/bwg/ - BodyWeight General

>Overcoming your BodyWeight

>2016 Olympics highlights

>What is gravity lul

>Skinny grills with asses




>Youtube Channels


>Safest Static Hold Progression


>Common Prereqs


>Wrists mobility

Foundation Handstand One

>Bicep Tendon Prep


>Scooby teaches you how to do a pull Up


>How to make parallettes out of PVC


>Foundation series (4 books + 2 Handstand + Rings)

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39d3d785f7c6df583af2fa846646a74b3d256cac&dn=Coach Christopher Sommer Mastering Gymnastic Strength Training 2014&tr=udp://tracker.coppersurfer.tk:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.leechers-paradise.org:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.mg64.net:6969/announce&tr=udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337/announce&tr=udp://tracker.sktorrent.net:6969/announce

>Overcoming gravity (v1)


Other urls found in this thread:


Left side is the exercise, right side is the mobility for that exercise, you do mobility after each set

FSAS - Fundamental Straight Arm Strength
FBAS - Fundamental Bent Arm Strength
FLS - Fundamental Leg Strength

the numbers like 5x60s means mastery for the movement, in this case you look at 60s/60rep template and follow that progression, once you hit mastery (can do 5x60s) you move to the next level

for negative movements, 5x5x10s means you descend for 10s each rep

SL progression seems to be different from PDF's

Foundation gives 3 routines:



I think I have decided I just weigh too much to make as much progress as I'd like with pullups.
I am 186cm - 6'1'' and 89kg - 196 lb, I can do 5 chinups and 2 pullups.
I am actually hopeful cos even though I have always been shit at pullups/chinups and never trained them much, I did these exact numbers months ago when I weighed 4-5 kg less.
I recently started back with the gym after a 5weeks hiatus, did some negatives and I gotta say they helped, I gotta remember to end the workout with some

I have been mantaining/slow bulk for a while now, I am always afraid of cutting and losing muscle, but I realize it's all just mental blocks that people on here have.
plenty of people make gains while being cutting, especially a barely intermediate like me

so I'm not really counting calories because I eat too much stuff that I cant really track, but I've cut 30g of pasta from lunch and dinner and drink less milk, and trying to have less snacks. aiming to lose a pound per week
I'm also started running again

I guess I am looking for some tips especially for pullups, pushups have given me trouble as well but I havent really given them a real try

I weigh the same, only 6cm taller, had no trouble progressin in HBP, to increase your pullups, follow the 5rep mastery template

I have a question about MN and HS. Im at work, so here it goes from my memory.

In MN ?6? Negative leg raises? what do you do with your shoulders and scapulae. Do you let yourself sink in or can you do a scapular shrug.

In HS - HS4 - 6 look pretty funny. I did HS4 last week with a weightless bar. Felt easy. Are you supposed to do them with weighted bars? And whats the point of these weird exercises

but how many times a week is it?
and shouldnt I already start with 3x2 if I can do 2?

how's your bone structure, proportions of torso in respect to legs and hips.
what i think my biggest problem has always been, and what will prevent me to ever look as good as I would like, is the fact I have really wide hips and really big thighs, compared to a really small torso, with weak arms, so you can see the problem there.

the suggested 'times a week' are also in reply, it's 3, 4 or 5
you can strengthen your arms, I was a skelly Trex my whole life (lot's of riding bikes as a kid) I think I have similar proportions, my shoulders are barely wider than my thighs, my last measurements taken on march 2017 (this weekend will finish lvl 3 Foundations o take new measurements):
hips: 106cm
waist: 89cm
shoulders: 121cm

As for manna question, you should most likely relax your shoulders
HS - Handstand? says weighted bar in description

Oh yeah I noticed the weighted bar in the discription now.
tfw I have a less than 1lbs and a 30 lbs homemade bars. Any ideas how to create myself a bar that is around 10 lbs.

How strong should your dips be compared to chinups?
I do weighted chinups 3x5 with 17.5kg added now (70kg bw) and I'm planning to start doing weighted dips and I'm wondering what sort of weight I should aim for.
I just started doing them unweighted to learn the form and motor pattern before I throw weight on there. Did 5x10 last time and it went alright.

I'm going to post it there since no one answered me on the two other threads. And since my question is related to bodyweight.

Can doing a high number of push up reps in a short amount of time be considered as cardio exercise ?


Why ?

Yeah, that's basically a sprint. You can also try high number of push up reps in a long amount of time. What are your goals anyway?

add 5lbs to 1lb bar??

I don't do weighted bw stuff yet, but when I add weight to curls and rows I add 10kg per hand (so 10kg for DB and 20kg for BB total) works alright so far, I'm doing 15 rep mastery template for those

a cardio is your heart beating at faster rate than normal for an extended period of time, so you can do lets say 30mins of pushups and that would count as 30mins of cardio, if you don't care about your joints

I can do deep dips, 20kg 10 reps easily, but even though I have trained more back than chest/tris, I still barely manage 8 reps with 10kg for pull ups.

How do I increase pull up strength?

How wide are you gripping?


Want to increase my endurance with non impactful exercises. Bike and swimming aren't possible for me now, so, I thought push ups could be one of them.

But this user ( ) is scaring me when he says

> if you don't care about your joints

So, i don't know, maybe there is something i'm not aware of.

>google img for reference

About this wide

If you do high number of push ups with normal tempo there is no danger for your joints.
Can push ups be considered cardio? I don't think so, but if I try really hard to use my imagination here is an example:

I run twice a week.
Running is Cardio
Weight is ultra light.
Tempo is normal/slow.
I run about 2,700m.
2700m = 8860 ft.
Two Steps is one rep with both feet.
8860/2 = 4430 reps in a single run.

Can you do 4430 push ups in a single push up marathon?
You could try to do a wall push up variation - the easiest push up there is. And you could time yourself instead of bothering to count reps. I doubt anyone has ever tried this, so I don't know what results you will get, but the principles are the same.

>I want to increase my endurance...
Cardio will help you if you get out of breath during push ups.

Progressing to harder variations of a push up with low reps, 3-5 sets, will help you with endurance if your triceps get tired during push ups. You probably need this kind of training for what you are aiming at. -> Hollow Back Press in this pic () is an example of what it should look like.

Push ups are bad for cardio, in a sense that arm muscles are smaller than legs, plus the length meaning your range of motion is slower, you can do knee raises instead, don't even need high speed even, another alternative is jumping skip rope

Supposedly, triceps are bigger than biceps, also you could be doing dips with more focus on chest, if you lean forward