
Why the fuck does everyone gotta tell me different things about which squat form is "proper"? Rippetoe says nipples should point to the floor, Thrall says basically the same thing (but only sometimes?) and Cali-Move says the opposite, to keep your spine vertical and head up.

I'm a newbie and I just feel like whatever I do, it's WRONG. Do I need a fucking degree to be able to motivate my squat form?

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Nah, just squat. Don't overthink it too much, you're not going to injure yourself unless you're actively resisting the biomechanics of your body.

I squat narrow, high bar, and I've never been injured even up to 200kg. Trust me, you're overthinking it. It's not a fucking deadlift.

yeah I don't know why this is such a contentious issue

i go high bar, brace core, and just squat with a straight bar path.

rippletoe is extremely dogmatic in his ideas. his idea of squats is probably right for his femur/torso length, just like his "200lb for an adult male" shit is right for his build and "gallon of milk a day" is right for his goals, but he's convinced his way is the ONLY way. squat what feels comfortable for you, lets you move the most weight, and keeps your spine straight and knees from buckling.

it depends on what kind of squat youre doing
idk what you mean by keeping your head up but if it means what i think it means you shouldnt do it no matter which squat youre doing

I typically like Thrall's tutorials and he got me off to a great start, but I only broke through my beginner/intermediate squat plateaus after I started following Candito's cues.


Look up to go up!

Different bar placements. The nipple to ground is for low bar squats and straight back is for high bar. I found high bar to work more on the quads while low bar works glutes more.

Mate, unless you're squatting 300+ lbs, you're not gonna fuck your body up with slightly bad form.


In fact, I couldn't low bar squat at all. I only ever squatted high bar, because if I tried to have the bar lower on my rear delts I would fold in half like a concertina.

So for me, nipples pointing down doesn't work at all, it makes squatting any weight impossible.

I squat low bar almost (almost) as upright as I squat high bar.


read this
alternatively, play around and find out what feels good for you, as long as the crease of your hips gets to or below your knees who gives a fuck do whatever feels good for you.

just listen to everything rippetoe says and do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what this fat irrelevant hack says

there are a bunch of different, correct ways to squat. the important thing is that your squat is safe, so things like keeping your core tight are crucial no matter what, but the other details aren't really that important

Why do you people even watch these clowns? I hit a 550 lbs squat just by, you know, squatting a lot, eating a lot, and sleeping a lot. Trying to turn lifting into some kind of fucking science is autistic as fuck.

>Trying to turn lifting into some kind of fucking science is autistic as fuck.
Not really, that's what educated people like to do. You can always just hulk smash things, but finding the most efficient way to use your body is actually cool.

There are only 3 things that matter in a squat

1. neutral spine
2. hips below knee crease
3. feet flat on floor

everything else that people talk about - bar position, head position, knees past toes, knees behind toes, hip drive, WHATEVER - doesn't matter as long as you meet those 3 criteria, and only a complete faggot, ie everyone on fit that isn't me, would disagree

Enjoy snap city

>550 lbs squat

I too can google a popular squat weight and lie :)

>but finding the most efficient way to use your body is actually cool.

Yeah, I bet it really makes the bitches wet. Anyway, what I was trying to say is that your body knows how to squat, it's a natural movement. Just do it and you'll get into it.

Unless you compete / squat for a certain sport

what ever you do op, when you squat make sure to take a deep breath and squeeze to tighten your core as much as you can

LEARN how to do this from the beginning, if you don't, you will snap your shit up. IT WILL COME AT SOME POINT TRUST ME.

Enjoy being dyel.

You seriously think all those guys in your gym that throw around daddy weight sit on their computers watching some fat hippie explain proper form?

>Yeah, I bet it really makes the bitches wet
Fuck you and your priorities m8

The mechanics for lifts are usually all the same but everyone has to tailor these mechanics to their leverages. Pointing your nips to the floor just means that you need a good amount of forward lean when squatting lowbar, the amount of lean though depends on your torso length, so some people with insane torsos won't have their nips pointing at the floor. See what I mean?

Squats should feel very solid, tight and balanced troughout the entire range of motion. If you are able perform a high bar squat with an empty bar without leaning forward at all or going soft in your hips and lower back at the bottom, lucky you, you should do that.

Just listen to Rippetoe, and you'll be fine.