I'm really shitty at pull ups

I'm really shitty at pull ups

Its one of the few workouts I still have trouble doing.

Any other exercises I can do that will increase the number of pull ups I can do?


Pull ups

pull ups all day every day

i recommend pullups

Probably pull ups

Think you should do some pull ups

grab a bar above your head with your palms facing away from you and then Pull yourself Up

don't listen to these fags, you should actually do pullups

have you tried pullups?

Gonna suggest this experimental thing called pullups.

Look up Scooby's first eight pull ups routine.

If you want some lower intensity variations look up the Armstrong pull up program, I think both the beginner's and woman programs are mostly just lists of exercises like pull ups but easier.

Do negatives if you can do less than 5 pull ups. Just start with doing as many normal reps as you can then finish off with negatives.
If you can do 0 pull ups then just do negatives till you can do one.
Its the best way to learn pullups. You learn the movement and its heavy enough to cause an adaption.

I've heard that pull-ups are really great at making you better at pull-ups

How many times a week would be optimal to do pullups?

push downs.

the answer is many

well obviously you gotta do squats to increase pull ups, dumby
nah jk i think you gotta do pull ups

all the time

pullups are like pushups. do more to get good

use a pully machine for 5X5
holy shit this board is retarded

21 times a week