>tfw parents want me to move back in so I can save the 900 dollars a month I spend on rent and bills on going to college
>Too prideful too move back
Mom is talking about kicking me out again
Good. It will force you to stand on your own two feet and grow up. I wish my parents kicked me out instead of letting me become a neet loser.
There is nothing in Newmarket. Buy a shitbox car, become an apprentice in a trade, join Union, work in Toronto.
I'm hiring, but I get a shitload of applicants. I've got like 70 for a $9 an hour hotel front desk position. Only going to hire 1 of those, and it's going to be the one who's the most friendly and can give me 7 day availability
if you keep allowing yourself excuses, then yes, it is over.
Look at this objectively. There are millions of people on this planet. Someone, somewhere, was in your shoes and decided to recreate themselves into a self sufficient and better version. Someone, somewhere is doing whatever work is available and genuinely appreciates it because they know they won't be starving. Someone somewhere in this planet doesn't *have* parents to be a safety net for them and has to learn how to do it on their own.
Are any of these people better than you?
Is it easy to find an apprenticeship? How do I do this?
wtf that's good
Send your application and resume out to social media agencies as a community manager. make 3-5K/ month managing idiots for companies who don't want to deal with them on the Internet.