Wait... This was only four years ago?
Beta Destiny
WHAT? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This is gold!!! Why is this still up on his channel?
You've got to admit that he has some balls keeping this on. Shows how far he's progressed.
But seriously, how does someone start with that level of self awareness? Messed up.
he's the epitome of fake it until you make it
>he's the epitome of fake it until you make it
This tb h
his training style which he jacked off Eric Bugenhagen and his glued on beard is proof of that
>implying fake it till u make it is a bad thing
You wouldn't even know they were the same person.
He looked 15 times better then lmao.
I took his advice on thickening up the neck and traps but I hate the cadence of his voice. Sounds like those nerds that get way too excited about pokemon cards or something... probably who he used to be a few years ago.
He looks shredded here. Then he went and ruined his body by getting a big ugly neck and traps.
Steroid use has seriously messed up his voice. Imagine how deep he would sound if he hadn't use roids. He still looks better in recent vids though so whatever
Because he doesn't have those pubes on his face
I guessed that he probably tools roids but hearing that voice change makes me wonder just how much he was taking
The curse of the manlet.
It gains muscle easily, just like animals do. This drives it to try and make up for it's lack of height by lifting weight.
It lifts weights until it's body is completely malformed.
Before, it could be the "funny and cute guy" and still get female attention, even if a regular sized man outshone him in social situations.
Now it's grotesque body prohibits it from being taken seriously, and it's attempts at appearing "intimidating" only add to the ridiculousness.
Let this be a cautionary tale for every manlet on this board.
I would normally disagree, simply because I wish no harm upon our ever-self-conscious "mini friends", but this time I'll have to agree.
If you're under 5'11" and insist on lifting... Well, unless your goal is to look like a swollen slug, then body building isn't for you.
I completely get it though, from a dwarf's perspective. They don't want to be the "little guy". They want power. Sadly, however, the only power you'll get is having a crowd's attention as they stare and laugh at your mangled man let body.
So, my little friends, let that be a warning. Don't body build, unless you want to become even more of a freak show than you already are.
Only 8 thousand views? This is cringe complication tier.
>that stare at the end
I can't tell if this is satirical. Does he realise how cringey it is or is this a genuine pose?
Why is his voice like this?
purposely trying to make a deep voice. his entire philosophy is based around "hacking" your way into masculinity.
Autism. And video editing software.
Kek. I am pleased to have seen this.
What the fuck? Why did he not keep the hair he had back then wtf?
Go bald to get jacked bro.
But i am 5,10 with a big frame and want to go for dat swole dwarf look :(