Thoughts? I don't like eating regular food, already substitute some meals with protein shakes. Should I get this? any cons i should know about?
Thoughts? I don't like eating regular food, already substitute some meals with protein shakes. Should I get this...
it's bottled pancake batter and estrogen sold at a premium rate
don't be an idiot
con: having your only nutrition source depend on one company which can charge whatever they want. 200% price increase? oh well, gotta eat!
anything like this that has testosterone instead??
a good blender + research + good ingredients
will quickly become cheaper than goylent
Eat real food nigger.
>sipping fag sauce
i'd rather drink straight tap
wow soylent seems bad! Is this okay? I've been drinking it for breakfast because my doctor recommended it for me for my crohns disease. I like it, am i wrong?
This is where the west is going
Just fucking nuke it all, let's start over
>tfw born too late to colonize earth
>tfw born too early to colonize space
>tfw call of the wild growing stronger
I want out of this rubber tile society
>crohns disease
boost drinks are just sugary milk drinks with a bit of extra protein. Drinking a glass of milk with a scoop of protein would give you more protein and cost less.
aren't you just supposed to drink a lot more water and avoid too much sugar/irritants?
Water yeah. I can't recall avoiding sugar being a thing for crohns disease but who knows. Fats are more irritant I believe, its different for everyone though.
soy = estrogen is the biggest fucking meme
are you saying that "soy is estrogen" is a meme or are you saying that "soy" is a meme
"soy = estrogen" is the biggest fucking meme
If people are so worried just go get your blood levels checked.
True. People fall for anything on this site
i have replaced my M-F lunch with choco and base soylent (coffee is meh and nectar is shit). It helps a lot with cutting being 400 kcal and it's packed with vitamins I usually don't get.
If I were you I would go with MealSquares for meals on the go assuming that's what your intended purpose is. They are made with whole food instead and easier to deal with since you donr have to drink them and worry about temperature. If you're looking for a home meal replacement then I'd suggest looking into a blender like suggested since it will be cheaper and you can pick and choose ingredients for DIY shakes.
It's people.
>tfw no "green" veggie soylent flavor
>eating people
>company goes under
>starve to death
Is it hard to be that retarded?
Soy is the 'muh jooz' of nutrition.
It's a scapegoat to explain personal failings.
Soy gives high estro
still plenty of frontiers to explore if you're creative and prepared to take risks
JakeFood is better.
The fact that Soylent has such an almost self-parodic "dystopian new world order" aesthetic is enough to make me avoid it.
>Adverts feature racially ambiguous young adults working office jobs with exaggeratedly forced smiles
>"The future of nutrition, no more need for cooking or variety" is their selling point, not "it's a useful meal replacement"
>Named after a literal science fiction movie
>Buzzfeed "journalists" and Silicon Valley kids now pay exorbitant sums to drink sawdust and aspartame because it feels futuristic
The whole thing is like a MDE skit but real.
It's a expensive soy shake dude, buy a protein powder and make yours.
Soy doesn't do jack shit to your test or estrogens
>Contain all the essentials KNOWN micro to man .
You can't be fucking healthy eating only soy lent
Food is not just macro & micro .
Fix your eating disorder.
if taken consistently it will wreak havoc on your GI. We evolved eating solid foods, not the fucking backyard experiment of some econ student.
I remember reading the founder's AMA and alot of the real indepth biochemistry questions were ignored/buried.
pointing out obvious memes is the biggest fucking meme
soy is the jew of proteins.
It's not a "meme" it's just exaggerated. Soy isn't going to cause gyno but there is some truth to the estrogen link. The main problem with soy is that it's garbage-tier protein that is only hyped up because it's cheap to produce and popular with the vegan cult. No one informed should be buying soy products.
Layne norton is largely responsible for all this dumb IIFYM shit I read everywhere, people thinking macros and micros are everything. The relationship between our metabolism and food is incredibly complex involving so many enzymes and hormones. You can't just replace macros and micros with pills and shakes and think everything is going to be fine long term. That's something both vegans and IIFYM cultists will figure out eventually.
Look into BONE BROTH for Crohns disease
Next time you buy chicken buy a whole one and use the carcass to make bone broth
> There are some public concerns about high consumption of soy, but Rhinehart is quick to dismiss them. "Because we’re not using whole soy, we’re just using the protein isolate…the isoflavone levels are much lower than what they would be in soy flour or tofu. There are some levels, but they’re well below any that have shown to have an effect," he explained. "There was somewhat specious research in the past on what impact soy can have on testosterone levels and those have been widely debunked. We’ve certainly done our research here and we’ll be posting our analysis on the Web as well."
This. Look into all the shit in garlic/blueberries that isnt micronutrients but extremely good for you and useful.
The founder is an autistic software engineer lol.