Osgood schlatters disease

I've had this shit on and off since I was 15. Can't squat anymore, how the fuck do i heal this shit lads?

Same here, I am 23 now. It will never go away.

Are you serious mang? Holy mother of shit this can't be true.

Yeah man. It started around the same time when I was 15 and played a lot football (soccer for Ameriniggers). Had to stop playing these sports.

Now I still have it, I get a lot of pain when doing pistol squats for example and I can't sit on my knees. Squats that don't go very low are fine.

If it really bothers you, you have to get surgery.

An actual, competent physical therapist would go a long way to fixing it to the extent it can be. Rehab, specific exercises, anti-inflammatory injections, and other fairly mild measures can usually do a lot of good.

Surgery is also possible, but not usually necessary.

Try doing box squats instead of squats. Its supposed to be easier on your knees.

I thought this condition was supposed to finish by the time your growth plates close? What age are you now?

Make sure you are taking fish oil. And anti-inflammatories help like ibuprofen, but also look into anti-inflammatory foods. I recommend tumeric and black pepper extract

I did all of that. Therapist was even putting some electroshock things on my knees, etc.

Almost 19.

This is so shit all I wanna do is muh sqwats

Accept that your legs will never be really big and just move on. There is really not much we can do

I'm a fairly important player in a local football team and it's really fucking me over. I guess there's nothing I can really do then, might just sodoku.

Same, played soccer all my life. Osgood schlatter started when I was about 14.
Now I am 22, full blown Patellar Tendonitis. Stopped playing soccer 2 years ago because of it. Doing all of the corrective exercises there are.
Imma just kms.

Time. Got older, that shit isn't painful once the growth plates completely close
>also a manlet

i had it when i was 15. had to stop all sports for 18months and it cost me a career as a pro. but after a few years it just went away. mid twenties now and my knees are fine

If youre still having problems with it after puberty, something is wrong. Most likely a fractured bone particle floating around inside your tendon.

After being nearly crippled by this shit during puberty, it healed up around age 17 and my knees became perfectly functional, albeit for big bony lumps on the front that prevented me from kneeling on hard surfaces.
I actually had surgery to remove the lumps, doctors recommended against it, but I am autismo and couldnt stand them.
Right one is gone, left one came back a bit. But it cured my autistic obsession with them. I am pretty much an authority on the problem now too.

Had this shit develop in my early teens on my right knee.
The single benefit of me being a lazy fuck during those years was letting it heal with no further injury while I finished growing.
22 now been lifting for a few years and have no pain in my knees whatsoever but I do have that annoying bone bump on my right knee that apparently will never go away. I don't mind it but I do use it as an excuse for something to fixate on at time or worry it will be a weak point or something.

>Got older
You mean you got fat and stopped doing anything active

You're right, it doesn't hurt when you just sit all day

You dumbfucks don't know anything about the disease.

The disease IS actually that bone bump on the knee. What is hurting is when that bump gets inflamed.

Inflammation can happen for example because of sports that involve a lot of stop-and-go sprinting

had lateral release surgery on one knee, it helped level the pain.

Ive had it since i was 12 and now im 18

>it only lasts six months, dont worry

Oh also im pretty good at keeping pain away.

You have to stretch your quads well every night. You have to squat often, if you take a break for whatever reason your knee will tighten up. If its getting really bad you can massage your patellar tendon or wear a patellar strap

I dont think its wise to stop training any exercise because of it unless it is really bad

start with slow eccentric single leg squats on a decline board.
make sure your knee tracks over your feet.
let your knee go almost as far forward as possible.
at around 90deg knee angle, place your other leg on the board and stand up with both legs.
do this for 3-5 sets.
stop a set when the pain because more than moderate.
you should feel some mild pain, otherwise you're not doing it right.

take atleast 3 days of rest between anything that loads your knees.

when you can do 5 sets of 15+ reps with less than mild pain, start doing high-bar back squats with a slow eccentric.
start with just the bar, go down slowly, normal speed up.
make sure you go all the way down so that your hamstrings rest on your calves in the hole.
start with 3 sets 6 reps and 3 full days of rest between sessions.
slowly increase the weight (2.5kg/5lbs) each session.
do only bodyweight squats each 5th session.

besides these exercises, do nothing that loads the knees (no running, no bicycling, no swimming).
only walking is fine.
if you must ride your bicycle, do it such that you don't have to pedal hard, and make sure your saddle is in such a position that your legs are almost (but not quite) straight when the pedal is at the bottom.

to anyone else reading: if you have patellar tendonitis, try this.

>stop a set when the pain becomes* more than moderate.

leg extensions are good for osgood

Training VL helps a lot

had this since i was a teen, 23 now, on my right knee.

can't kneel on it ever, gets sore if i start doing cardio or squat a few times a week
so i only squat 1x a week :/

>>also a manlet
I wonder if this has any effect on final height? Please tell me it doesn't.

I'm 20 and I've had it since a ski accident when I was 15.

Shit doesn't go away bro just get used to it.

Nah, once I hit my 20's I realized it didn't hurt anymore and I'd not thought about it for a long time.


Got it when I was 15. Ten years on I still have the growth but not pain.
Squats are my best lift too

Step aside bump-lets, let me show you a man's knee bump. Had this since about 14, turning 20 in a month. Constant pain. I squat through it however. Doctors are worthless "it'll go away in a couple months just give it time, I totally know what I'm talking about. Here's a prescription for large ibuprofen because that will totally change your life :)"
