Going to the Finnish army this July. Can any fellow spurdos tell me how this will affect my gains...

Going to the Finnish army this July. Can any fellow spurdos tell me how this will affect my gains? Also army Veeky Forums stories in general.

do they make you shave your heard, finnbro?

riippuu mihin oot menossa

yleensä jos on lihasta niin kuihtuu ja jos läskiä niin laihtuu?

If you have lots of muscle, you will lose it. If you are a skeleton like this kid I knew when I was in, you can gain muscle. He went from 140-160lbs in 9 weeks. Inversely, guys coming in 200+ tended to loose 20+ lbs

The policy got changed last year. This is the example for the new hair guideline.

I've been cutting this year. I'm a bit afraid that having too little muscle mass will make army harder.

But my endurance is quite good. Is cardio the most important physical trait in army?

so thats why most finnish bm bands have shaved heads

Holy shit that profile rip in peace

Yes cardio is important. But as long as you sho that you are motivated and you sound off, you'll be fine. If females can do it, you can do it.

Thanks bro. Since you have experiance, what's the best way try to get leadership training (RUK). (in addition to being motivated and volunteering to it). My father has a bit higher military rank so I have a bit of pressure...

et saa treenattua kunnolla ja ravinto hiilaripaskaa
ota mukaan oma purkki heraa
toki jos oot läskisami niin kunto kohoaa, tod näk muutenkin jos et o paljoa cardiota tehny

hahaha voi vitun maalaiset :D
painetta rukkiin :D
se on 6 kuukaudessa ulos tai c-paperit jos oot oikeesti fiksu. vuotta aiemmin opiskelemaan kun ilmasta pakkotyötä tekevät lampaat, paikasta riippuen jopa 2v koska 9-12kk palvelevat ei ehdi lukea kokeisiin

Heitä homo voltti. Itellä jo opiskelupaikka ja sen vastaanottamista voi lykätä vuodella. Menetän korkeitaan 1v opiskeluajasta. Mutta ei voi mitään jos on tommonen mutakuono joka sai niin paskat arvosanat että ei päässy todistuksen perusteella ja joutuu pääsykokeita tekeen.


mihin vitun amikseen sä menet arvosanoilla :D itsehän hain c-paprut "unettomuudella" ja 18-kesäsenä Helsingin yliopistoon nauramaan räkäsesti mudassa tetsaaville

If you're in Finland should you not be typing in Somali and not Finnish?

You must be thinking about Sweden.

But this draft dodger faggot must at least be mixed race:

white as can be mate, probably whiter than you because of my fennoswede roots instead of mongolian :)

There it is, this guy is a swedish-somali hybrid faggot.


Will joining the army specifically infantry make me lose my abs? im about 11% bf atm and dont wanna get fat

prepare to lose your gains, joints and all of your sleep

I don't know about the Finnish army, but if they make you do pt in the morning you're gonna have a hard time recovering from workouts after work. You won't really need to worry about maintaining strength while on training events because you're just carrying so much weight for so long that your body will stay solid. Pray to god you get the Finnish equivalent of plate carriers. Try to get an airborne contract if you can.


>shaved heads for males aren't even a requirement

can you be any more jelly of my blonde hair and blue eyes tsingis :)

Useimmilla kassuilla sali joten menetät massaa oikeestaan ainoastaan leireillä jos et oo laiska paska. Ruokaa saa vaikka 5000 kalorin eestä per päivä mutta se on kyllä aika hiilaripainotteista.
Here's some more spurdo for the retards who can't understand the master language.

Going to russian army next autumn
Ebin simply

Isn't that place basically hell? They take hazing to a whole new level, like people genuinely break their legs so they don't have to go there.

Mitä helevettiä täällä käy suomalaisa?

Newfag, Finland is one of the most over represented countries in Veeky Forums.

I unironically heard it was non-stop anal rape.

never seen a stern spurdo
breddy gud

I've always heard that's mostly in conscript battalions, if you volunteer it's much better