/fat/ "cardio bunnies will never be yours" edition

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>/fat/ generals are for fat members of Veeky Forums who want to:
>Lose weight
>Get a more Veeky Forums body by lifting weights and doing cardio
>ask other fat anons for advice and give moral support

If you're new:
>Read the Sticky
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>pretend to ignore all the "read the sticky" fags

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (you will need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Other urls found in this thread:


Top tier picture choice. Love the OC fat wojak.

I may not quite look like that anymore, but i sure do feel like him whenever i do cardio

yes is is funny as fuck

Are people over 100-110 kg even allowed on treadmills?

>in the squat rack
>second week lifting so only doing lmao1p8
>chad and stacy walk up and ask me how many sets I have left
>"l-like 2"
>they fuck around on the smith machine until I'm done
>chad uses my new pr as warm up

I bet America has special heavy load treadmills.

I'm not gonna make it

You've made that choice

I fully realize

the weight limit of the treadmills in my gym is 110kg, but there's always that dude probably +160 that dgaf and use it anyway

I was like 110kg few months ago, I was running on max settings with is 20. I think its in the Km/h, and after 30sec the treadmill just stopped and I almost felt :D Maybe the motor just give up on me :D

We all wore out the treadmills in the gym when i was deployed. People were doing 4X4 with plate vests on and shit. Hell, i probably peaked at 120kg with all that shit on myself.

That's what you get for being a fag that squats. I got something over here for you to squat on you hellbound homo.

I would've had an autism attack if I saw people doing that. Hope they have arthritis now.

Hi guys, couple questions!
Here are my stats : female, 165cm, 61,5 kg, estimating bf % at about 24%. I have been dieting (keto, IF 16:8, 1200 cal intake so approx 600 cal deficit) and working out at home everyday for approx an hour (20-25 mins hiit cardio + 30 min weight training + 20 min abs/bodyweight exercises). A low cost gym I can afford opens up close to home in 15 days, and I will join it. I want to go the long way and not only become fit, but become a bodybuilder by recreation. I like the muscular, strong physique rather than the cardio bunny appearance. Now I know it'll take me years to achieve that goal. I'm willing to put in the work.
My question is that simple : should I lose fat first ie keep at the regimen I've been doing, or should I focus on maintenance/bulk nutrition in order to put on muscle mass. I don't mind looking bulky with fat over muscle, I want to get strong. I want to know which is the safest road for an overweight person to reaching a muscular build (15 bf% at most in end goal, on a cut).
tldr : should an overweight person looking to make muscle gains cut, maintain, or bulk FIRST?

We all do

This probably isn't the best place to ask that. But if I had to guess either maintain or cut. You still have noob gainz to be made which you should be able to get while on a cut.

Just pick up a linear progression program and see it through to the end and then pick something up more bodybuilding oriented

technically I am a fatty, maybe relatively "closer" to a normal weight than others, but still very far from my end goal.
Thanks for the tip, I will stay on a moderate cut, probably 1500 cal so I can up my protein, and see how much bf% I lose on a linear progression program. Thanks for the tip, will research it thoroughly!

Just keep going the same route you are, user, and you're going to make it.

Keep going on the diet until you join the gym, then do a clean bulk when you start hitting the heavier weights.

>female, 165cm, 61,5 kg, estimating bf % at about 24%

wtf you are not overweight this is a healthy BMI.

if you wanna get Veeky Forums start lifting. You have no need to cut.

According to BMI scale I am no longer "obese" and are classified as "overweight". Pretty gud feel imo.

Will ofc still keep cutting.

I'm now at 25.55 down from 35 since January. I've been working hard as fuck and have definitely lost a shit ton of muscle mass, but holy fuck do I feel great. I really want to see that "normal" BMI number.

How do I become a less picky eater?
I like some vegetables but not very many, Broccoli, Carrots and Cabbage are nice but that's pretty much where it ends.

Was looking for beginner workouts for my first time going to the gym, is this any good?


make some low calorie dips and dip them.

learn how to season food

stop consuming sugar

do SS, it's simple and WILL make you stronger.

thanks very much for the support user!

okay, thanks for the tip, I was suspecting I might need to clean bulk as I increase my weights.

I think the BMI is not an accurate representation of health, as it is only based on factors such as height or weight. I think bf% is more definite in terms of body composition, and thus general understanding of one's physical condition. Based on that aspect, I (24% bf) am on the lower range of what is considered healthy, even by american standards, and personally, I think I have felt the healthier in my life when I was at 17% body fat a couple years ago. So I am going by that feeling, rather than simply blindly aspiring for a number devoid of meaning to me. Thanks for your concern though, it's certain there is need to adress eating disorders, and body dysmorphia when under doubt it may affect somebody.

Thank you

I'm not quite sure what SS is.

Starting Strength?

dont compare what in considered high bodyfat for men than for women.

Women should have higher bodyfat, you have boobs and hips and asses are bigger naturally. 24% bodyfat is completely healthy and almost in the fitness level.

Looks fucking stupid.

>Drop from 240lbs
>Now at a point where my stomach is flat with my chest
>Actually starting a bulk to gain muscle

We all gon make it brahs.



>5' 7



Body Fat

Fat Mass

Lean Mass

Body Fat Category

is this really acceptable fit?
is it?

She wants to be a bodybuilder, why the fuck would she want normal bf%?

Yes, find a copy of the book and read it. There isn't anything magical about the program, it's just a simple way to get stronger than you are now without having to learn 40 different exercises and spending 3 hours in the gym a day.

fat fucks

Okay thanks user I'll give it a read.
No shit, we're here to lose it

i respect the fat guys in the gym all the time. I give them words of encouragement and even spot them sometimes. just to give them confidence to keep coming back. you gotta start somewhere.

the fat fucks are the ones that stay at home and refuse to change their ways.

how fucking new

N e w

>tfw have to lose another 200 pounds
sad desu. my body is going to look like absolute fucking shit but at least i'll be able to hide under layers. fuck.

I thought that was pretty obvious

Bless you, user. We're all gonna lose 21 stone.

loose skin is better than being dead

>21 stone to lose
holy fuck

why are you carrying stones around anyways



i've been bulking and binging for the past 4-5 months and started my cut yesterday on PSMF. Today I got compliments on how ive been hitting the gym by a guy I havent seen in a year and its making me reconsider cutting. This and the looks I get from girls when wearing tight shirts. I am probably 21-22 bodyfat but I look big. Fuck

Man I would have a fuckin hard time losing weight if I was a chef.

I know my weaknesses and there is no way I would have come this far if I was working in a kitchen every day. Good on him

>I'd rather look big and be 20% fat than be big with 10% and reconsider my cut at another time
ok fatass

5'9", started at 237 lb and currently down to 208 lb. Feeling the fittest I've ever felt, still with a while to go.
We're all gonna make it.

>>>I'd rather look big and be 20% fat than be big with 10% and reconsider my cut at another time
>ok fatass
man am I doing mental gymnastics to keep myself fat? Is my brain trying to trick me into feeding him something that isn't chicken breast?

yes, but you smart, you got this

yes I just want to have veins like my dick is my entire body, my goal is to look like a walking dick

you should probably start adding on cardio for them vascularity gains

any good appetite supressants?

Have you lost any significant weight?

If you did they maintenance for a while so you can build muscle.

If not cut them do a bulk when the gym opens.

will power

im doing psmf and already train 6 days a week but does cardio alone make me have more veins? is there a way to create veins in your body? I saw this aunt of mine probably 40-50% bodyfat but you can see her veins popping out and shit, how do I achieve that level of vascularity?

black coffee
brush your teeth

>is there a way to create veins in your body
yeah just make sure you eat pears within a half hour of cardio


>ate like shit for the past three days
>now planning on doing a fast for the next few days to makeup for it

I'm going to hate myself during this

Pretty much the definition of yo-yoing. Just go back to a regular cutting diet.

>tfw fasted for a few days because no money
>ended up 2lbs heavier
water weight is weird

Is there any hope for me? recently just got back into things after being off due to injury.

Did your injury force you to consume copious amounts of calories?

No? While I've been injured I've been eating very little. Since I've spent most of my time in bed for the last month eating a lot would have been a bad choice.

REALLY bad angle to take pics at + terrible job cropping makes you look HUGE.

Can you swim? You can lower your body fat by swimming in a short ammount of time, but it requires alot of effort compared to regular cardio or running.

You're supposed to break a fast after you work out right?

I wish I could but I live in a small country town and there isn't a pool anywhere nearby.

stronglifts (5x5) is my recommendation. take time to learn proper form, youll feel and look pathetic doing small weight focusing on form, but itll deffs pay off long run my man

is all you want to be "acceptable" though? (its okay if you do)


I'm over 110kg, some of my gym's treadmills stop working when I try to run.

Yes, there is hope. Keep at it and see.


23, 175cm, 75kg.
lifts -
Bench: 48kg Shaky as fuck but was able to complete it.
Dead-lift: 40kg
OHP: 30kg
Squat: 0kg unable to do bar squats.


You must be literally all fat, no muscle.

Is cycling good for a fatass?

>bench more than dead and squat

What the fug

No you are a fat shit. You are acceptable to normie shits that don't mind looking like a sack of shit. I was that size with more muscle mass and felt like a waste of life. Fix that shit.

Learning proper form on these compound lifts is a necessity anyway so yeah

lost 16lbs so far.
We're all gonna make it brahs

Told some old man who gave me a lift yesterday I'd lost 10 stone. Not totally true, it's more like 8 stone, but felt good to have a random person be so amazed by my progress. Currently at 208lbs 5'9 manlet. Finished my new workout just now using 2x12kg dumb bells.

Tonight not sure what to do for veggies but having a vegetarian lasagna with me dad, think I'll do fried cabbage and/or broccoli.

>SW 328 on Feb 11th
>Weigh in tuesday 276.6
>Weigh in yesterday 275.2
>Weigh in today 276.6

This is after I had a fucking banging workout yesterday. I got 8k steps in at work, plus an hour and 15 minutes doing DL, Rows, and OHP

Fuck my body and fuck water weight. Also, fuck me for eating a reeses fast break yesterday. Haven't done that shit in ages. Calories were still under 1400, but I know that shit didn't help anything.

I better lose it back tomorrow for weigh in. Not eating til dinner today.



I know this must be the saddest achievement ever but I swear I havent seen my dick since I was like 16 years old and I'm 32 now

Weigh once a week if you do it every day you will drive yourself nuts. As you already have.

Pretty much user.

Been inactive for many years due to depression, anxiety, illness and honestly laziness.
I can't squat with the bar at all, but I do squats while holding a 5kg plate.

How hard would it be to go from 248 lbs to 182 lbs in under a year? looking to go to the gym maybe 3-5 times a week if necessary.

don't weigh once a week.
if you can't handle doing it daily do it every 2 days.
doing it once a week runs the risk of fucking up and gaining weight and that will let you down and you'll give up

I'm assuming these are all 1 rep max and probably including the weight of the bar too?

320lb to 273lb this morning
lost almost 50lb eating at a 1000 calorie deficit lifting 3 days a week, P/P/L split from march 20th

There are 52 weeks in a year. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is effortless.

Yes, they are all my current one rep max (besides squats obviously) and yes, all weights include the 20kg olly bar.

if you stick to your deflect you won't gain