>Do bodyweight fitness for almost half a year
>Eat only healthy shit
>Lose 15lbs
>elbows and shoulders hurt on a regular basis
>still DYEL
Did I fell for a meme?
>Do bodyweight fitness for almost half a year
>Eat only healthy shit
>Lose 15lbs
>elbows and shoulders hurt on a regular basis
>still DYEL
Did I fell for a meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Did I fell for a meme?
>Do bodyweight fitness for almost half a year
>Eat only healthy shit
>Lose 15lbs
>elbows and shoulders hurt on a regular basis
>still DYEL
You already know the answer
Of course you did if you thought it would make you big or strong.
Calisthenics was never meant for those goals. Its for developing bodyweight skills, which are awesome, but they aren't really compatible with getting big and strong.
i started working out mainly to lose weight cuz i was a disgustingly fat fuck at the beginning of the year. in 5 months i've lost ~40kg in fat and gained a shit ton of muscle.
not sure what the hell you're doing wrong but you are definitely doing something wrong.
1hr workout every day, alternating between strength and cardio with 1 day of rest every week. eating veggies and lots of chicken breast and that's it. no secret, no bullshit... just workout and diet. i've become a beast of a man.
wtf is "healthy shit"? When it comes to weight what matters is calories, though if you're really reducing your intake it's wise to limit yourself to nutrient rich foods. You should also drink lots of water and detox your body. If your joints are hurting go to a chiropractor.
if you fell for those roiding barstarz niggas thinking you would get properly big by only calisthenics it is your own fault
>Bar Starz
>Yfw you realize you were watching male strippers
Eat more. Train smarter.
READ and WATCH alot about bodyweight fitness.
I'm pretty sure your form isn't top notch.
I've been training for a while and not afraid to say I know very little.
can someone tell me some good exercises for biceps pump and tricpes not hitting my back?
bodyweightfitness is a cope
Pics pls
If you want isolation you don't want bodyweight
>gain weight
>make bodyweight harder that way
>gain more muscle that way
Seems pretty straight-forward.
The problem of most people that start calisthenics from skelly mode is that they do too much while not weighing enough.
Bulk up, buddy.
You dont magically become better at performing these moves/tricks without becoming stronger, weight is weight, if you load weight and perform a mechanical movement, you will gain muscle strength, whether with iron or you own body weight.
I gained loads of muscle and i only do bodyweight exercises. I am very strong for my size, most people doing weights are trying to gain hypertrophy and become inflated sacks with little weight to strength ratio.
Agree, but to hell with crossfit
Calisthenics aren't bad they just aren't going to get you big. They're still good to do just incorporate lifting into your exercise of you want to get big.
Try these.
There's no /bwg/ so I'll ask here: what do you do for abs and would pic related alone be sufficient?
Im still kind of new to bw, but that alone won't cut it.
>not going to get big
Nigger at 6'3 I'm 185lbs with 10%BF, and I've only ever done calisthenics, the issue is OP probably eats at or below his maintanence. The heavier you get while doing bodyweight exercises the bigger you get you fucking idiot. It's physics, you're just too stupid to do the math.
>most people doing weights are trying to gain hypertrophy and become inflated sacks with little weight to strength ratio.
literally kill yourself right now
Im only talking about abs... Also not enough for abs?
He's right though.
Abs are made in the kitchen get down to low bf% and leg raises and similiar excersise should get you there.
can you do a one arm pullup? how about a one arm pushup? were you even working toward those thigns? if not, you are retarded and were doing it wrong.
Alright, thanks
I never experience joint pain now and ive been going for 2+ years.
As a beginner i started training planche too early so i did have some irritation in my shoulders and elbows so i laid off planche and went back a few steps. I also rushed into human flag and again hurt my shoulder and elbow. But now im training both the flag and the planche again with absolutely no pain. If something hurts your joints then you are just need ready for it.
Also i can recommend exercise to strengthen your elbows before doing advanced stuff if you want.
>be brosplit retard
>5'7 200lb 10% bf
>can't support my own bodyweight
>too weak to do a muscle-up
>can't single leg squat
>stabilizers too weak to do ring work
>muh 4pl8 diddly
> Abs are made in the kitchen meme
they really arent
Do this and L-sits, straight leg raises and knee raises.
>abs are made in the kitchen
Please stop posting.
>5'7 200lb 10% bf
Low quality bait
i do hanging leg raises all the way to the bar and hanging windshield wipers and have decent abs.
i also do some static shit like L-sits, but im usually to lazy
t. Can't perform a single muscle up
If you just do that and get really lean i bet you will have abs showing. If thats all you want then go for it.
Healthy food often lacks calories + losing weight = not enough calories + most important thing when trying to gain muscles is caloric surplus, seriously its the basic stuff..what are you five?? Eat more, read the sticky, as for training do whatever (apart from cardio)
same as me, the only times i injured myself was going straight into something advanced
can i ask what you do for upper body?
Today i did bar muscle ups, human flag, regular pull ups, ring dips and ring muscle ups.
Did around 3 sets of each.
>at 6'3 I'm 185lbs
So basically the small side of ottermode?
Post your pic with stats, i wanna have a good laugh.
You mean able to run a 6 minute mile and do handstand pushups without being a manlet or nigger?
>Train smarter.
I run and do calisthenics every day and I'm perfectly happy with my body. Haven't lifted in years. Obviously respect the guys dedicated to that sort of thing but it's not my jam.
This is my first time on Veeky Forums, I thought about doing calisthenics since there are a lot of bars to do shit, and also my ex partly manages the only gym in the small town I live in, so I don't want to go there at all. Im a 70kg 186cm skelly and I can't do a single pullup, I looked up some routines, I want to start doing it tommorow even. Should I just go to the gym or can I get at least decently stronger by just doing bodyweight exercises. I'm not aiming to be ripped or anything, just this girl I really like asked me to do a pullup today and I had to find some autistic excuse to not to.
so speaking of calisthenics -
I usually do pull-ups as 1-2-3-4-5. I can max out at 8 in a row. How should I be doing my pull-ups?
How do i start with calisthenics? I'm at 220 atm
6'3" 185 lmao… small side of otter mode sounds right
You should be doing more. Do 10 straight, no excuses.
You're going to get much stronger doing bodyweight, in fact it's a poor idea to start lifting as a skelly. Build a base first, then start lifting if that's what you want.
Try starting with 10 diamond pushups, 10 standard, 10 pull ups, 30 second plank, 10 leg raises, 10 squats, 10 lunges, and another 30 second plank in that order. If you feel good and pumped up do another set of each, and when you feel like you can go further up to 20 and 60 seconds. Keep adding 10 and 30 seconds every time your body feels ready, and don't forget to eat/drink a lot of water.
(i'm also 6'3" 185 is what i meant to say)
Bruh I looked like that at 150. Unless you got some weird bone density or some big ass legs that's not typical. Proud to say I'm fucking ripped.
hahah ya maybe i just have dense af bones ( ._.)
But I can't do a pullup ;_;
That's no excuse, keep trying til you can. Do everything else until then.
Saying you can't is slowing your progress.
Negatives and static holds
You fell for the natty meme.