>day 3 of NOFAP
Day 3 of NOFAP
Other urls found in this thread:
tfw u relapase and have to wait a few days to love urself again
I'm doing something different called semen retention.
Day 10 here noticing a big gain in energy.
If you want a tip to easily get started and keep g going in this kind of shit, just do a prolonged fast. Fast for 3 to 7 days I swear you don't even want to touch your dick whhen you don't eat.
day 4, going for as long as possible
wish me luck or ur mom will die the second I relapse
>this is how you lose your gains along with your libido
Niq you gon fuck up
tell your mom you love her asap then
No. Cause I have sex and I do sometimes wank for keeping my dick healthy, I just don't cum.
Good luck
I do No Wanks instead of no fap. Any other proudboys here?
>No Wanks instead of no fap
After 5 minutes of reading up, i don't get it.
No fap 2017 here btw. I just got used to it it seems, and my brain is not that good with the reward system stuff anyway.
The purpose of no wanks is to increase your libido - if you have a gf/wife not jerking off will push you towards wanting to have sex with her more
If you're single - it will drive you top sleep with more girls
However, you are allowed to jerk off once a month OR within 10ft of a woman if she knows you are doing so
I just lose all motivation to do anything after fapping. Including continuing nofap.
OK, if that works for you, good.
>tfw day 2 of no fap
>squatted heavy day before
>test levels through the roof
>wake up in middle of night with rock hard erection
>cant sleep until cum
im starting to believe nofap has some effect on test, how else could you get so horny at the slightest sight of a female.
Good luck
You haven't read fully on it then. I've been going strong with nowanks for 4 months now. But you forgot that you are only allowed to jerk off IF you cum in your own mouth and swallow.
good luck sick cunt
Nigga you gon pull through
Well I have a gf so I just don't jerk off at all
the fuck is "nowanks"
At like month 5
Relapsed a shit ton and flatlined even harder, shrunk an inch or two or that's what i thought
but nao its all good
>mfw I have ruined ejaculation muscles so I've never been horny in 6 months
best of luck user
It's simply a more scientific version of NoFap. While, yes, it's true NoFap will boost test levels, NoWanks is based on the philosophy of testosterone recycling. Basically, if you have the urge to masturbate you can, but YOU must under ALL circumstances, lick up and swallow your cum. This allows you to recycle testosterone and significantly boost libido
I do No Hanks instead of No Wank.
>Tfw forest gump comes on tv
This guy is a liberal shill
thank you satan
>mfw devilish luck
Yeah, imagine that
good luck
>week 1 of nofap accomplished
There is a correlation between thoughts of radical civil violent disobedience, plans of genocide, etc with the lack of masturbation.
Good luck
Good luck senpai
Day 365 of no cap/ no sex.
I have transcended beyond any human.
Top keks
Good luck
good luck
good luck
good luck
You're on to something.
Good luck, little user.
Good luck
Good luck kant
GL bro
Good luck, user
good luck.
Day 25/30 here. Thinking of going to asian massage afterwards.
good luck
Good luck motherfucker
kek, good luck lad, I'm also on day 3
Day 6 here. I'm transcending reality. I feel like I need to fap every second. I'm craving any type of female physique visualisation. Nobody's home.
Should I give in, Veeky Forums?
>3 days
Try 3 weeks
good luck user
Get a hobby dude
Fapping is such a waste of time, glad I dropped that shit
good luck
do wet dreams break the cycle?
Good luck user
I haven't fapped in years. I just fuck women. Is this affecting my gains? Maybe i should stop fucking women so I will have more energy to talk to more women... What should i do e-pals?
I hope you relapse and your mom walks in on you doing it
good luck
Honestly, I've been doing no-porn for weeks now and only fapping to memories/fantasies for the past few weeks and I've been feeling like a god. Keep it up OP. Never look at porn.
g-good luck user!
good luck, user
No, you've just gotten to the good part. Take some zinc or ZMA before bed and enjoy your vivid wet dreams
does it count if you unloaded into a twinks mouth and he swallowed it?
used my hand during this
Good luck you cunt
nigger, check em
good luck you fucking nigger
i wish you luck user
I 69'd my twink to exchange gains desu
Zinc + ZMA how much of each
Almost done with day 5. I really want an orgasm but then all of that would be for nothing.
Zinc about 20mg or ZMA as instructed (2-3 capsules = 20-30mg of zinc respectively)
Don't take them together and don't drink or eat milk/any dairy with them
>wake up in middle of night with rock hard erection
>cant sleep until cum
this is my problem with no fap. I also get hours long semis that won't just go away
good luck bitch
Came here to fap, good luck
Just fap to the memories of qts that you flirt with. Helps you get out if you say you can only fap to real life experiences.
All the best, wishing you luck you sad little sack of shit
good luck fagt
ok good luck
You know how much virgin am I?
Im on my 6'st day of no fap and yesterday night i dreamed about jacking off to porn.
Good luck, you son of a bitch.
Good luck user!
Nofap is meme
Noporn is truth
what do I do if I don't have any real life experiences?
good luck with fapping later today
Good luck
good luck
what do you see user
what is it like beyond the physical realm
Chris-Chan is that you?
Good luck
>heart broken
>imagine her sucking a dudes dick and getting creampied
>all alone cant even get a bone from porn
>no point to fapping anyway it wont make me feel loved or take the pain away
who knows this feel
Day 27 here. Am I going to make it?
I'm on day 2 so far. When will I be able to start levitating and manipulate matter?
Good luck scary popskokkle
Here is what I wrote somewhere else:
Nofap is really the most stupid thing I have ever seen. It's in direct contradiction with everything that happens on this planet.
I am married, which means that I can't "nofap." Am I doomed? No. I fap, I fuck, I take care of my wife, and that makes me awesome.
Fapping is a natural need, just do that once or twice a week if it's fucking with your brain, but nofapforever is dumb and an insult to humankind and evolution.
What next? Nowalk? Nomoverightarm?