>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?
>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?
knew someone who was smoking less then half that a day and had a stroke in their early 30s
Read it bro, it helped me. Pdf it's online.
lmao nigga just stop smoking hahaha how hard can it be just don't buy anymore packs or put flaming shit i your mouth nigga
>75 a day
how are you not a walking pile of tumors by now?
yes. 12 years, 6 years 2+ pack a day
vaping for 3 years, only had a few brief relapses caused by random shit
high nicotine liquid with no flavorings feels better than smoking
>inb4 >vaping
don't be a fucking retard. if you vape to stay off cigarettes and don't spend 300$ a month on brand liquid/newest coolest 500W smoke machines, it's not gay
>3 packs a day
>one cigarette per 12.8 minutes, every hour of every day
>literally don't stop smoking longer than 5 minutes
you've got a fucking problem dude
Yes, used to chain smoke. Read this book
just got PTSD from summer of 2016
Me too holy shit this was posted every other hour or /b/. Fuck OP
I quit smoking like 4 months ago. It was easier than i expected, but i've always smoked like 4 or 5 a day.
The worst part of quitting is when you're getting smashed
I did
Smoke a tobacco pipe,makes quitting easier than a mouth fedora
75 is too much for me to want you to stay alive. I hope you die, retard.
quit 3 days ago, not hard as long as i can still smoke blunts
Assuming you sleep 6h
You're awake 1080 min per day
So you're lighting a cigarette every 1080/75 = 14.4 min.
Man, i sure do love outdated memes....
Sorry, m8. It is though.
If you are going to poison yourself, atleast look cool, while doing so. And yes, vaping is also poisoning yourself
>b-but it'S healthier then smoking
If you drink poison daily and start drinking a bit less, you didn't do shit to help you out of this situation.
You'd be surprised how frequent some smokers light one up
Maybe not 75 a day but i've seen people go through a pack in 2 hours or less
But smoking in the first place is degenerate as fuck so why even care
do you literally smoke non stop
that's like 5 per hour
I''Ve quit- nearly a month now tried the book the government sponsored nrt thing I found that has let me fi ally give up was vaping which I'm dropping the Nicotine levels. Every month or so then will give up that as well. Tho big part for me was the habit rather than the drug addiction and the vape helps with that as it's a similar motion etc
Limited my smoking to a minimum, I might have one cigarette a week.
my niggas
Yup, but for me it was a co-addiction to severe alcoholism. When I ditched the booze, the fags went too.
vaping is the cure. the key is to not buy a shitty vape but get a decent sub ohm set up with a selection of decent juices. the £100 investment could save your life
Yep, I quit last June and haven't had a puff since, the first month was hell but after that it gets better
I smoked around 30 cigs a day and more when I drank and I drank quite often
Nigga youre reposting my thread from last spring
TOP KEK I love this site
Yes, quitting is a painful process though.