At what weight is the roll of shame no longer viable?

At what weight is the roll of shame no longer viable?

Until you reach that weight you should know your limits

You should never need to do this

tfw no spotter
tfw no power rack

Just take the damn clips off
Jesus, people are risking their lives just so they don't embarrass themselves by dropping the plates

>being too retarded to know your limits

i saw a guy do it with 405 once. he managed to get it off of himself before i got over to help, which was kinda surprising. now we're gymbros.

it's an ego thing

>clips while lifting solo

What a fucking idiot

>Not pushing yourself beyond your limits

405+ I would say
also this
>failing anything but a max attempt
>failing reps in training

1.5-1.75 x bodyweight.

Why the fuck do so many girls do this?

I did this once and my gym owner said he'd ban me if I dumped plates on the floor again. There isn't enough room to do it safely, the place is >100sqm and half of it is full of bullshit machines

>brosplits or 5/3//1 detected

i fail sets often enough, thats what happens when you raise your weights

>I never have a bad day or fail a progression ever

would you rather get banned from a gym or crush yourself?

not needed to get gains

any real program has you in the 80-85% percent range, 90% rarely

Since you're new you wont ever need to go heavier, just linearly progress dude

because they want to have their ass up in the air, and women are brainless sluts

Crush myself

Dropping weight like that is way more fucking dangerous if you're doing any actual amount of weight. One side will drop then cause the other side to flip quickly. Holding on to that shit can cause cuff tears or general shoulder issues.

Debatable on the situation.

>I never have a bad day or fail a weight progression ever

I've increased my max but failed to progress in my weight on volume. I fail at %85 like every couple of weeks. Are you doing like no volume?

happened to me once at 90kg at 5th rep. Took the clamps of before so I can drop it just in case.
When it actually happened adrenaline kicked in and I couldn't remember how to handle it. Tried to lift it for a solid 10-20s before I had to ask for help.

But man that survival pump tho

Yup happened to me and im not even benching that heavy. Although not to point of tearing cuff but i do get shoulder pain for the week

It's actually a decent substitute for good mornings.

I've done it at 215lbs before though it's been a while.

>just take the clips off
Nothing says fun like the bar being off balance as plates slide around. That's sure to make the lift better.

How slow are you? Dump one side and hands off the bar. Or just lay there and die

Pro tip: if the weights are sliding around you are lifting like shit anyway

How weak are you? If you can't comfortably support the bar without being crushed you shouldn't be benching it.
Also that's incredibly dangerous, what if someone was walking by you stupid fuck.

Pro tip, if you're lifting near your max chances are your lift is going to look a little fucky, that's okay.

I have added 15kg to my squat during past 8 weeks. It is not thaaat much, but I would still call it a progress...and I haven't failed a single rep.



lmao just work on your stabilizers muscles

I'm on Sheiko boyo

It's actually very common in European methodology (and also Louis Simmons/Westside IIRC) that failing in training is pointless and only teaches bad patterns and causes unnecessary stress.

I very much prefer a really really well-regimented system like Sheiko, it is designed so that there is pretty much no chance you will fail.

If you arent failing reps you arent pushing yourself hard enough

I don't know why you think this.

Having solid sets is superior for technical, neural and muscular development.

Protip: you're supposed to keep the bar horizontal while lifting it.

not gonna say you should or will never fail, but if you think failing is normal you're doing it wrong. It should be fucking rare and you should plan your PRs safely, enough to even leave some energy in the tank for assistance work.

Called situational awareness faggot. A non Autist would ask for a spot, assuming there is nobody to ask then it would be perfectly safe unless you're retarded.

I had to dump weights and got in trouble from the gym owner because he was right next to me when I did it. I had to bar on my chest and failed getting it up like 3 times so I had to roll. I figured he'd notice me and help pick it up, but he just stood there so idgaf.

i need something to post on Instagram and have no real talent besides being a whore.

Could this be some fuck-exercise machine? Sexdoll, weights, ?, profit