Well Veeky Forums, are you a dirty commie?

Well Veeky Forums, are you a dirty commie?

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I live in a Socialist country. I vote conservative but that would still make me a big ol' hippy by international standards.

That looks like a meme article, tell me where did you get it. How the fuck would you test that. Which definition of socialist are you using?
Where did they test this. Please don't tell me they went to California and looked for a socialist club. Maybe I'm looking to deep at this shitpost.

It's been years since l stopped being an edgy /pol/tard but american socialists still piss me off, they're just fucking cunts

well wich study is this referring to?

fuck off bitch

Who /swoleleft/ here?

>1/2/3/4 5x3
>I'm an actual socialist

It's probably because conservative children are more likely to play strength demanding sports in their childhood like football and baseball while liberal parents are too pussy to let their kids play "dangerous" games and opt for soccer and tennis. Luckily for me I played tackle foot ball from age 8 up to senior year.

It's not the first study done about that topic. Physically stronger men are found to be much more likely to slant conservative with the mind set of everyone gets what they earn. Something about historically in human society/tribes, stronger men have always had the better chance of acquiring goods/food and so are less likely to want to give it to others that didn't earn it. Weaker men bring in less goods/food and so lean more heavily to a socialist mentality where everything is distributed evenly, which is more beneficial to them.

Or something along those lines. Been a while since I read one of the studies.

Even the leftist faggots are admitting it in their own way :

Some dumb feminazi made an article about how most fit guys are right-wing assholes based on complete non-science. So in defense someone said this goes both ways and made that picture. Aka weak low-test men are left-wing pussies

You're gonna have to get past this muscle if you think you're gonna steal my belongings "for the greater good", comrade

"In the past, researchers discovered a significant correlation between men who were physically formidable and their belief that some social groups should dominate other social groups.

Price's findings? That rich muscle dudes are the worst! Under those rock-hard abs lie the rock-hard souls of men who doesn't believe in spreading their riches around. "It's basically your tolerance to the idea that wealth shouldn't be redistributed," Dr. Price explains. "Some people thought it was horrible; some people thought it was fine."

You can tell she is wet while writing this article

Well I am leftest, and I spend 2.5 hours in the gym 5 days a week. It seems much less to do with the ideology, and more to do from sampling errors.

It implies nothing on the beliefs itself. If you have someone who works manual labor with low education in a conservative state, of corse it would show up like the OP.

Also no one has linked the actual study, and I have clicked on around 10 sites. The one that does link it, locks it behind a pay wall.

Why do you believe that taking my wealth is justified

>Under those rock-hard abs lie the rock-hard souls of men who doesn't believe in spreading their riches around
How is that a bad thing?

Socialism (which is nothing more than a route to Communism) is only good in theory. In practice, it tends to stifle development, competition, and progress. Capitalism on the other hand, has been the best proven method of technological/scientific progress to date. The only method of Socialism that I might make an exception for was National Socialism (even then though, the Nazi's were receiving aid from people like Henry Ford who were engaging within Capitalism).


Capitalism > Socialism

I'm already strong my dude and i don't want your stuff. I want the financial institutions grip around society to be loosened and the government to do more to protect and provide for the weakest of out citizens

I agree with this but Capitalism always shifts towards Oligarchy, how do we ensure that a capitalist system remains in a constant state of competition?

You can be a socialist and still be conservative. I don't see how the two contradict. One is an economic concept the other is cultural. I consider myself culturally conservative but economically left.

Is very bad, we need mo money fo dem programms

Also if someone is stronger physically than another person, does that also make them more qualified as a political person?

If I can bench more than the president, does that mean I am better suited to the job?

If you are going to argue this, I need exact claims that this is making?

I believe that is how governments work. I think people should pay taxes according to how much the money affects their personal lives. I am not socialist because I don't think that the gap between rich and poor should be non existent. However if Bill Gates has 20 billion frozen in assets, and I am struggling to pay taxes then something is wrong.

I don't want your wealth, I want a equal opportunity to pursue my dream. Which is that I want to own land close to the woods, have a small cosy house, a wife I love, a strong son/daughter, and I want to have some money saved up. Along with a job that has some manual labor and some degree of skill.

I can't get this dream if communism/socialism was what runs this country, I also can't get it if the 1% owns everything and makes all the laws.

>culturally conservative but economically left.

So you don't respect other peoples freedoms but you still expect free money? Never breed.

>However if Bill Gates has 20 billion frozen in assets, and I am struggling to pay taxes then something is wrong.

No, absolutely nothing is wrong with that, he played his cards way better than you in the game of life, that's all

nice fake article idiot

>strong men who protect their familes prefer political system that relies on briliant individuals
>weak beta men prefer system that makes everyone equal so they're not considered weak in society
really fires my neurons

First world socialists are cunts in general
More often than not they're the very bourgeois pricks they keep whining About, while making life hard for the actual working classes

>Bill Gates has 20 billion frozen in assets, and I am struggling to pay taxes then something is wrong.
>somebody is more succesful than me becasue of their genius/luck/family
>therefore they must be brought down to my level
sucks to be you princess but life is not fair, when you try to make everybody equal you only gonna end up with everyone being poor
>t. lives in post commie country

In all honesty, I believe a "hard reset" for each individual would alleviate "Oligarch-ism". It's no surprise to most that Capitalism actually works, but what if one were forced to make their own way through life instead of inheriting their family's fortune? I still like the idea of privatized schools, businesses, industry's, etc. I believe they all bring progress and competition to the table. That being said, if there was a "reset" for each individual in terms of personal wealth and what could be passed down through each family, I think that would adequately combat "oligarch-ism" AND support Capitalism.

>Never breed.
Stealing this


No, we have different wants, read my post. I don't want billions, I don't want sports cars.

I respect his dream, and wish happiness on him. I think he is a good guy.

Right now both of our dreams can be real, however if enough people who are worse than he get that kind of power, their dreams will crush the dreams of all of America.I want the rich to stay rich and happy. But I also want the poor, and sick to not be that way.

The beauty is disappearing from this world. I think that it can be attributed mostly to the greed of man.
please read my post, I don't want everyone to be equal wealth wise. Or otherwise for that matter. But I do think that greed for wealth that does so much damage to so many people, and does so little for the people who make it is not right.

Especially when all it takes is enough people voting for what would help them.

It's like you faggots don't know that there exists a perfect system that's designed to support working class and at the same time to not steal from them.

if people cant give money to their offspring, they will never work hard to accumulate that money in the first place. What would be the point of it? It is natural for people to try to give their children better oportunities than they had, it is a primal motivator engineered on our biology (K selected people at least).

This is why socialism does not work, you guys lack basic human nature understanding and you think yourselves so superior that your whims should surpass thousands of years of civilizational developing and millenia of memetic reproduction.

>The beauty is disappearing from this world. I think that it can be attributed mostly to the greed of man.

And I think it's coming from the poorfags blaming anybody for their shortcomings but themselves

>greed for wealth
So when does somebody is greedy? when they have 10k saved? 100k? 250k? million?
When they have more than an average scrub has?

But user, property is theft.

there's a reason why dreamers like you never get any real power, life isn't fairy tale or John Lenon's song.

this is me
To add to what I said, I understand that life isn't inherently fair. But I do think it is the job of men who claim to be good, to try to make life more so. How can you claim to want the best for mankind, when you want it to be unfair, when you want the worst for your fellow man?

I am not saying that there should be no rich, that is some persons dream. I just think that the dream of one person should not crush the dreams of 100,000,000.

They tried that with heavy inheritance taxes but the effects were disastrous. People stopped buying land since it was better to lease it for 1 lifetime and the richest just set up trust funds so their spoiled kids got their inheratance in cash instead of assets that may have had, staff attached.

What we need are rich kids who waste all their money,

no, all of those are reasonable, I am talking about the people that own half the country. People with fucking billions and billions frozen.

This has nothing at all to do with stealing and has everything to do with preventing an oligarchy (like the one we currently have within the west) from forming. It would also spur progress and competition because "the capitalism game" would be genuine and not rigged at that point. The best person for the best job at the best price would literally be encouraged and promoted, rather than someone attaining their wealth because their parents did the right things through life (i.e. forming an oligarchy).

Can you rebuttal this besides using the world "no"?

My teenage brother taught himself how to weld. Now he makes fat stacks and spends it all on dirt bikes and his car. He could easily support himself and make house payments if he wanted. Since we live out in the country aka your dream. Where do you live? I feel like a lot of socialists live in the city where everything is more expensive and then complain about cost of living. Based on your dream and desire for a manual labor career I want to assume you aren't one of the typical socialists?

>Be me
>Employed for the last 15 years
>Physically fit and strong
>Vote Conservative

>Friend from High School
>Full blown hippy, doesn't work and mooches off others
>Skinny Fat and weak
>Votes Liberal

I did nothing like your pic, so why did you post it? I think that our democracy can vote out bad politicians, and replace them with better ones. Beatles are overrated, and Lennon did that song because it was controversial.


>I just think that the dream of one person should not crush the dreams of 100,000,000.
I can't understand logic behind this? how can somebody who worked hard, became CEO of his own company and made millons is crushing dreams of others
>spend years living from paycheck to paycheck while you work on your company
>finally get some money going
>get it taken away from you becasue you're "crushing" dreams of others
just fucking say it that you don't want anybody to be above you.
>People with fucking billions and billions frozen.
to you it's that much, but other commies will say that having more than 1 million is too much, 500k is to much, 100k is to much, there's no line for that.

No, I am not. I live in a small town. Also I never claimed to be socialist. I am also not talking about fat stacks. I am talking about people that own Pepsico, or insurance companies. People that make your brothers money looks like nickels and dimes.

>I agree with this but Capitalism always shifts towards Oligarchy
>implying that socialism doesn't

See: Russia, China, or any other commie hellhole.

Actually, US for that matter as it is barely capitalist anymore.

>no replies
socialists confirmed dyels.

>Be me
> Work since I was 15
>Vote conservative

>doesn't work
> Not registered to vote

feels good man

> This is why socialism does not work, you guys

I am not a Socialist in even the slightest way.

>the richest just set up trust funds so their spoiled kids got their inheratance in cash instead of assets that may have had, staff attached.

Why not actually stop these "loopholes" instead of allowing them to continue?

> What we need are rich kids who wast all their money.

That would be the best case scenario. If that were the case, we'd never even need to debate about things like this. It never happens though.

you are right that exact lines need to be put in place, but those people got rich from voting for what helps them. It is the average persons duty to do what helps them. Which is higher taxes on the extremely rich. I am not a commie. But you are not understanding the difference between a million and a billion. One is good money, one makes you so rich you don't even know where to begin to spend your money. So rich that you could never spend it all in a 100 lifetimes.

That is very true, but just because Socialism is shit doesn't give capitalism a free pass to be shitty too, we need some government intervention to make sure markets remain in a state of competition.

>I am not a Socialist in even the slightest way.

you might think so, but if you are in favor of increasing coercitive relations, you're a socialist

>support working class and at the same time to not steal from them
care to explain?

National socialism my friend.

Mom said it's my turn to overthrow the Bourgeois.

>Why not actually stop these "loopholes"

Well the loophole involes one person handing money to another of their own free will, can't really stop that in a free market.


Elaborate please? I'm in favor the Capitalist system. I believe it works and it shouldn't be stifled by anything (including oligarch-ism). That being said, I honestly believe oligarch-ism is the problem for many of the worlds current woe's. The only thing I merely suggest would be a way to prevent families from passing down wealth (which more often than not form crime syndicate families like Rothschild's, Bush's, Clinton's, etc.). If families like these were aristocrats, I wouldn't have issues. It almost never happens anymore though and only serves to hind humanity as a whole.

>But you are not understanding the difference between a million and a billion. One is good money
it's you who don't understand what im trying to say. im saying that
1. Having limit on how much money you can make is fucking stupid
>oh look my invetion and company can make me 200 million dollars but it won't becasue then i'd be crushing dreams of other and be rich while others would be poor so im not gonna sell my product
2. like i said 2 times already that limit you keep talking about will always get lower, there will never be a "line" when if you make more than this you're rich and have to share. People will simply make 2 different companies and will make 99 percent of that limit never breaking it and most of all that limit will ALWAYS be lowered.
On the begining people will say
>why do you need 100 billions? you'll never gonna spend it!
>why do you need 100 millions that's too much for you anyway!
>why do you need 20 millions? you can buy house, car and live good with much less!
>why do you need 1 million? just go to work like everyone else and you can have decent life!
From your posts i can tell that you never lived in a country that struggled with communism/socialism. I don't fucking get it why young people from the west are so drawn to the socialism/communism espeically when there's a fucking proof that this "we are all equal!" meme is not fucking working.

wait justa second, I looked at his post, and I didn't see any of the things that are in your image. Perhaps you posted the wrong one? I think you meant to post something making fun of reasonable logical people.

Well of course they are.

Conservative politics and ethics is based on the idea of self discipline, self sufficience and self improvement.

Socialist Politics is based on "oh well if i screw up really badly anonymous strangers will help me because human beings are inherently good."

Apply those two ideals to fitness and health and see what you get.

Pick a side and stand for something you fence riding faggot.

>implying it doesn't all come down to an issue with accountability


u can reply to people to agree with them friendo
or just add to their point

>I don't fucking get it why young people from the west are so drawn to the socialism/communism

People learn to deal with authority from their relationship with their parents.
Spoiled children assume that their parents(the state) has an unlimited well of money. They feel entitled to free money because that's how they are raised. When they are told that there is no free money they assume that some asshole must have stolen it.

God damn it, I am not a socialist or a communist.
I put in my post at the beginning, that taxes and the such should be equal to the person with the wealth.
You can have as much money as you want, as long as it is effectively getting recycled in society. But that is not what is happening, billions are turning into more billions, and literally just sitting there indefinitely. Why are there 20 billion $$$ just sitting on a island, when we are 20 trillion in debt. Its not that they arent going to spend it, its that they cant even begin too, it is so much moeny.

Allowing shit like that to happen is going to cause the downfall of the U.S.

can I do that to disagree with them to?
Because if I can then I disagree with your image, I supported Bernie Sanders. Do you have any more images, that do not accurately represent the people they are making fun of?

>Why are there 20 billion $$$ just sitting on a island,
becasue they fucking can you pinko faggot, if i make 2000000000 trillions and i want to make castle out of them i fucking can and you can't touch my money you life failure.

>I supported Bernie Sanders
Reddit cuck.

What you don't understand and what no self proclaimed socialist understands is the difference between the spirit of the law and the letter of the law.
If you're going to regulate how much money a person can own then you must establish a hard cutoff. Now this is a political bargaining chip every election cycle.
Sure people should have healthcare. Can they have unlimited healthcare? Can I go the doctor for a paper cut for free? Is a late stage cancer patient entitled to organ replacements to extend life a week or two? If not congratulations, you must now draw a firm line in the sand establishing that if you cross it, you are going to stop receiving care and die. Do you think that could ever be used as a political weapon?
Teenage socialists are dreamers with no concept of how a societal system is built and operates.

Go live in Venezuela comrade.

Let me guess, that friend has some strong opinions on what your tax money should be wasted on?


Statist cuck.

He can talk for hours about how Donald Trump or Obama are bad leaders but he can't name the prime minster of his own country without googling it.



Better red than dead

Thread's theme:

>You can have as much money as you want, as long as it is effectively getting recycled in society.
That's an infringement on property rights. It's his money, he can do what he want, he can donate it to cancer research or spend it all on underage ladyboy hookers in Thailand.
If you don't have the right to own and manage property (including money) then why the fuck would you work, knowing what you earn will be taken from you?

Just kys commie

"the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

I'm more of a social nationalist desu

>You can have as much money as you want, as long as it is effectively getting recycled in society.
So let me get this right
I can work for 100 hours a week and some nigger who doesn't lift a finger will get share of from my fruits of labor just becasue im supposed to give my money to others?
Fuck you faggot, go have family and then talk to me about how "You can have as much money as you want, as long as it is effectively getting recycled in society."

maybe instead of a true reset, the inheritance so to speak would go into a trust instead to be accessed in adulthood

I agree that's what they do but I don't think they have particularly many Jews.

ive never seen this jpg before and unironically lift for hitler


Speaking of, does anyone else unironically listen to Hitler before gym?

His speeches on personal accountability and your own labor fucking fire me up.

Any man who works to better himself, provide for and protect his family will always be right wing since it's a system that's based on indivdual. It's no wonder that leftist fat virgins are socialists. They support system that grinds indivudal down to a form of a paste so others won't feel bad.

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>Better red than dead
no that's not true

Oops ty


the Jew is who teaches our children through the media and our colleges (high school 2.0) and our public education.
It's no surprise we have so many socialists

Am I retarded? all that comes up is 3 SIMPLE RULES TO (NOT BE POOR) QUICK

you don't have to stay

>is only good in theory
How is stealing some people's hard-earned money so that you can give it to people who potentially do nothing all day "good in theory?"