Like, I really really fucking love beer. Of all the tings in the world that you can put in your mouth and then swallow, beer is my favorite.
How do you become and stay fit without giving up beer? Is beer belly real or is it a myth? I don't drink much during the week, but on weekend my consumption of beer can sometimes get out of hand.
It's a shame but I think unless you're doing ridiculous amounts of cardio, it just ends up being a lot of empty carbs and calories. You really gotta earn your beers when you work out if you wanna keep drinking them.
David Brooks
As long as you aren't drinking enough beer to pass out every weekend, then don't let your fit life put you off from having a few cheeky bevs with the lads
Parker Sanders
eternal struggle of an alpha, do all that working out an SLs so you've fucking made, get mired then when your out to flaunt it about you don't want to be that faggot that has a glass of wine because it's less fattening
Adam Evans
Cut down to a few beers a week. Maybe 3 or 5 over 7 days. Be serious about cardio and you will be fine.
Jack Gonzalez
It's really not that serious you fucking faggots. Just drink in moderation.
Veeky Forums has turned into the vagina monologues.
Ian Foster
Buy a boxing bag for home and punch and kick the fuck out of it each night. Good cardio and hardens your knuckles and corrects your hand position so you don't break your hands in a real fight. It's also heaps fun to do after a few beers and pushups to mire your pump in the mirror. Gets the T flowing.
Eli Flores
Wait until the your cheat day(s) and go all out. I've had plenty of "lost weekends" and still made gains, albeit, not as efficiently if I didn't drink.
t. former alcoholic
Ethan Morgan
Jesus Christ, you're a faggot
Just drink in moderation. Most macro beer on tap is 100-150 calories a pint. Most craft beers are 200-250 a pint. Use your judgement
Xavier Hill
Dehydrate the beer and snort it
Adam Cook
Hunter Morales
if your drinking "gets out of hand" every time you drink, then you are an alcoholic who needs to quit forever. Normal people don't worry about things like this. They just have a few drinks, have a fun night and move on. They don't plan their fitness goals around their massive weekend beer intake.
Adrian Hughes
I always have friends over in the evening after work so I drink about 1 to 3 beers almost daily. I work in construction and that's just how I unwind after a working day. Just count your kcal.
Jackson Hughes
Have you considered hard liquor? Maybe you just enjoy getting smashed.
Colton Roberts
why do you gotta post pics like this here bro
John Bailey
Excellent advice. I love to black out at least twice a week and liquor helps me do that without effecting my workout too much.
Luke Williams
a few beers won't harm gains
as long as you're not getting drunk it's fine
t. a guy that loves getting drunk but can be fine with just a few beers
Wyatt Thomas
getting drunk is ok it's just that the number of beers required to do that racks up a ridiculous amount of calories.
Joshua Howard
if you're serious about making muscle and losing fat then getting wasted is probably the worst thing you can do to your body
your kidneys/liver are busy processing the alcohol and not protein. a ton of calories. muscles are dehydrated and lacking in protein due to above-mentioned reason, therefore protein synthesis is almost completely halted
Daniel Diaz
Holy Fuck just don't get blasted every single night. If you want to have a beer after work or with dinner, you'll be fine. Just don't go overboard and make it 5 beers a night.
I mean Jesus, it's like no one on this board has ever heard of moderation before.
James Taylor
Robert Reyes
If you want to drink like a medieval peasant you need to work like one.
I make my own and drink a lot of it, but I live on a small farm and people pretty much think I am some crazy Amish exile.
Henry Richardson
what's the 'healthiest' thing to drink?
as in the least amount of empty calories and carbs and all that
Benjamin Nguyen
Levi Myers
I brew beer at home too but I don't drink it super often cause I want it to last, since I don't have the means top produce huge quantities.
Juan Clark
Isn't this why shit like whiskey exists?
Jayden Bailey
How did you get into homebrewing and could you point me in the correct direction? How much effort and expertise is required? Alcohol prices in my shithole country are ridiculous due to tax.
Nathan Morris
Beer is great but its a lot of calories. I swapped beer for good bourbon and tequila because they are lower calorie and I end up drinking less alcohol anyway.
If you really want to keep with beer, keep it only for the weekends and be serious about cardio.
Jack Myers
5 gallon partial mash or extract brews are doable on most stoves. Or even partial boil all grain.
You do need a big fucking pot however.
Jaxon Allen
It's terrible advice. Alcohol has calories dipshit. Double vodka is like 130 calories. Same as a beer. Only now you are getting fucked up, and hurting internal organs.
James Bell
I share your extreme love of beer. I've been drinking fairly consistently for 8 years now. (I'm 26). I don't moderate very well, I like to get shwifty. I have a six pack because I run and workout hard. My theory is you will be fine as long as you don't get sedentary. I like craft beer. I can't drink the piss water known as American beer or corporate beer.
Gavin Ortiz
Dark beer taste different from brown beer?
Do all beer taste the same?
Are there sweet beer?
Ayden Cox
beer is the fucking best, i love drinking cans and bottles and having a laugh with the lads
Just remember, making beer is one of those things that is dead simple to do on a basic level and immensely complicated to do at an advanced level.
Nathan Cook
Isaac Wood
>Dark beer taste different from brown beer? Yes.
>Do all beer taste the same? God no.
>Are there sweet beer? Anything with lactose, usually called milk stouts or sweet stouts.
Anthony Peterson
As long as your not on Cycle then you will be fine, if you drink while taking steroids then you are fucking idiot and deserve gyno.
Liam Cooper
Try some real stouts and porters you pleb
Michael Bell
What this guy said. Liquor has lower calories and can get you buzzed with a few shots. Beer is heavier. Also if you drink a lot of beer you'll end up with a beer gut like I did. I drink almost everyday and I'm starting to thin out. Focus on trying to make every workout a good workout with lots of cardio and focus on core to lose that fat on your stomach. That's what's been helping me.
Jordan Scott
WTF? A long neck is 150 kcal. My TDEE is 1700 and I'm able to fit a easily fit a beer here and there. I like beer but one long neck is enough for a month. Bought two for the IIHF games and end up drinking only one, the other one still on my desk and I have no desire to drink it.
On the other side sweets are my weakness. Believe me or not I've been dreaming about eating sweets for 3 days in a row. Last night I dreamed about going to a bakery and buying coconut candy.
Kevin Moore
Go pound sand.
Leo Walker
>Also if you drink a lot of beer you'll end up with a beer gut like I did
No. Beer is not some magical gut inducing liquid. Follow calories in, calories out and you will be fine. Sit on ass drinking 800 calories over maint a day and you will get a gut no matter what you drink.
Beer is a fucking ambition thief however, so if you are drinking it expect to do not much but relax for awhile.
Gavin King
Chase Perez
Me too mate. Going for a few pints with the lads or with the family has been a constant for years. Thought it has never been an issue when working out, I've arrange to go during cheat days only. But that's because I'm getting serious on lifting this year.
Ethan Allen
You can buy a homebrewing kit and if you follow the instructions on the recipe carefully you'll produce something that kicks 85% of big brand beers in the ass. Just takes a bit of patience
If you want to make something really good though, you basically need a PhD in chemistry cause that shit can get complex as fuck.
Matthew Wright
Cut carbs and calories from other meals. I too enjoy the nectar of the gods. Just have to work harder man.
Austin Young
This bord is 18+ get the hell out you rascal.
Anthony Ward
Was meant for
Gabriel Stewart
this. you can drink beers and make gains, but the length of time to make said gains increases proportionally with the amount of beers you're drinking. basically drink as much as you're willing to slow down your gains by
Jonathan Kelly
>1700 tdee How? Do you not move? I'm a manlet who only lifts three times a week and mine is near 3000. Also if you are a girl please be in London.
Leo Morris
I also would like to know this as my TDEE is twice yours.
Brandon Bell
we don't really get that stuff commonly in ireland. Yeah maybe in some of the craft pub but hard to go wrong with Guinness
Tyler Johnson
>Norbert Schemansky. The angriest man ever to compete and win at anything at all, Mike Tyson included, credited his success with a diet consisting of "hamburgers, pizza, beer" and once stated that he drank so much Budweiser would be his sole sponsor if he was lifting today >When asked why he drank so much beer, Schemansky had this to say, "Because fuck you, that's why."
Joshua Watson
Beer belly is a myth once you control for caloric intake. Alcohol in immoderate amounts will interfere with gains. I think T nation has a good article on it. Google it. I love beer too. I brew, I drink all different kinds. What I do, and it's never interfered with gains, is to fit beer into my macros and have 1-3 beers on workout days.
Ryan Jones
How much is too much? I usually have 4 500ml cans once or twice a week. Enough to get me buzzed but not much more than that. Is that going to affect my gains? I have noticed that sometimes after a night of drinking I'm a bit weaker in the gym the next day, which is why I try to have at least a two day gap between drinking and gym.
Lucas Richardson
>if your drinking "gets out of hand" every time you drink, then you are an alcoholic who needs to quit Totally agree
>forever. meh, debatable
>Normal people have no relevance to fit
>don't worry about things like this. They just have a few drinks, have a fun night and move on. They don't plan their fitness goals around their massive weekend beer intake. DYEL? Planning what you eat is very fit behavior.
Dominic Diaz
Switch to vodka my friend
David Murphy
he looks like the based lovechild of kenneth brannagh and alex jones
Robert Jones
You're going to have to eat pretty clean. That way, you pack a lot of nutrients in. You're going to basically have to cut back about 200-400 kcals when you drink, and you'll have to keep yourself to one or 2 beers., maybe 3 if you burn some of it off earlier.
I live in Colorado, and there are so many breweries in the area and my friends are beer snobs, so I know the struggle my friend.
Luke Anderson
That's some good fucking beer. I really love barrel aged beers.
Blake Gonzalez
I've gone working out plenty of times right after I drank a beer, so I don't know what you're talking about man.
beer is mostly shit anyway I used to drink a lot, but when I started thinking of food in terms of macros and the whole bio explanatory way of viewing food... then beer became just irrelevant
that said I still from time to time drink a good one if available
Evan Morris
It's not even nice
Dylan Clark
>translation: I've only tasted pisswater lager and I don't know what proper beer is like
Juan Thompson
Thanks guise
Grayson Stewart
contrary what everybody says, beer wont make you gain weight. alcohol does not convert to fat at all and carbs neither. beer is liquid bread.
perfectly fine unless you are heavy drinker getting hangovers
Colton Cooper
>that disgusting hapa face Yellow fever fags will defend this.
Owen Martinez
are you calling her face ugly? what the fuck
Logan Price
>tfw own a brewery
I drink too much beer, between sampling beer during the brew, checking on fermenting beer and checking up on stuff on tap etc. My solution is too a bunch of cardio. I do an hour on a exercise bike every day. I do Hepburn and added a 3rd day which is my conditioning/athletics day which consists of. Yoke/farmers carry (one is done heavy for 1-3 sets, one is done light for 5-10 sets), things like jumping or hill sprints or agility work.
Jordan Flores
hate to break it to you but you are gay
Nathan Hernandez
Austin Ross
taste in women is subjective but you are objectively wrong retard
Jaxon Murphy
Sebastian Murphy
Exercise more to offset the extra calories in your diet. Go for beer with high ABV, so you don't have to drink a lot of it to get comfortable.
Kevin Mitchell
>Go for beer with high ABV, so you don't have to drink a lot of it to get comfortable. This is really the only appeal of IPA's. Though I did discover Cascadian Dark Ales recently, which are fucking fantastic.
Joshua Butler
Nigga IPAs are great.
John Cooper
normal as in not an alkie, you alkie
Jaxon Fisher
>if your drinking "gets out of hand" every time you drink I did include the word "sometimes". Some weekends I get totally wasted, some weekends I don't drink at all, most weekends I just get mildly buzzed.
Alexander Bell
To be fair, the real alcoholics are over in Veeky Forums, and they're sad cunts all the way down.
Hudson Thompson
Good quality beer is good quality carbs. Save carbs for a few with dinner. Nothing in the morning, a little protein at noon.
Adam Smith
Michael Torres
I just make room for my beer. I leave 800 calories open just for my 6 pack on days that I drink.
Daniel Campbell
whiskey sours with no sugar = clamato + vodka > sugar free energy drinks + vodka > red wine > everything else
theres really no reason to ever drink beer, especially if you actually want to make it
Isaiah Harris
The only people that don't take alcohol into acount when programming are fucking novices and gym bros