1pl8 OHP 5 times

>1pl8 OHP 5 times
>4pl8 DL once

>Cant even 2pl8 bench or 3pl8 squat

What the fuck is my problem?

Do you have long arms and legs?

Yes. I am 6'2 with a 6'2 wingspan and my femurs are like 30% of my overall height.

bench more, your bench should be in the 90-95 kg area atleast so it's not much to be done. If it's lower, you seriously need to step technique up

6'6" wingspan here, OHP 1pl8 for 8, 1.25pl8 for 2 and my bench is 125 kg. I feel like you're push pressing (I can PP 95 kg)

edit, I just measured my wingspan and it is 76 inches. And I swear its not push press, one thing I hate is using wrong form, or not doing the whole range of motion (stopping the weight at your chin rather than your chest) I can push press ~86kg (190lb).

My bench is 220.

I am also not sure if this has to do with the fact I have lost a huge amount of weight.

okay, 220 is so close to 2pl8 so it's not too much of a discrepancy, if it was sub 90 kg my accusation would have made sense. Still, I feel like you should just bench more, you could easily make your current 1RM a 5RM with more technique work

My bench has always been shit no idea why. My chest is pathetic. I am thinking about trying to start doing 100 push ups through out the day to hopefully build my chest.

dont' see this being useful unless you're making someone put weights on you (otherwise it's just stam work), I'd rather go with weighted dips

>tfw 5'9 with 6'2 wingspan
kill me

Except that a 1pl8 ohp and 220 bench is proportional

he said he reps 1pl8 OHP

It's not stamina if you reach muscular failure

The pushups will help as long as they don't impede recovery. What I would suggest is doing pause benching or benching off of pins for a while. Clearly your shoulders and triceps aren't the problem so you're gonna have to rape your chest into catching up.

You're weak as fuck I don't see the question here

8 reps at 1 plate and only 2 at 1.25 plates dopiest make any sense

8 rep at 60 kg should put your max at 80-90 kg on the OHP

well, unless you never train in the 2-3 rep range

make sure to train not only in high rep cardio ranges (6+ rep)

I know someone who can deadlift 600lbs but only deadlift a bit more than 2 plate

It all comes down to your proportions and leverages.

if anything, I train more in the 2-3 than 5+, 1rm is at 75. Most people who do 1pl8 at 5 can barely get more than 65 for a single, it's not a deadlift

Nigger what

>he doesnt only train hi-reps

never gonna make it

>260lb 3x5 squat
>255lb 1x5 DL
Just be glad you're not me

id rather squat more than i DL

i am on the same path as you, 6'3" with long arms
very close to 1 pl8 ohp and 4 pl8 DL for reps
bench still at 175
my squat is closer to average I think I can do 260 for 5
Ive been told bench is a lot harder for taller people with long arms because you have to move the weight a lot more distance

Why is everyone who posts from a phone literally retarded to the point that their posts make absolutely no sense?

Second deadlift should have been "bench"

People with long arms just suck at bench.

Reps at 1pl8 are still proportional for 220 bench.

I know fit sucks at ohp but cmon.

t. calls his push press ohp