Hey guys, i have shitty insurance. I make enough money that I get no money from the government, yet they'll ding the hell out of me unless i have "insurance". So I have to buy 5k deduct 40% copay niggertax. Rather than actually try to to use it to buy drugs and see a doctor, I highly reccomend www.goodrx.com. It dropped the prices of the drugs i'm buying 50-80%.
Hey guys, i have shitty insurance. I make enough money that I get no money from the government...
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>US healthcare
yup. it's fucked. the number 1 cause of bankruptcy is medical emergency. literally the most common way to become poor is getting an illness and either having to pay 100% out of pocket or have to deal with insurance agencies and their bullshit tactics they use to steal as much money as possible
That is seriously unreal.
It makes me sick that such an awesome place has such a ridiculous problem.
I visited LA earlier this year (I'm from UK) and the homelessness is fucked. So many of them and with such awful mental health problems.
I don't get why working class Americans vote against their own interests so much.
Kurt Vonnegut:
>America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register.
>Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.
>voting against their own intests
op here, how the fuck is obamacare in my interest? You hear about he got a bazillion people on insurance? I'm one of them. Now I pay $360 a month for 5k deduct, 40% copay insurance. In other words, I still pay out of pocket, but now the hospital jews get paid if I get run over by a truck, and the insurance jews use my money to subsidize Laquisha's eating habit.
Obamacare was literally not in my interests, you dumb brit.
I'm sure you would have voted for Sanders if he became the Democratic candidate, right? RIGHT?
fuck off spammer fuck
I wasn't talking about that in particular.
Just Donald Trump really. He's pillaging your country.
That said I can't talk about voting badly, we voted out of the EU and are probably going to re-elect Tresemmé
Someone please post the medical miracles keeping fat niggers alive fed by illegal spics who work in the chicken industry subsidized by white tax payer dollars copy pasta
>I don't get why working class Americans vote against their own interests so much.
the answer is simple. the reason americans have been so vehemently against universal healthcare, marijuana legalization, gay marriage, etc. is because politicians rely on fear mongering tactics and raking in as many campaign donations as possible. media organizations sensationalize everything, and end up as retarded caricatures of real people. fox news panders to their old, white audience (average age of a fox news viewer is about 65 iirc) and their preexisting bias. msnbc and cnn and shit pander to the democratic base, which is currently minorities, social justice activists, and anti-trump reactionaries. politicians outright lie about what bills do, and insanely openly too. shitloads of people still think the government provides obamacare (nope, private insurance. and the gov can't negotiate literally anything with the insurance agencies, so they have to pay what the companies demand if they're working through obamacare mandates), and lump it in with fucking communism.
our voting base has been so misinformed for so long that their perspective isn't anywhere near reality. fuck, there are people on food stamps and medicaid that claim they've never been on government assistance programs, for fucks sake.
blame the republicans, nigger. they were the ones who got the government option (gov competes against private industry in the market) removed from obamacare, AND they were the ones who added the part about non-negotiable rates, AND were the ones who added the huge upfront costs for people with preexisting conditions, AND added the "high risk" pool for people who haven't had health insurance in over 6 months. obamacare isn't shit because the government shouldn't be part of healthcare, obamacare is shit because motherfuckers who have been fighting against universal healthcare did everything in their power to set it up to fail.
>lawuishas eating habit
Its amazing how easily people like you are manipulated even in an age where information is a click away
I guess I never really grasped the goal of civilization before. Why did newton discover calculus? What are maxwell's equations for? Why did mendeleev deduce the periodic properties of elements? The answer to these and to all questions: to stuff nigs with fried meat until they become crippled from overeating, then to provide them with heroic medical care until they gracelessly expire.
He referring to the US not having an NHS style healthcare system not the money grabbing scam that Obamacare is/was you american retard.
The spic nigger cycle
>complains about high insirance costs
>complains when the government attempts to subsidize it
Anyone have the pasta for that?
What are you on about
this is what america does. it uses unprecedented and unsustainable prosperity to import illegals to slaughter animals and fry their meat so that we can stuff it down niggers' throats until they're too fat to walk
it literally trains people in the cutting edge of math, science, finance and management to erect offshore platforms to suck up the carbonized remains of extinct species in order to provide the necessary fuel for the spic-nig cycle
Welfare and socialised medicine lead to parasitism
I hardly see how it's unfair to ask everyone to justify their existence by supporting it and not leaching
Spoken like a child that's never had anything bad happen to themselves or their family ever. I'm sure you jerk yourself off to videos of Ben Shapiro "debating" college students.
No it doesn't. Not to any degree that is in any way as bad as the shit that privatized insurance racket run healthcare causes anyway.
The nhs is insane
I work in it
You should see what the working are supporting
An obscene mass of the ridiculously old, ridiculously crippled, endless one in a million shots and pallative care for cancer ridden walking corpses and a million families whom will never work and will literally wait two hours for a free script rather than pay 70p for a pack of aspirin
Socialised medicine works contrary to the darwinian functionof capitalism by burdening the useful with the useless
Ocare is shit. Single payer is shit. California just passed a preliminary bill for single payer. First year alone will cost 400 million.
Also you are full of shit since repubs werent even invited to vote on the bill.
Would you feel the same when your mother is the one getting those shots and care?
Of course i've had bad things happen
I just lack the gall that they're somehow the problem of people who've never met me
Either lives will win out through their crucible or they won't
I fail to see how bad things happening or not happening to me is relevant to these objective facts
There are seven billion humans on this planet - we're hardly running short on them
No and that's exactly why it's fucking dangerous
Handing the keys to your bank account to the people literally least likely to care about the cost is fucking retarded
>believes capitalism is a system of ethics
wild idea, maybe you idiots are less familiar with workers best interests than they are.
yes, the internet has so many vox thinksplainers.
Yet the sidewalk has so many obese niggers. Who to trust?
Ethics aside the nhs is inefficient because it preserves the least productive with a disproportionate cost on the most productive