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>weight loss update
>hasn't lost any weight yet
>gonna lose it soon though!
Here we go again
Did you even watch the video? Kill yourself.
he 6lb stop shitting on me
I'm watching it right now, 5 minutes in and he still hasn't gotten past his speech about how it's not his fault "OF COURSE IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE just wanna let you know that i had this and that happen to me", fucking hell, what's the good news exactly
non user, its full of shit, he just pays someone to cut his stomach cuz in his head he is still a total kido that blames everyone for the failure
If the chick leaves him he will literally eat himself to death
good thing hes rich tho
shity world
He's over 300k in debt. Check out his vlogs sometime.
He has almost 4 million subscribers, how the fuck can he be in debt?
How much do you think is he spending on food every month?
maintenance, food and living expenses for morbidly obese people
Can you not imagine what his grocery bill would be?
Any real source on that information other then to beg people for cash and play the victim card? with 4 Mil SUBS i find it close to impossible.
1 Video covers his food expenses for a month for sure
He makes about $300 per video after the advertiser Exodus. That feeds him for a few days. Add in the house payments for his home, the vacation home, and the home he purchased for his mother in law, add the cost of three large gas guzzling vehicles, add medical expenses, add insurance, add utilities, add purchasing things for his videos, add leisure spending, etc. etc.
$300 per videos with 4 million subscribers? Jesus Christ he's more retarded than I thought
>He makes about $300 per video
Less than 10% of all youtubers don't have adblock.
It isn't his fault. He used to make 5 digits on his more popular videos. It's a combination of the advertiser shakeup and people not paying much attention to his content anymore. You get paid by how long your videos are watched. Check his stats, most of his "views" are less than 45 seconds long, and only a small fraction of those people don't have AdBlock.
Friendly emended that everyone that supports boogie is a victim of his emotional manipulation tactics. He is a professional victim whether he realizes it or not. His tactics are lifted almost directly from negotiation playbooks
Smart user!
>morbidly obese guy is actually worthless broke dirtbag who cries about his lack of privilege
in other news: water is wet
His videos are dripping with reverse psychology and guilt tripping.
He invites people to insult him so he can eat up the insults and play victim. And for some reason nobody fucking sees it.
>And for some reason nobody fucking sees it.
God bless america.
t. Took a psych class in undergrad
Never taken a psych class in my life kiddo. His methods are childish. Anyone should see it.
>he doesn't know about the youtube ad fiasco
Dude, literally every e-celeb has been bitching because of the fact youtube's basically not paying them. They're losing ads on all their videos and some are even having to move. It's fucking hilarious.
So you're admitting that you're talking out of your ass. What a fucking dumbass.
I think it's pretty self evident. Do I need a degree to call boogie out on his bullshit? If the answer is yes we're all very fucked.
I have a PhD in psychology from Harvard and have been a leader in my field for over three decades. The user you're replying to is absolutely correct.
Yes. If you are not educated in a subject then you have no place to judge people based on that subject. It's the same reason Trump supporters talking about immigration is laughable. Most of them have never left their flyover states.
You are 100% lying. Post proof or leave.
>water is wet
>you better be qualified to back up that statement
not an argument retard.
his supposed surgery apparently got pushed back to july.
I hope totalbiscuit holds out until then, I need boogie to die before he does so I can win my bet.
>Trump supporters
So you're one of the boogie fans that came here to defend huh? Fucking retard.
>autistically going to extremes in an attempt to delegitimize an argument
Literally the mind of a child.
You're beyond stupid. It wasn't intended to be an argument.
>You're beyond stupid. It wasn't intended to be an argument.
into the trash you go
>Big words sound smart
Not if what you're saying is inherently stupid homie
>trump supporters
>defending fat asses
good try libshit.
Post a pic, I want to see how fat you are compared to Boogie
I am the director of the National Institute of Mental Health. He's right.
He made an analogy using:
>hurr durr Trump supporters
You're too dumb even to read.
Not an argument. :^)
Where do you see big words? Now you're just grasping for straws.
I'm not falling for your ad hominem.
>gets btfo
>I was only pretending to be retarded
im sure you were only just pretending to weigh 600 lbs werent you?
>Not an argument. :^)
it is an argument.
im dismissing your argument as its not an argument.
good try retard
That's not what you're doing at all. You're just throwing a tantrum because you're wrong.
i hope he dies
I am the actress who played the psychiatrist on The Sopranos. I can back up his statements.
>That's not what you're doing at all.
but it is, learn to read retard.
A whole 6 lb
But it isn't. Learn to debate.
boogie is gross and it's his fault but people still pretend like he's a good person because he won't take responsibility for himself
It really isn't, dude. Using greentext and calling someone names is the exact opposite of what you claim to be doing.
but it is, learn to read retard.
>Learn to debate.
so now you admit to debating without an argument, you're so fucking stupid lmao.
My argument with you is over your definition of "argument". You are clearly unable to read or follow a discussion. Now I see you're just a bad troll. Go away.
the second post, being in response to the first, is not an argument.
go be a fat nigger elsewhere.
It wasn't intended to be an argument. The intent was to make fun of his ideas. What don't you understand about that?
>It wasn't intended to be an argument
and I called you out on it despite you trying to use it as one.
good try retard
But I wasn't trying to use it as an argument.
but you were.
not to mention that even if it wasnt, I can dismiss it on the grounds of it not being an argument.
yet you tried to argue that that wasnt an argument either, good try nigger.
I was not. I used it to make fun of him. He replied to it as if it were an argument, and that spawned the actual discussion. Your understanding of the situation is flawed.
>I was not.
good try nigger.
>4mil subscribers
so like $40k/yr?
-$15k/yr in food of course
hes got youtube, twitch, some other sources I think.
>Most of them have never left their flyover states.
Because Illegal Mexicans are swarming the east coast.
>lost 6 lbs
>welp better reward myself with some food!
someone like boogie had to have been pulling in decent cash. I mean, he's no pewds, but how can he not have any savings or money at all
Same way Drake Bell is almost a million dollars in debt and sleeps on benches in Disneyland. Or Allen Iverson going into debt. These people don't know how to handle money.
Probably lighter then one of this shits.
Cut all the fat out
Eat it all back within a year
he still Twitch streams which hasn't been hit at all.
his patreon is also 350 people yet he hides the amount he receives so I don't think he's hurting at all.
he's dishonest and all of his "I know it's an excuse!" is mental gymnastics, his actions are consistent (he's lazy and quits)
his will to lose weight won't suddenly increase because his stomach is stapled, he will still falter and commit no real effort to weight loss
and will probably loose 100 pounds, quit again and gain it back over the course of 2 years.
He's just a regular hamplanet his logic is dumb and I only came to thread for good laughs, so far it's been somewhat lackluster.
>his patreon is also 350 people yet he hides the amount he receives so I don't think he's hurting at all.
boogie lies about everything, i dont even think he was abused as a child either and hes making that shit up to get people to feel sorry for him.
uhm... he owns 3 properties. Ofc he's gonna be in debt, it's not really a bad thing
That was clearly meant as a straight up degrading insult, no one is trying to argue here you fucking faggot.
>the guy who is calling me out for being a faggot is the one throwing a tantrum not me
>i called you out on succeeding at what you were trying to do
Consider suicide
>he opens a thread and replies to comments as he reads them, only to come to the end and see multiple of his own comments in a row
The sign of a true patrician. I do it as well.
>itt gays flirt over the internet
You should re-read the conversation, my friend
fuck off retard
I hope this fat cunt and all fat cunts like him bite the dust quietly while pulling all their enablers down the shitter along with them.
I started at 6.2 570ibs and I hate how my effort in dieting and exercising has been trivialized by someone with such a lack of self control and ability to dedicate effort towards anything in life other than their own self pity.
You don't need to get a gastroband or gastric bypass through laparoscopy, you need a reality check and if you still live in fucking denial after receiving it you deserve to die a fat bloated mess.
I didn't need one, you don't need one, get over your self important behemoth of an ass and stop making fucking excuses for yourself and others like you, you besmirch the reputation of those willing to pull their own weight.
Fuck you Francis, if I could, I would punch you in your stupid fat face with my remaining 315ibs of rage, you don't deserve anyone's pity, you did it to yourself. Just like I did
tl;dr I hate fatties and I'm fat
That's American healthcare for you bro
This is some serious self hatred, then again starting at 570 you probably already hated yourself. Keep at it bro and hopefully don't rebound.
Dayum this guy real
Fuck off boogie
Uhh thanks, I still hate what I was. Luckily I have family photos to remind me to never go back.
Fuck off fatty