How many calories per day to people like this eat?

How many calories per day to people like this eat?

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How do people even get to that point...

I'm 6' and 130lbs i would do anything to gain 10 more pounds??

Skinny people are like fat people, when they say they eat a lot and can't gain weight they're eating like 3 biscuits, while fat people who can't lose weight are eating like 6 steaks a day lol

6 steaks arent even that bad/much
its the 4liter cola and endless muffins and shit
would like to try whatever he is making there

This isn't garden-variety obesity, they've wrecked their endocrine system.

Almost can't stand mode

Seriously though according to my 600lb life it's like around 10,000+ calories a day to maintain but usually they gain more weight so they are in a surplus :c

I started at 140 lbs and maxed out at 280 by basically stuffing myself every time I ate.

I had to bring homework to a fat classmate one time because he was "sick", and I lived down the street from him. So I went to his house around 6 before we had dinner (it was in middle school btw). I showed up and they were eating dinner and invited me in... Everyone in the family had a 2 liter of their favorite soda to drink with dinner. THAT is how you get to be a huge fat fuck.

All of them.

>all that burnt meat
hello cancer

People don't realize just how much goddamn food a person has to eat to maintain obese equilibrium.

People like this guy or that Boogie2988 faggot have to eat 5k-6k DAILY just to remain in death-fat mode. It makes their crying about how hard it is to lose weight laughable - all they'd have to do is cut back a tiny bit and they'd start losing weight.

also by the time I was 280 a "normal" meal consisted of 3x the calories it did when I was 140. eat more habitually and you get used to it.


They spend their days grazing on monstrous amounts of sugar. Deserts, candy bars, soda... they usually claim their mouth's "taste bad" if it isn't always sweet.

Fatasses think we sneak sweets all day too, but we don't admit it.

yeah it's just endless carbs and fat in most cases. and it's not like having 3 cookies... it's gradually eating an entire box of cookies in one sitting

Jesus Christ! If I ate 3 king sized candy bars and 20oz soda, hello vomit central. After getting fit I can't hold down soda like I use to..

It's actually not that hard to eat at obese mode. It's about what you eat obv. Bacon and eggs with cheese for breakfast 350cal roughly. Double cheeseburger from, say, Jack in the Box with fries for lunch, 1600 cal. Dinner grab some lasagna and it's about 800 more calories. That puts you at 2,750 cal. Which is enough to keep a 290lb 20 something at BMR.

That's a lot of food to a skinny person, but to a lot of people, that looks like a normal day. Lets see another example:
2 cups of Frosted flakes and milk, 410 cal. Raising Canes 4 piece meal for lunch 1,100 calories. Then say pork chops and potatoes for dinner, that's another 700-900 calories.

So yeah, people could eat smaller portion, but when you've been eating that way your whole life, it's not hard to hit the 250-300 lb range for a guy.

That shit isn't even food.

actually, this isn't food

americans are disgusting

Same here. A can of Coke is too much for me.

Not even a month ago, I would probably drink all that soda in a week.
Really puts in perspective what I've been putting my body through, thanks for the picture.

Might as well eat packing peanuts.

This. It's the exact same problem but inverse. Hate them both 2bh. Just weak faggots the bunch of them.

>6 steaks isn't that bad/much

ayyy lmao

When I drink soda with food it bloats me though and I can't eat as much. Dafuq.

I can handle the same amount as before when getting fit. I don't pretend something faggy like "it disgusts me now". It doesn't, I still crave it every waking moment. I'm an addict for life. But I'm not a weak and worthless piece of shit anymore so I don't give in.

This, I got up super fat while lifting, so some went to muscle. Sadly I ended up at 370. I didn't realize how many calories I was eating a day, donuts for breakfast. Fast food lunch, fast food dinner, snacks like candy and such throughout the day. Started using flexible dieting, and I'm now down to 327. I do have a good amount of muscle mass. While I do look bad, I don't look as bad as most people over 300. I'm going down though all the way to low 200s, loose skin or not.

to be fair if i buy a bag of chips / cookies i also eat everything at once. but i just dont buy it or once every 2 weeks for a cheat.
better binge on pic related

Are you freakishly tall? Because at one point I hit 300 6 years ago and I'm 6 foot and looked awful. Now I'm 190 and built.

He is a delusional faggot like everyone on here. He looks like shit and deep down he knows it

All the people who claim "it disgusts me now :^)" are fucking retarded liars.

They marginalize the struggle addicts go through every day.

Not even closet. Forcing food in your face is painful. Just eating less is simple and painless.

wtf is that meat

>tfw they dont sell skyr in Texas

i eat 500g chicken 500g beef a day thats not that much off

No, I'm 5'11. I realize still very fat, but Ive been lifting for many many years while putting on my weight. Doesn't look like much progress, but its 40 damn pounds difference here.

LOL no it's not. As a former fatty you legit get hungry when you've spent YEARS eating that way. You get sugar crashes (actually get dizzy). Your stomach will rumble even though you know you ate enough. I'm not defending eating like shit, but eating more food is literally easier than eating less. Instead of stuffing your fucking face on big meals, skinny people could just eat higher calorie foods more often.


no thanks the bricklayer already said he had enough cement.

I have no delusions that I look great, but I know I look better than most people at my weight. I finally found something that works for me diet wise, and have a good focus now after a reality slap in the face.

>2.2 lbs of meat isn't that far off from 6 steaks

We aren't talking about a petite fillet mignon faggot.


I've done both and it's your environment and whatever you're used to man. When I was coming off my stay at home 110lb wow life I felt like throwing up when I ate normal size meals (I lived off Soda and chips).

Then after bulking my way up to 200 to MUHGETBIGSTRONG and trying to back it off again I would get really really fucking hungry and feel weak when I didn't eat a huge meal. I would finish my "small" 600calorie meal in under a minute and be looking for more to eat.

I couldn't agree more.

You think a fucking heroin addict goes every day like "nah, that shit fucking sucks man, it's gross".

No they fucking don't. They want it sooooo bad.

Every single fucking time I go the the grocery store I look longingly towards the candy and potato chips section, but I leave with a bag full of oats, milk and eggs every single time.

I have accepted that I never ever will get rid of the craving completely. Haven't drunk a drop of soda, taken a bit of candy or even nibbled at a potato chip in 3 years and while the urge is diminished compared to before it's still there and it's strong.

Yeah, I wouldn't mess with you for sure. Nice beard though.

A lot.

They really have no excuse to be fat or to say they dont know why they are fat. They eat well above the normal amount to maintain their weight.

You don't think the addiction for food a former fatty feels isn't painful?

You're just a delusional turd of a human being. Weak, piece of fucking shit, just like the fatties.

This so much, it's annoying. I have a skinny friend who insists he can't get fat. I've hung out with him for a while now and he just eats shitty junk food all day, sure, but not over his TDEE by a long shot.

everything except eat more

your mom

The fatty piece of shit : I can't get skinny, look at me overeating every single meal and snacks inbetween!

The skelly piece of shit : look at me I can't gain weight, look at me undereating/not eating at all every single meal and taking some small or perhaps no snacks at all!

I hate them all

I don't get how peoples mouth doesn't hurt when they eat massive amounts of potato chips without dip. If I want to binge on chips I usually have to get Doritos and their dips.

Which by the way, for any hardgainers out there, a single pot of that Doritos cream chive dip stuff is well over 1000calories.

I think it's some kind of coping/distinction mechanism
I think it's called cognitive reappraisal and works something like this
>used to like something
>want to be healthy and quit eating that food
>I no longer eat it, thusly I musn't like it anymore
could be called cognitive dissonance
shit, my social psychology is a little fuzzy

>the most garbage tier food

Nice trips.

The worst part is these people will say "muh it's not about calories" or someshit.

And both perpetuate the myth that being fat/skinny is genetic and natural and not entirely down to diet.

I remember until i was about 19-20 i still thought fat people were fat because their bodies just absorbed it all or something and were still eating the same as me, and most people believe the same thing.

this picture makes my teeth hurt

How do you even eat two fucking entire loaves of bread and that's not including the bread used in the sandwiches.

The fuck.

I hate them, not in an aggressive way, but in a way of contempt, they are so pathetic, they are total slaves to their tongues, that tiny bit of endorphin pleasure from a little good feeling on the tongue controls their entire lives and bodies. People aren't even that mad about sex/masturbating and that feels way better than food.

she just eats two loaves of dry bread? FAKENEWS


My mom told me for my entire life that I "just have a fast metabolism" and that's why I weighed like 116lbs 5'10.

In reality, bitch ate all the food and never left me any. It was only when I finally got a job and started buying my own groceries and could eat whatever I want and gained like 14lbs in 2 weeks I realized what was going on.

sorry fixed

Are you fucking joking me. I wanted to try some god damn skyr

i would guess that theyre both equally as hard depending on where you come from. i would think theyre just as hard cause ur doing 2 different extremes, im skinny and trying to gain and i would say that its easier to lose, but that's obviously cause its easy for me to not eat, if i was losing weight i would say its easier to gain.

but i also think that not eating when youre hungry is easier than eating when you dont want to cause its more work and you actually have to eat stuff instead of doing nothing and sitting there really hungry lol

>How do you even eat two fucking entire loaves of bread and that's not including the bread used in the sandwiches.

Like this:
>Later in the ’80s, Marlon was routinely spotted at a Beverly Hills ice cream parlor buying five gallon containers of ice cream- which he would eat all himself. Reportedly, one of his favorite “snacks” around this time was a full pound of cooked bacon placed in an entire loaf of bread.

It's obviously an example. I highly doubt she eats those exact things. It's more likely 3 extra large fast food meals and a bunch of snacks in between or something.

They always use the term metabolism.
Such a shitty buzz word.

what the fuck is she smiling like she is proud of that or something.
there was/is a show called secret eaters.
they film them for a week and follow them and write down what they eat. later they ask them and show them.

almost everyone of thos fatfucks think they eat healthy and under 2k kcal
always funny to see there faces when they got 10k in

Few things make my blood boil like this kind of idiocy.

>I'm so fucking special that the law of thermodynamics do not apply to me

Fucking Jahwe over here.

Yeah i know secret eaters, its what convinced my ex gf that fatties were eating too much and it wasn't genetics.
That show usually uses obese people and not morbidly obese people, they also tend to have gotten fat over a long period so were only perhaps 1000-2000 over TDEE and mostly through mayonaise on their salads and shit, which is a much more understandable way of how people get fat, (though not an excuse) compared to these behemoths who eat 10 tubs of ice cream a day.

People got shot for less faggotry than that back in the day

This. Look at the calories on a fast food meal. A large one without a soda for a burger can run almost 2k calories. Then throw in 500+ for a soda. Do this 3 times a day. 7500 calories no problem. Not counting beer. Other sodas. Snacks. etc.


Yeah, after a certain point with obesity the endocrine system is so fucked they don't need that many calories to sustain the fat. They don't move much and have a low BMR.

That people can't figure obvious shit like this out for themselves is a clear argument for eugenics.

Also it's a clear inverse of how skellies work.

Fatties underestimate how much they eat, skellies overestimate. The only constant is delusion and weakness.

still dont understand how he's not fat if he eats junk food all day

some people have high as fuck metabolisms
i get hungry about 2-3 hours after a meal
think popeyes 3 breast with 2 sides and a large drink size kind of meals

realy liked the s01e01 that old ex marathon runner. he genuenly thought he ate a healthy breakfast cereal with fruits.
his face after getting told 2,5k calories in one sitting

realy shows how there is no knowledge about food/nutririon in the normie population

Because unhealthy food doesn't have any more calories than healthy food.

A Mcdonalds meal is about 1000 calories, so is a home cooked dinner.

>A Mcdonalds meal is about 1000 calories, so is a home cooked dinner.
Hell no a normal meal doesn't have 1000 calories. Maybe if I'm extremely hungry and eat 250g pasta in one sitting. Usually it's more around 700 calories.

Products and marketing as just as much to blame. My sister used to work for marketing for the Britvic group which covers as shit ton of common brands, she was involved in all those breakfast bar type things and fruit drinks like fruitshoot. The marketing is all about making these products seem as healthy and good for you as possible while cramming them with as much addictive sugar as possible too. Some of these breakfast bars have more sugar than a candy bar but the packaging has lovely wheat and ticks about the iron and the vitamins in it. It's all a fucking scam. Fruitshoot is especially lethal do not give that shit to kids.

wait what?

unhealthy foods for sure have more calories than healthy food

i dont know wtf kind of home cooked dinners you're used to be but whenever i cook any meals at home it comes out to be around 500-600

the popeyes meal i descirbed is around 1700

Yeah but you're into fitness and prep you own meals around that, most evening meals for average people are 800-1000 calories.

They eat roughly as much as you do, possibly even less. Obesity is linked to your genetic predispositions such as how much you fidget and BMR.

>unhealthy foods for sure have more calories than healthy food
Don't be fucking retarded.

Actually it makes sense. Ever eat a large steak and at the end feel like you are going to explode and think that you couldn't eat another bite? Then a few min later desert comes and you eat it and want more? Changing up the food from savory to sweet bypasses pallet fatigue allowing you to eat more. Its an interesting phenomenon and it explains why fatasses can eat ungodly amounts. Link related.

Big Macs are like 550 calories. When my McDonalds had them for $1 each, I would eat three every day and nothing else. I lost weight.

you telling me 3 fried chicken breast is goign to have the same amount of calories as 3 chicken parmesans?????

>fruit shoot
Even when I was like 12 I could tell by the taste of that shit that it was basically syrup.

The worst part of this marketing is the "no artificial colors or flavors" meme and then they add loads of sugar to make up for the lack of flavor.


Fair enough.

Then again I'm still not quite sure about the scale of all of this. I don't live in the US but an almost as "obese" country and I've never been anywhere where I've actually seen even a third of people walking around be overweight. Even if you factor out all the unemployed people and most retirees I'm not sure how these numbers are plausible. It's actually rare I see an obese person and there should be like 30%.

No I'm telling you that it isn't the amount of calories that make a food healthy or unhealthy. Unhealthy food doesn't have to have more calories than healthy, you can still eat unhealthy all the time and not gain weight. You can eat pizza and burgers and ice cream every day and lose weight if you want to.
And they spam you about the iron in any wheat product even though its basically a trace amount.

well thats different
im not eating 3 pieces of chicken and some sides and thats it
im still eating the rest of the day

>Peanut Flavour

I'm British maybe you are too, it depends where you go, a shitty northern town and you'll see 50-60% of people overweight, but a middle class city and most people will be not obese. The geographic distribution doesn't match the statistics.

Just want to point out that as a "hardgainer" I used the fuck out of this to enable myself to eat more. I didn't realize it was a known phenomenon though I thought it just worked for me.

if you drown everything in oil and fat like mcdonalds does than yes

ahh gotcha

I think he means complete meals
There's no way fatties consume 6000 calories worth of veggies a day

Londoner here. People here might not be obese but their muscle mass is fucking non existent because they're too intelligent to lift.

How do they afford to eat like this? I did a pretty good bulk for two months and gained about ten pounds but I had to slow down just because I couldn't afford it. And I was basically just eating eggs and beans and chicken. How do these motherfuckers afford 5000 calories a day?

Germany, I've been to the east and rural places where rates are higher but it seems like the official numbers are too high. But that wouldn't make sense, if anything the government has an incentive to report lower numbers. Then again that's likely just me with my mostly middleclass and uni environment.