell
Lyle Mcdonald is insane but everything he says about nutrition is true
Kevin Wood
Zachary Powell
Yeah he was shitposting on Nuckols page, insulting people. What's his problem?
Volume, sets, reps and time under tension don't matter. Only HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME.
Justin Cruz
>never making it this bad
Isaiah Roberts
Height is definitive a factor in getting laid, but it's far from being nearly as important as people here make it out to be.
I am a 5'4 turbo manlet, I don't have a very attractive face and by Veeky Forums standarts I am also DYEL. I still had a few girlfriends and some one night stands. Some girls really do care and will not even give you the slightest chance if you're too small, but that really doesn't happen that often. Usually it's just one of many variables that can be blurred out by other stuff. The best metaphor I can think of is poker. Being small = having a slightly bad hand. It's a disadvantage for sure but you can still win if you play your cards right.
Michael Jenkins
> Stretch at the bottom of the rep, squeeze at the top. It'll hurt like a muthafucka but you'll realise that you've been lifting wrong this whole time.
The amount of morons who still believe in this squeezing shit is scary. It's broscience to the nth degree.
Here's a little dose of common sense - if something hurts, it's not good. What do you go to the gym for? To get hurt? To feel a burn? Not me. I go to the gym for 2 reasons - to build strength and to build muscle.
That soreness you feel when you lift slowly and squeeze isn't the muscle being activated more. It's tissue inflammation. All it means is that you'll be sore for longer and take longer to recover.
In nature humans don't lift things slowly. They lift explosively with all the muscle fibres firing as a unit. THIS is the proper way to lift. Not your squeezing bullshit.
I recommend picking up a human anatomy book and not getting all your "info" from bodybuilding.com
Jace Brown
ironically most of the science books lag behind a lot of the empirical knowledge gathered by lifters.
Levi Ramirez
>What do you go to the gym for? To get hurt? To feel a burn? Not me.
Eli Johnson
gains = hard work
also mindset is everything
Henry Murphy
hey, I've been running SL for 2 months, but i think my form was wrong on every lift except benchpress all this time, should I go back and reset the app to barbell only?
Ryder Perez
Only as it increases volume
Isaiah Moore
pale = female
Alexander Parker
tanning = female
Noah Reed
Read the discussion (I won )
Gabriel Lopez
Defensive about being wrong, and yeah, you are wrong.
Do yourself a favor a Google eccentric lifting, there's actual science behind that part of the lift, beyond even the athlean x guy and the Boston guy. (Both of whom I would be much more likely to believe, compared to some autist on Veeky Forums)
Blake Garcia
>squatting 5 plates for 6 doesn't mean shit Oh kek rich
Ian Diaz
This amount of autism.. No, it's pretty clear to everyone that you did not win.
Bentley Diaz
But you fell short, huh?
Hudson Harris
Post fedora memes all you want. It's fucking true. So many people get caught up in feeling a burn or pump. Pump =/= gains buddy.
Adam Harris
I guess you weren't tall enough to reach her.
Isaiah Hill
> Broscience spouted in the weight room is better than actual scientific studies This may be one of the dumbest things I've read on here.
Camden Thomas
you'll realize this when you've spend a couple of years training and actually reading the books.
Oliver Jackson
imagine choosing not to make it this hard
Jason Lopez
w-wait really
Luke Gutierrez
machines are great for isolation, and things like fly machines are good for form. >he fell for the machine meme