Haven't moved from my bed today, and ate around 8k worth of food (90% sugar)

Haven't moved from my bed today, and ate around 8k worth of food (90% sugar)

Will I ever make it bros?

probably not

jesus christ man

At least you're not Anthony Burch

well you gained 1 kilo clean fat tissue in just 1 day congrats user

dubs of undying memes

Actually, 2 kg, i've done the same thing yesterday :D

Aight, work tomorrow bros, gonna take my 3rd shit of the day, clean myself up and my room

Gonna smash that bench tomorrow though due to the calorie surplus, r-r-ight?

Yeah you'll make it alright , straight to Diabetes City .

You seem happy about it.

Enjoy the decline, I guess.

what's the point of this thread and the 4" dick thread

Im not, but literally cannot help my binges.

What should I do?

inb4 "just stop"

have em wire your jaw shut then drink meals for a couple of months

>Will I ever make it bros?
no, doesn't sound like it

Maybe stop buying so much shit food then binge on healthier stuff.

You could also just stop

>Whats going on in your mind? You okay?

>Only you can make the necessary change, nobody else has any control over your life

nvm bros

go withouth me, not going to make it

How did you eat 8k of food without leaving your bed?

Hmmm, is his TDEE zero? I don't think so.

Nah, most of it is water weight.

>eat two of pic related
>sleep for 4 hours after


>hasnt left bed

Is someone feeding you, OP?

>Will I ever make it bros?

No, but your degenerate behaviour motivates at least 10 others to not be like you. So keep it up, make the world a better place. But at least have the decency to off yourself before you become a burden to the healthcare system.

well if you have an actual binge problem (disorder) you should see a physician and start taking appetite suppressants.

Depends. Was that your cheat day? Mine is every friday one bag of chips, else I eat 100% clean and avoid sugar and too much carbs.

you need to pick up vaping. You can constantly sit and vape the entire day. The nicotine will lower your appetite, the oral fixation provided by the vape will take over your normal fixation of food, and it is something to keep you/your hands busy while you are being a lazy fatass throughout the day.
I used to vape 24/7 and didnt notice many health problems, I ran fine during that time and was able to gym. Its certainly the lesser of two evils in this case by a substantial margin