What's a good cardio program to lower your heart rate?

What's a good cardio program to lower your heart rate?

I have POTS. My resting heart rate is usually around 70-90, but for some reason it's 62 right now. Moving around brings it up into the high 70's. Standing up brings it into the 130's, and the after a while it drops down to the 110's and 120's. Blood also pools in my hands and feet when I stand and it makes them red and my veins swell, but I've noticed it's gotten better ever since I started doing cardio on an excercise bike.

Realistically, how low could I get it down to by July?


Have a heart rate monitor?

Do some intervals 2x6 at 90%, 4x4 at 85-90% or 10x4 at 82-87%.

Start of slowly at the longer intervals, using a minute to raise your HR from 70% in the pauses, to 85% within e.g 90 seconds


anything. swimming, cycling, rowing, running. just do some HIIT from time to time

Would HIIT 2 times a week doing 6 sets of 30:60 workouts (go hard for 30 seconds then light for 60) and doing 30-60 minutes of cardio on an exercise bike 4 times a week at a moderate pace be good?

run 50 miles a day

no HIIT is a meme that doesn't do shit for actual physical fitness

if you want to significantly improve your cardiovascular fitness you have to do VO2max intervals

typical VO2Max interval is running/cycling/rowing as hard as you possibly can maintain for 4-8 minutes then going really easy for 4-8 minutes, repeat this 3-5 times

But I like my knees

also the heart develops extremely fast (it also loses its strength very fast with a 30% loss in stroke volume after only 1 month of detraining)
I haven't been riding much in the past 6 months and my resting HR is around 60 right now

after 2 months of VO2Max work (once or twice a week with the rest being low intensity) my resting HR drops to the low 40s


So for 2 days a week I should do VO2Max, and then for 4 days a week could I do moderate intensity instead of low intensity? Would that lower my heart rate quicker? And should I add in more rest days so I'm not doing cardio 6 times a week?


stationary bike for as long as you can. Doesnt beat up your joints, running is the dumbest shit anyone can do. Literally killing your knees by doing that stupid shit.


Doing hiit on a treadmill took my rhr from 70 to 47-50 over a 3 month period. Then I stopped cardio and started bulking and it returned to 70s. Fwiw I'm in my 30s.

What kind of HIIT were you doing and how often?





I'll give ya a bump OP.

I myself am wondering if, no I think I'm past the if...rather WHAT kind of cardio I should incorporate.

I've gotten my lifts up a bit in the past couple months but am starting to stall a bit. On top of that my gut feels bigger and like I have some shit to work out in there, probably all the drugs I do, so I figure a bit of cardio might do me good.

Been thinking about going swimming once the pool opens up next week.

>and like I have some shit to work out in there
>Been thinking about going swimming once the pool opens up next week.

Learn to relax your muscles ALL THE TIME and breathing slowly through the diaphragm and nose. Holding when breathing is extremely important
