What exactly is wrong with soda? It's just sugar and 2-3 cans a day is an easy way to get calories

What exactly is wrong with soda? It's just sugar and 2-3 cans a day is an easy way to get calories.

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yeah drink 2 litres of soda per day if you wanna get fat, destroy your teeth and eventually acquire diabetes

Provides no satisfaction, always increases my appetite. Spikes your blood sugar. Does no good.

None of these are bad for a skelly trying to get big

Those are all great things for bulkers

>Soda somehow defies the laws of thermodynamics

>Sodadrinkers defending soda

The shit soda does to your teeth is good enough reason to stop drinking it. You dont want that shit.

The problem is the calories are empty. There's no protein, no fat, just raw sugar. There are better ways to get calories, have you seen how fucking calorie dense peanut butter is?

No fiber and huuuuuge insulin spike making you fatter.

Pb is ridiculous, but yeah. Good example

I'm a fat fuck that recently decided to stop being a fat fuck, but soda is what got me there. I ate a relatively normal amount of calories for a man my height, but I drank like 6 sodas a day. That's 1,000 calories of pure shit per day for years. I haven't cut it completely out of my diet yet because it's been a lifelong habit, but I won't allow myself to go over 2,500 calories a day even if I choose to have soda. I eventually want to get rid of it entirely, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm imaging once I get down to a more normal weight I will have to ditch it entirely.

Water has gotten rid of my desire to have it when I'm not eating, but I still like an orange soda with dinner.

Sure there are better things, but that doesn't make it particularly bad.

Fat fuck again. The negative effects of it for me:

It was addictive as fuck, because it dehydrated me and always made me want more. It had a kind of relaxing effect where I always wanted to pop open a cold soda. My teeth were fucking ruined, had to have a dentist drill all those cavities out and I will eventually need to get some of my more damaged teeth replaced. I luckily didn't get diabetes, but it also made me feel like shit half the time. I'd have lots of highs and lows where I had too much or I'd get caffeine headaches if I stopped.

It's just a shitty habit. It's basically like picking up minor league cigarettes that can be even worse in some ways over time. It's just not worth it.

>What exactly is wrong with soda?
>proven to decay teeth upon excessive contact
>high fructose corn syrup is bad for you
>has absolutely no nutritional value
>has about 140 calories of sugar a can when you're only suppose to have 150 calories a day

>It had a kind of relaxing effect where I always wanted to pop open a cold soda
kind of like how smokers describe smoking

Try diet soda's lol?

I'd rather have less actual soda than drink diet soda. Tastes like shit to me. I'd literally rather drink water(and do). I'm down to 1-2 sodas a day from 6, and I'm working on getting rid of it entirely(which is a goal I have set over the course of 14 days).

It makes you have moods. I stopped drinking them completely for just over 2 months and done swimming and had no more big flabby tits....

Cottage cheese also

peanut butter or toast with a fuckton of olive oil/butter

your a low test bitch for not being able to eat enough

Maaan I remember as a kid I used to drink two cans a day sometimes. Now I feel disgusting just by drinking half of it.

Absolutely no benefits. Just high sugar and corn syrup which is bad for your teeth and muscles

When I was dirty bulking I always threw my soda away whenever I ordered a trio from fast food places

0 nutrition


if you really are Veeky Forums you stop drinking soda for so long that when you taste it it tastes disgusting. it happened to me yesterday i took only a sip and i ended up throwing it out

>supporting a company that supports a globalist agenda
>also paying to destroy your teeth
>destroying your white heritage and your white teeth

>sugar is no good for you, empty calories and causes diabetes
>2017 and drinking your calories
>no vitamins or minerals
>rotting your teeth
>caffeine and other chemicals that some shit company wants you to be hooked to

Theres literally no reason to drink soda, there are better cheat meals

The fuck is wrong with you people, Veeky Forums is not google

If u drink diet soda a few days u will get accustomed to the taste and start liking it, just do it, better than normal ones.

How is cottage cheese calorie dense? The normal cottage cheese I use has 100kcal / 100g lol.

>I don't understand the difference between weight gain and fat gain

soda doesn't make people fat directly. soda makes people fat because of the hormone imbalances it creates. meth doesn't make people skinny, but it suppresses the feeling of hunger with shitloads of dopamine, so the end result is skellingtons walking the street

>There are better things than heroin but that doesn't make it particularly bad.

Doesn't have to defy the laws of thermodynamics to act as poison in large quantities. A single beer is usually not harmful, a dozen at a time is.

>thinking diabetes is caused by sugar

also soda is shit. You feel like shit when eating it and it is shit. Just eat bread if you want some easy calories.

>What exactly is wrong with soda
It's bad if you drink it in excess, like pretty much everything.
>Findings suggest that sugary soda consumption may be associated with kidney damage, although moderate consumption of 1 or fewer sodas does not appear to be harmful
>Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence metabolic disease development through accelerated cell aging.
>e found clear associations of soft drink intake with increased energy intake and body weight. Soft drink intake also was associated with lower intakes of milk, calcium, and other nutrients and with an increased risk of several medical problems (e.g., diabetes).

>an easy way to get calories
Just drink olive. It has 884 calories per 100 grams, while soda (coca cola) has 42. Plus you might live longer.

>What exactly is wrong with soda?
>It's just sugar
you answered your own question

The calories are empty so you get literally no nutritional benefit, and it's LOADED with added sugar. If you want to ruin your teeth and get diabetes be my guest fatass

Just keep a water bottle on you at all times and drink when you get thirsty. If you're thirsty, it only accentuates the soda craving.

If you miss the fizziness of soda, try catbonated water. Still try to wean yourself off, though, because if you have craving for carbonated water but none on hand, you might break down and buy soda.

If you got cavities it's because you don't fucking brush and floss your teeth you disgusting faggot.

Soda is bad for your teeth, but it's no excuse for cavities. Stupid nigger.


>OP is a HFCS shill

Haven't had it in 3+ months, done with that crap

>people unironically say this


>150 calories a day
God damn it when will skeletons stop running from their graves and shitposting on Veeky Forums

>had kind of a relaxing effect

Yeah, you know why that is? Because sugar dulls your brain when it would usually tell you "hey, you're full", so when that gets rendered numb, you suddenly find yourself downing a 52 oz. soda in just half an hour. I was never a huge fat fuck, but at my worst I had like four or even FIVE of those 7-11 double gulps full of Coke or Pepsi every week. Felt drowsy all the time.