Is this board beyond saving?

Is this board beyond saving?
Veeky Forums used to be a board that helped a lot of people physically and mentally and inspired others to do better at life. Also there were a lot of threads with interesting info and actually healthy discussion. Now I rarely find one.
Where did it all go? Was there some sort of huge population change or have I simply grown out of it?

Other urls found in this thread:

There's nothing to talk about, bro.
>eat 300 to 500 calories more/less
>full body routine emphasizing compound movements
>progressive overload
There, I just covered all there needs to be Veeky Forums. Now there's nothing left to do but shitpost

>conservative vs liberal: a visual


>Where did it all go?
to reddit like everything else. the only place you can get some decent advice is in /plg/ but that's basically it. the rest of this board is only shit posting from r9k and pol fags

You just stopped looking at the threads that involve people giving out help, because you don't need the help anymore.

Be the change you want to see.

Those conservatives sure do like sonic

I really think that general threads like this should exist because that way you can spread the content around the board instead of hoarding it all up in one and leaving space for crappy threads

>some sort of huge population change

Trumptard came from reddit to /pol/ in 2016 and made the place even more retarded than it was, then they leaked here because "muh lifting for race war" and here we are.

So what you're saying is, there was a large influx of immigrants that travelled from one place to the other and instead of assimilating into the culture that already existed, they retained their own culture and ideas in their own little communities and spread it to the rest of the website, ruining it for the native users?

Gosh that sounds super familiar.....