Have you EVER seen a GIRL doing 1pl8 OHP for REPS in your local GYM? me, never

have you EVER seen a GIRL doing 1pl8 OHP for REPS in your local GYM? me, never

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lol no.
That would be world class level lifting for a non fat girl.

I've barely seen any men doing it..

>world class level lifting
cmon 1pl8 is not that much

It is for a woman given that 60kg is at or above bodyweight for most women.

How many men do you see REPPING bodyweight+ on OHP?

OP here, I have seen a girl lifting 0.5pl8 easy for many reps, surely she could do 1pl8 with some effort

>How many men
well I see manlets doing it all the time idk

It doesn't work that way.
Especially not with small muscles like shoulders. And extra specially not in women, who have lower upper body strength even account for bodyweight.

Right, but how many men?

yes, and they make my penis feel feminine. :C


OHP is the manliest lift, women can't do it

First one didn't finish the rep.

>tfw no OHP gf

I rep body weight ohp, sets of 10 @ 225 I weigh 220. I didn't think this was impressive though

>220lb x 10

Trust this guy, he's definitely not estatting.

Lol, well I'm a /frauder/ to if that changes anything, but you are welcome to come to my gym and watch me

how can you live like that

Had legit low t, I couldn't live without it, super depressed, lethargic, levels were 252ng/dl

Is 1pl8 OHP really that uncommon at gyms?
I work out at home, so I have no clue how my stats compare to most people that use a gym.

lol, that's me, but I managed to cure myself with hard training, I still suck but it's much better. I was tempted too. I understand user

I saw a girl doing OHP only once in 2 years and it pretty frequent here. they just don't care about it, all they do is legs and ass

Yeah, I was trying, I had an injury that out me on opiates for about a year, I was fine before that but they just wouldn't seem to come back up and I couldn't take it.

so you have more energy? do you sleep less? I feel tired all the time, except when I do a good training in gym, then I feel like a god, full of energy and not depressed

Yeah I have better than my pre injury energy levels, confidence, libido, everything is up. Going on trt was the best decision for me but had I not needed it I would not of used steroids, I still don't "blast" but may eventually since I'm on them anyways, I'm pretty happy with how my life is now though so probably not

thanks for info, good luck

the 66kg one is failed and the other is 10 kg below 1plate, although the first could get 1x 1 plate clean which is pretty good

women have weaker upper bodies than men, so 1 plate is really rare and maybe doable for some crossfit chicks on steroids

Maybe not for reps, but I've seen a chick do 1pl8. Weirdly enough, it was that chubby yoga pant-weaing scandinavian-looking blonde, not the manly crossfit lesbian. It wasn't really a clean ohp, more like a push press, but still pretty fucking impressive. Especaially since I barely bench press 1pl8.

and to answer the question: never

I'm at a western yuro university gym - 95% of men at my gym can't do it either. People aren't into strength training here as much as they are into bodybuilding/fitness.

push press is ~1.3 of your strict press if you can leg drive properly, the ratio is higher for women, as their strict pressing strength is much less.

For example, Klokov has a strict OHP of 165 kg and a Push press max of 225 kg, and he's an exceptional strict and push presser. For most olympic lifters, they have ~1.3x ratios as they train explosivity for the Jerk. On the other hand, gymrats have 1.1x ratios at most

oh and to add, for olympic athletes it's probably much more, like 1.5x in some cases

person who trains both has around 1.2-1.3x, some efficient oly athletes (exceptional speed) it's close to 1.5x

Yeah, OK, still I was impressed as fuck, especially since there was like nobody cheering her or anything, she just came to the rack, did some warmup and then did 1 plate. I probably weigh 10kg more than her and barely do 50kg, plus I'm male.

>strict OHP of 165 kg
jesus, I struggle with 65kg, how is this possible

/fraud/ and hard work

>chubby yoga pant-weaing scandinavian-looking blonde

This woman here is stronger than most of Veeky Forums.

>body weight shit at 118 pounds
yea, real fucking hard

he's one of the best pressers in the game
65 kg is good, intermediate area.

>a silver mt. Zion
what did (((she))) mean by this?

>65 kg is good

I've never seen any person OHP more than me at my gym. Mostly because nobody else does it. Even the 2 friends I work out with refuse to do it because their afraid of hurting their back. I do 195 for 5 at 170 bodyweight. Manlet tho so I hear that helps.

>170 bodyweight
wtf? lol

65 is good nigga I struggle with 40

Yes. There's one girl in my gym who is a fucking monster.

Calculate her lifts on your bodyweight you faggot. Even if your performance is compareable you as a man still have a major advantage, even low test faggot like you.
So it is impressive.

if you go to a commercial gym not a powerlifting gym then its very uncommon
>be me
>over past 3 months at youfit
>1 person rep 1 pl8 OHP without bullshit like smith machine or push pressing
>have never seen anyone deadlift more than me (3.5pl8), mostly just women deadlifting 95 pounds max
>people load up 2 or 3 pl8 on squat rack then have 10 degrees of rom max
>decent amount of people with 1.5pl8-2pl8 bench. The one lift normies seem to excel at

doubtful, unless we're talking female roider with man-physique tier

fuck m8s, this was supposed to be a Klossy thread

some guys at my gym who bench ~100 kg struggle with 50 kg OHP. 1:2 ratio is fairly normal for someone that only benches

there is still time


Pounds in case that wasn't obvious. Is that weird?

me desu senpai before i broke my arm though

yes I know it's pounds. but 170!? height pls

post body pic m'lady
*tips trilby*

Early stages of a bulk. No bully.

looks good, too bad about incurable manletism

Looking solid, thick, tight

Hasn't held me back so no big deal.

are you telling me you are drowning in pussy?

I was before I got married. Have been for 3 years and still have sex almost every day. Doing great things at work too. Getting promoted very soon.

nice to hear that. I'm an incel neet

I've seen one girl OHP at my gym. She only uses the bar. One time I was doing OHP and working in with a HS girl doing squats. We both were repping 1 plate. I went to get a drink and came back to see her trying to unrack the bar to do a press. She looked sad that she couldn't.

I'm doing it after 6 months of lifting lul. My shoulders are my best part tho and my bench is pretty bad. 60/75/100/115 right now(kg)

I dont even see females squatting 1pl8 at my gym.

tfw 60kg ohp and can barely 75kg bench for 5x5

>5'0" mixed race girl walks over to weights area
>baggy clothes, but she's slim with a little chub
>benches the bar, struggles past three sets
>OHP lmao1plate, again struggles past three sets
>loads up three plates for deadlift, must've been 70-80kg, does like ten sets; she just didn't stop
>nearly passes out by leans on the wall looking at her phone
>goes to squat, only lmao1plate

Her waist was fucking tiny compared to her hips, plus her form on everything was near perfect; her upper body was really weak but then again she was couldn't have been taller than 5'1". Never saw her again.

I don't think you know what 1plate means. And what sets are. Your post doesn't make sense at all

wow, I wish I could enjoy sightings like that

man this hurts. being mocked for being short isnt enough, lanklets also have to trivialize our stats

who dat?


You sure u not doing vertical bench presses?

I thought 1pl8 was 60kg

>just started lifting 2 weeks ago
>tfw struggled like fuck last session with 25
>mfw every time I know I have to do OHP

>100kg squat
>115kg deadlift
>after 6 months

this. I go to a commercial gym AND live in monkey land, which is mostly bodybuilding/fitness normies. Never saw anyone bench more than 1 pl8, and people give me looks cause I bench 56kg and am skinny as if I'm ego lifting. the ONE guy that I saw doing free squats was half repping and with his back to the squat rack. I'm the only one who deadlifts and OHPs.

>struggle with 30
>mfw glancing at 1kg plates
might be just unfamiliarity with the movement. I fucked around in the gym for a year prior to getting in a program so my bench press is really strong(comparatively) so even though my last rep is really slow and almost failing, I dont fear it like I fear the OHP

According to Strength Standards 1/2/3/4 for 5 reps would make me "Advanced", and this is supposed to be the DYEL cutoff point.

Ree lanklet privilege.

In my gym, people has to roid to OHP 1 pl8 for reps.

Yeah...even roiding they look like shit

U must be the stupidest nigga alive

Nigger you're doing push press

currently doing 135lbsx3 OHP at 150lbs 5'10
training less than a year

I've done a set 5 before, but jeez was the last one sloppy

>Just hit 165x4 OHP PR

We all gona make it brehs

"plate" means a 45 lbs plate, not just any weight.

That's like a world record.