What will happen if i just do deadlifts every day, adding a plate per day, for a year?

what will happen if i just do deadlifts every day, adding a plate per day, for a year?

it would be extremely painful

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

WR diddlylift. no questions.
don't believe this user. he just can't eat or sleep enough to recover.

Stop posting this. It's not funny. I hope you get banned.

You're a master plan

you will reach the natty limit on day 2 user

You're a big guy.

what's a diddlylift? basically after school and work i'll just deadlift. no warmups, no other compound movements. just deadlifts.

i've only been lifting for a week and im at a plate and 35 and that doesn't feel heavy.

You're a big guy

for you

Ooo aaa fresh outta beed ooo aaa liftin the deadz


>lifting for a week
>dl 1pl8
Holy shit you can lie but not this obviously op have a little creativity

im not lying that's really what i did. i tried one plate thinking that was my max but went to plate 35 and it still felt like nothing after doing like a dozen reps. doing 2 plates tommorow.

You'll hit a wall and either crash, injure yourself, or suffer overtraining

You would deadlift 365 plates on both sides.

I'd do it the day after tomorrow.

is that good or bad for a natty?

>365 plates on both sides

I know you won't be able to fit that much on a conventional barbell without doing some super fucking retarded looking rope attachments but let's just humor this for a second.

>365x2=730 plates total
>730*45 = 32850 plus some godmetal barbell made out of pure diamond plus whatever you'd fucking use to attach all these plates assuming you didn't condense down to olympic plates.

Just for reference the plates alone weigh about as much as a commercial dump truck.

your muscles will rip from your bones at day 2

Doctor Pavel?

you'd by deadlifting 365pl8s by mext year

desu it was funny this time