Any good tips to gain weight as a skelly?

Any good tips to gain weight as a skelly?

>eat a lot lol

I know, but how can I not feel full and sick after eating "a lot", aka not even close to the normal amount of a regular person.

Also, if I wanted to get fit and start lifting, should I wait until I get more body weight before I start or should I start the gym as an Auschwitz wannabe? I feel like I'm gonna be making a fool of myself straining to lift 60lbs while all the Chads are gonna be repping with 200+ lbs like it's nothing.

t. 130lbs, around 5'9" subhuman skeleton

Snack on fatty foods. Like have two huge peanut butter/nuttela sandwhiches per day inbetween big meals.. ez calories

Eat medium or small meals frequently

U get used to it brah. Force feed. Huge liquid meals. Drink a lot of water to expand your stomach. Get on a fullbody 3x a week program. And stay consis tent. You can do it.

Lmao I started 119lbs 6' you'll be fine lifting

don't wait to start lifting.

throw instant oats, heaping spoonfuls of PB, milk (can add ice cream, protein powder, greek yogurt) in a blender and drink post workout (or everyday). Chug this immediately. You'll get better at it.

I was 6' 130 when I started. The PB shakes helped because I also got full quickly with solid food. Now I'm 160. Used weed to get a 2nd dinner in before bed, but in my situation, I couldn't keep doing that.

I also went through a phase where I stopped at mcdonalds drive-thru for 2 McChickens on the way home from work a few times a week (my drive was 45 min), because I could throw those down no prob. (eat more frequently)

Get in a routine (eating times, consistent breakfast, adequate sleep, lifting plan). Once you get to the point where you're meal prepping, you can focus on eating clean. I know when I was skelly, my attitude was "I don't care what the calories are as long as I'm gaining weight".


I know that feel pham. I eat way more than my fat friends and it's still hard to put on weight

learn to cook food,add butter and olive oil to whatever you are cooking and drink 250 ml of milk 4 times a day

no you don't

dirty scrambled eggs, easy way to eat loads of calories in one go.

whip 6 or more eggs and 1tbsp of sour cream per 2 eggs together in a bowl.
Put 1-2tbsp of butter in a pan, heat slowly until butter browns, add egg/sour cream mixture
scramble as it cooks
add 1 cup per 6 eggs, of grated parmesan cheese to mixture, stir it so the cheese melts down into the scramble
salt and pepper, plate, eat

even with 6 eggs this should get you around 1000 calories in 1 plate, and it is VERY easy to eat even for skellies.

>130lbs, around 5'9"
nigger im 130 lbs at 5'11. this fucking sucks.

> been hovering at 155 for 7 years now

Yes I do

you sound exactly like fatties who can't lose weight

there is no fucking way you were 120lb at 6'0. you would be dead.

I know user, that's why this thread is about the other end of the spectrum. We all weren't crafted from the same mold. Some people just don't gain mass like other people

i used to think the same as you. talking all this "hard gainer" bullshit to people as if i had a superior metabolism. actually count your calorie intake for a day then come back and tell us about "muh genetics"

I was under the impression that eating a large meal is bad for bulking, you instead eat 6 meals a day of about 400c?

wow that's dumb.

That's why you are a skelly, large meals are good, you probably eat like a goddamn rabbit which is why you can't gain weight.

Nigger, I counted calories for 2 fucking years and it only made my shits bigger. I used to be retarded enough to believe in macros until I saw the evidence that it's a bunch of bullshit

I gained 22 lbs in the last 3 months and these are my tips:

> eat off a big plate
> eat with a spoon if you can to shovel more food and faster
> drink a protein shake for dessert after eating a big post workout meal

So I did a bit of googling and apparently lots of small meals is a diet thing, I could't find a relayably source on this just a collective hivemind. Mind posting something in favour of your argument?

kek,do you lift tho?

I'm not going to provide scientific evidence that eating more food will make you gain weight.

I don't believe you, post pics

diet wise, you don't have to feeling sick after meals, but rather you should track your calories. If you do it carefully and lift in the meantime then you should put on weight gradually. There ain't any shortcuts on the path of iron, and any that exist will leave you lacking. Go the hard way and you will learn and see many gains, praise be to Brodin

>retardation: the post

>until i saw my own anecdotal evidence that it's a bunch of bullshit
maybe you should git gud

Of course senpai. Didn't count just to sit on my ass all day

> didn't have anecdotal evidence till AFTER the fact.

Way to be retarded. I wasn't counting macros in hopes that it wouldn't work to my benefit and I could post in this thread years later

I am 5'10'' and started at 130lbs with empty bars... You will be fine, no one in gym gives a fuck about what and how you lift... Just learn proper form before you move to higher weight and you are good...

>not having experience before you actually experience
>not causing time paradoxes for gains

face it bro, you just didn't do it right

yeah same I started from absolutely nothing a month ago. was scared people would judge but nobody cares. I started going with a friend whos lifted for years and he showed me around. Would recommend the same to OP if he has a friend.

Sorry for being vauge, please give me a link to something that says eating fewer calorie dense meals is better for bulking then the counterpart.

you guys are overthinking this,it doesn't matter
eat 3 big meals or 6 small meals whatever just hit your caloric goal intake

are you about that or is that just speculation?

fucking eat you nerdlinger

why are you being childish? This is a civil destitution on a serious board about physical fitness. I'm just trying it figure out the optimal way to become healthy. :v)

peanut butter, shakes

7-8 tablespoons of olive oil a day, and a few meals.

I was 126lbs when i started, and currently sitting at 166 as of this morning. Only takes a few months.