Show me actual proof of a barbell deadlift directly causing spinal injury

Show me actual proof of a barbell deadlift directly causing spinal injury.

I dont think you can.

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you just posted a video if it

Can't stand retards who fuck up barbells doing that

Are you retarded?
Is it that hard to believe that putting so much pressure on your spine can lead to damaging it?

Holy fuck.

Most PL friendly gyms have fucked up barbells for this purpose.

that's actually much more impressive than doing it with proper form

>Not getting into camel lifts

oh no no no no no

jefferson curl

Prove it.
Why is there no evidence?

Thats not proof of a SPINAL INJURY


Still no proof.

I can show you plenty of videos of squats and bench causing injury.

Not a single video of deadlift causing spinal injury though.

he's just trying to get kitty cat mode

They don't usually happen when deadlifting.

It'll happen the day after when you bend over to pick something up.

Yeah exactly. People say they fucked up their backs from deadlifts a lot but no real proof. Just like how people say they got STDs from sex but there is no video evidence.

Is this guy fucking retarded

show me video evidence of your brain
bet you can't

check out his other videos, there's some of him squatting and doing a zercher deadlift


Still no proof.

>brags about 800 lb. rack pull
>straps for 285 lb. set of 5 conventional
>barely locks them out with dogshit form
>le straight spine is meme man :DD

Show me actual proof of a gun directly causing death.

I don't think you can.
Most people just die because they hit the floor too hard from the shock of being shot.

awful analogy.

Theres plent of videos of bench and squat causing injury to the commonly cited bodyparts at risk from those exercises.

Why then, is there no video evidence of deadlifting causing spinal injury, despite it being commonly stated that deadlifts are dangerous for the spine?

Or just keep making bad analogies or posting irrelevant videos.

probably because your spine doesn't literally snap when you do deadlifts. you just strain your back a bit and it hits you in a few days when you lay in your bed unable to move.

also show me a squat injury video where the injury isn't caused by the lifter getting crushed by the weights


This fucking guy. From the vid:
>No i don't think i will snap my shit up, i believe it's an old myth that straight spine equals healthy spine in the long run. You need to be strong in all different kind of ways.
>Well if that happens ill make sure to let you guys know, and ill admit i was wrong about rounded back deads :)

fuck you for making me watch this video
But here.

That took all of 2 seconds to find.

oh fuck

I can attest that I herniated my L5 S1 mid deadlift, if that helps OP

Can you prove it?

did he get dead?

No proof that this is a spinal injury.
It looks more muscular by the way he reacts.

ah, I see how it is

I just want to see proof that deadlifting can cause spinal injury.

So far nothing but unsubstantiated anecdote and videos that don't show spinal injury.

don't you think that's strange given how commonly people seem to say deadlifting is dangerous for the spine?

how does this happen?

prove to me that if I cut myself I will bleed

just read a fucking anatomy book you imbecile

Terrible example, because that really isn't an example of the common injuries associated with squat, it's just something that can happen to literally any muscle during any lift.

that fucking sound

>strict form
>back looks like a fucking sine wave

yeah but you're not a doctor so you have no idea what looks like muscular vs spinal injury

not an argument
if it was so common there'd be evidence.

theres plenty of videos to support that claim.
The claim that deadlift is dangerous for spine does not have the same going for it.

nice bait op

show me video evidence of an atom being split. a bomb explosion doesnt count, I cant see the atom, it could be caused by anything

not an argument.

not bait.
there's literally no proof of a barbell deadlift causing a spinal injury.

>prove to me that if one puts tremendous pressure on the lumbar spine then that lumbar spine can risk injury

the statement is self evident

>but muh videos!!1

Cool shifting of goal posts.
I'm not talking about risk.
I'm talking about proof of the outcome of the "risk".

You're right. Just go do it, it's not dangerous at all. No risk what so ever.

>Show me actual proof of a barbell deadlift directly causing spinal injury.

you accept that deadlifting risks causing spinal injury

that literally means deadlifting can, not all the time, but from time to time, directly cause spinal injury

No. I accept that people "think" there is a risk.

Well if I told you not to walk on the street due to risk of spinal injury, would you believe me without evidence?

Just believe in God.
The bible says he is real.
Don't you dare question it.

I think they had a similar scene in the new gaylien movie.

regardless of your blatant bias and denial, do you understand the gross difference between "no evidence of the causing of injury" and "evidence of no causing of injury"

even if there is "no proof" that absolutely does not indicate that deadlifts don't cause injuries

The discs between your vertebraes will prolapse if enough force is applied. If you have flexion in the spine, you apply more direct force on individual discs. I think it is really hard to find evidence on this, is that it might not be instant. Why do you think that people in manual labor often have lumbar discii prolapses?

Listening to megadeth.

You're implying there is no evidence, but there's plenty. Just do a quick google search. Also, why is your default position that the spine is somehow lifted above physical laws? Sure, it's relatively safe at low weights, but the higher you go the more important proper form is.

christ almighty wonder what his physical therapy was like

Well isn't the fact that there is no direct proof at least enough reason to not profess the almighy danger of deadlifting to the spine?

All too often we see people here advocating against deadlifting because its "oh so dangerous". This could be unfairly scaring new lifters away from doing this very beneficial exercise.

Yes you're right, but I don't think a barbell deadlift can result in the "enough force" to cause a disc herniation. The labor workers you speak of carry things in different ways to a barbell deadlift, most lumbar injuries occur when lowering a load to the floor, not when lifting it from the floor.

Please show me the "plenty" of evidence on this google search.

The only result is a guy who passed out after a deadlift and hits his spine on a hard surface as he falls

>but the higher you go the more important proper form is.

Very incorrect.
If anything, the heaviest deadlifters are the least likely to have spinal injuries, and their forms are the most often to look "bad".

I don't need to fucking show you, just type "spinal injury from deadlift". Also, why do you think the laws of physics don't apply to the spine, for some reason?

>If anything, the heaviest deadlifters are the least likely to have spinal injuries, and their forms are the most often to look "bad".

Holy shit, I had forgot how retarded this forum is after not being on it for a while. I'll give you 2 min to figure out why this is a retarded assumption, then I'll explain it to you if you can't figure it out.

As i say, top results are all one dumbass article about a guy who passed out and hit his spine as he fell.

the rest are not actual spinal injuries.

You're moving the goal posts to another field brah.
I didn't say the laws of physics don't apply. I said deadlifting doesn't cause spinal injury.
If you can't understand that then you're retarded.

Literally no elite, or even advanced level deadlifter has had a spinal injury from deadlifting.

OP here.
I'm going to bed.

I'll check this thread in the morning. If anyone can provide VIDEO EVIDENCE of someone hurting their SPINE doing a BARBELL DEADLIFT then I will finger myself.

night night.

all I can say to you is that I used to think the same. Then when doing an ordinary set of 170kg (for reference, have a 215 squat) I got a sudden sharp pain from my lower back down my leg, which turned out to be an L5 S1 disc herniation.

plz attempt 900lbs deadlift tomorrow OP
remember to film yourself
you autistic piece of shit

>most lumbar injuries occur when lowering a load to the floor,
What the fuck do you think a deadlift is? Do you do one rep and drop it? You can't possibly be this stupid without doing it on purpose


I'd assume there's no videos because fucking up your spine doesn't have any visible effect so no one wants to see it, unlike muscles tearing.

AlphaDestiny caused this.

>that crunchy sound


how can some people be so fucking stupid. i am literally laughing my ass off right now like wtf hahaha

AD is avidly against rounding of the lower back but does say that SOME upper back rounding is fine.

What do you mean by spinal injury?

Most bad back injuries are herniated discs or strains of the spinal erectors.

Disc herniations don't just happen mid set as far as I know, generally your back gets sore, but it doesn't go away and you have to rehab it for like a month or get surgery. You could never exactly pin down what caused it because its the accumulated damage that causes it, so in that sense there is no one set of deadlifts you could point to on video which causes the injury.

Erector pulls do happen mid set, a good example of which is:

Just for fun, though somewhat